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2019-04-01 文章来源: 浏览量:975 分享到:





Chiralix is a specialist in chiral organic synthesis. We offer a unique range of chiral drug-like building blocks on research-scale, aimed at research laboratories in pharmaceutical companies and all others involved in the Life Sciences industry. The integration of our capabilities in the areas of advanced organic synthesis, transition metal catalysis and biocatalysis, enables us to develop flexible and efficient synthetic routes to diversely substituted chiral molecules, such as specialty amino acids, azido acids, amino alcohols and peptide building blocks. In addition to our catalog of unique building blocks, we provide high quality contract research services for our clients in support of their own research efforts. Our services include the custom synthesis of complex organic molecules and the parallel synthesis of compound libraries.



Custom synthesis

Parallel synthesis of focused client-directed compound libraries

Route scouting

Disease state human plasma