
产品名称 Seraseq® MSI Reference Panel Mix AF20% (SeraCare)
目录号 0710-1676
别名 N/A
外观 N/A
分子量 N/A
溶解度 N/A
存储条件 N/A
保存时间 N/A
备注1 N/A
备注2 N/A
目录号 规格 价格 库存状态  
0710-1676 2 x 15 µl 咨询客服 咨询客服

品名:Seraseq® MSI Reference Panel Mix AF20%



Product Specifications

# of variants 5 

Allele Frequency 20% 

Concentration 20 ng/µL 

Fill Size 15 µl 

Total DNA 300 ng 

Number of vials 2 (tumor-normal matched) 

Matrix TE Buffer 

Marker            Gene                             Chromosome         Position (hg19 based)         Comment 

BAT-25            KIT (intron16)               chr4                        55598211                            25T->19T 

BAT-26            MSH2 (intron5)            chr2                        47641559                            27A -> 17A 

NR-21             SLC7A8 (5’UTR)          chr14                      23652346                            21A -> 13A 

NR-24             ZNF2 (3’UTR)             chr2                        95849361                             23T -> 17T 

MONO-271     MAP4K3 (intron 3)       chr2                        39573062                             27A -> 21A 

MONO-271     MAP4K3 (intron13)      chr2                        39536690                             27A -> 21A

1There is ambiguity in the literature on the MONO-27 locus so two constructs are included in the product to ensure

compatibility (see Bacher J, Halberg R,  Kent-First M, Wood KV. “Methods and kits for detecting mutations” 

US Patent US20090068646A1 issued March 12, 2009; and Pino MS, Chung DC. “Application of molecular diagnostics 

for the detection of Lynch syndrome.” Expert review of molecular diagnostics vol. 10,5 (2010): 651-65. doi:10.1586



Microsatellites are regions of DNA repeats with different lengths, i.e., instability, highlighting DNA mismatch repair 

gene deficiencies. Typical lengths for these DNA repeats are between 1-6 base pairs and vary person to person 

such that each person has a set length of these microsatellites in their genome. Measurements of MSI have 

traditionally been performed using qPCR/CE analysis methods, but new methodologies are now available that 

includes digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) as well as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Microsatellite instability status has 

been linked to favorable outcomes in I-O treatment response by patients with diseases such as Lynch Syndrome and 

colorectal cancer. Hence MSI measurements have become an important biomarker in immuno-oncology therapeutics. 

LGC SeraCare has developed microsatellite instability (MSI) reference materials containing the key mono- and 

dinucleotide biomarkers typically analyzed in molecular MSI assays – NR-21, NR-24, BAT-25, BAT-26 and MONO-27. 

These markers are blended at two different allele frequency levels – AF5% and AF20% - to support MSI assay LoD 

determinations and accurate MSI detection. These products are offered as tumor-normal matched pairs, with variants 

precisely quantitated by digital PCR as well as qPCR/CE against a highly characterized genomic DNA from a 

background WT cell line (GM24385) determined as microsatellite stable (MSS). 


      Plasmid-based spike-ins of 5 key MSI biomarkers typically analyzed in molecular assays that measure MSI in 

cancer patent samples 

     Offered as tumor-normal matched pairs per AF level 

     Each biomarker blended at two AF levels – 5% and 20% - to support assay LoD determinations and accurate MSI 

detection in patient samples 

     Variant AFs quantitated by ddPCR and qPCR assays 

     Normal background DNA is a highly characterized GM24385 human genomic DNA known to be microsatellite 

stable (MSS) 

     Manufactured within cGMP compliant and ISO 13485 certified facilities 



维百奥(北京)生物科技有限公司,自2018年与SeraCare(现隶属于LGC Clinical Diagnostics)合作以来,长期为中国客户





1)Next Generation Sequencing

2)Sanger Sequencing

3)Real-time PCR and digital PCR (dPCR)




1)Ready-to-use reference materials covering clinically-relevant variants and all variant types - SNVs, INDELS, CNVs, 

and RNA fusions

2)Highly multiplexed - provide significantly more data per NGS run, saving sequencing costs

3)Available in multiple formats to suite different workflow needs - purified DNA & RNA, ctDNA, encapsulated ctDNA 

in plasma, and FFPE

4)Manufactured in cGMP-compliant, ISO 13485-certified facilities

5)Stringent product release testing - all variants qualified by dPCR for allele frequencies or copy numbers
