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EZ BioResearch
2019-04-01 文章来源: 浏览量:1460 分享到:

EZ BioResearch.png

EZ BioResearch位于美国马萨诸塞州St. Louis,是一家专门从事研发、生产、销售高品质实验室消耗品的公司。公司使命是1)通过创新,研制出易用的分子生物学试剂;2)让产品具有高性价比。


EZ BioResearch is an innovation-driven biotech company which focuses on developing, manufacturing and distributing advanced molecular biology tool kits and high quality laboratory consumable products. We subscribe to the notion that innovation is the most important key to advance science and technology. We have developed a series of novel easy-to-use molecular biology kits. Some of these new products (Fast PCR Genotyping Kits, High Speed Plasmid Maxiprep Kit  and Quantitative DNA Even Ladders) have unique features and superior quality which are unmatched by any similar products on the market.



Tissue/Tail PCR Genotyping

SV Tissue/Tail Genotyping

Eco-Direct Tissue/Tail Genotyping

Blood/Cell PCR Genotyping

Zebrafish PCR Genotyping

Tissue/Tail DNA + PCR Kit

High MW Tail DNA + PCR Kit

Taq DNA Polymerase

Turbo Taq DNA Polymerase

HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase

HF Taq DNA Polymerase

Long Taq DNA Polymerase

2X Taq Master Mix

2X Taq Red Master Mix

2X Turbo Taq Master Mix

2X Turbo Taq Red Master Mix

dNTP Mix

Tissue/Tail DNA Isolation

Blood/Cells DNA Isolation

High MW Tissue DNA Isolation

High MW Blood DNA Isolation

High MW Tail DNA Isolation

High MW Cell DNA Isolation

High MW Bacterial DNA Isolation

Plasmid Miniprep

High Speed Plasmid Maxiprep

Plasmid Maxiprep

PCR Clean-Up

Gel Extraction

Tissue/cell RNA Mini Kit

Tissue/cell RNA Mini Plus Kit

RNA Clean-Up

RNA Clean-Up Plus DNase Kit

EZ Blood Total RNA Isolation

Stabilized Blood RNA Isolation

EZ RNA Storage Solution

EZ MicroElute-10 DNA Clean-Up Kit

EZ MicroElute-25 DNA Clean-Up Kit

EZ DNA MW Markers

EZ Protein MW Markers

Water and Reagents

Agar Plates for Bacterial Growth

Pipette Tips

PCR Tubes

Microcentrifuge Tubes

Centrifuge Tubes

Culture Tubes

T-shape Spreaders

Inoculating Needles

Petri Dishes

Freezer Boxes

Plastic Freezer Boxes

Cryogenic Vials

Cell Culture Plates

Cell Culture Flasks

Cell Culture Chamber Slides

Cell Culture Dishes

Cell Scrapers and Lifters

Serological Pipettes

Cell Strainer

Science Kits




