
产品名称 Seraseq® Compromised FFPE Tumor DNA RM (SeraCare)
目录号 0710-1492
别名 N/A
外观 N/A
分子量 N/A
溶解度 N/A
存储条件 N/A
保存时间 N/A
备注1 N/A
备注2 N/A
目录号 规格 价格 库存状态  
0710-1492 1 x 10 µm 咨询客服 咨询客服

品名:Seraseq® Compromised FFPE Tumor DNA RM



Product Specifications - Compromised FFPE Tumor DNA RM 

# of genes 17 

Size 10 µm 

Format FFPE 

DNA Yield >100 ng* 

*QIAamp FFPE Tissue DNA Kit 


Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) is an important part of an integrated clinical management of cancer patients, 

where cancer patients harboring variants/biomarkers of clinical utility are determined by highly multiplexed targeted 

NGS assay testing. Precise analysis of these patient samples requires high quality sample-to-result assay workflow 

controls to guide and validate the accurate identification of these actionable variants. LGC SeraCare has developed a 

highly multiplexed Compromised FFPE Tumor DNA reference material imbibing “patient-like” characteristics to 

support end-to-end NGS workflows performed by clinical labs in the analysis of cancer patient samples. This product 

consists of 17 genes and 34 variants, incorporating all variant types – SNVs, INDELs, CNVs, and SVs. These variants 

were precisely quantitated by digital PCR and targeted NGS against a single well-characterized genomic background 


Highly multiplexed FFPE Tumor DNA reference material 

Contains 34 variants in 17 genes 

All variant types – SNVs (18), INDELs (10), CNVs (3) and SVs (3) 

For use in sample-to-result NGS workflows to analyze for mutation-positive variants in patient samples 

Manufactured in GMP-compliant ISO 13485 certified facility 





维百奥(北京)生物科技有限公司,自2018年与SeraCare(现隶属于LGC Clinical Diagnostics)合作以来,长期为中国客户





1)Next Generation Sequencing

2)Sanger Sequencing

3)Real-time PCR and digital PCR (dPCR)




1)Ready-to-use reference materials covering clinically-relevant variants and all variant types - SNVs, INDELS, CNVs, 

and RNA fusions

2)Highly multiplexed - provide significantly more data per NGS run, saving sequencing costs

3)Available in multiple formats to suite different workflow needs - purified DNA & RNA, ctDNA, encapsulated ctDNA 

in plasma, and FFPE

4)Manufactured in cGMP-compliant, ISO 13485-certified facilities

5)Stringent product release testing - all variants qualified by dPCR for allele frequencies or copy numbers
