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2019-03-30 文章来源: 浏览量:2845 分享到:


瑞典Agrisera公司成立于1980年,长期以来,公司致力于植物/环境科学研究中所需蛋白抗体研发与销售,主要集中于模式之物及其他植物的生理、病理相关的蛋白抗体。Agrisera 公司以提供高品质、优服务在欧洲树立了优秀的品牌形象,并成为瑞典 Umeå Plant Science Centre的抗体供货商,同时还积极拓展全球市场,每年都有大批采用该公司抗体产品的高质量研究论文发表于各类学术刊物,受到全球科研工作者的一致认可。Agrisera的所有抗体分两大类:植物及藻类的抗体,以及细菌、真菌、昆虫、鱼等动物类抗体,植物领域的抗体涵盖Arabidopsis thaliana、Hordeum vulgare、Chlamydomonas reinhardtii、Cyanobacteria、Physcomitrella patens、Oryza sativa、Populus sp、Conifers等多个物种。


Agrisera is a Swedish company specializing in polyclonal and monoclonal antibody production, offering an extensive collection of primary antibodies and over 2000 secondary antibodies for various applications and in various quantities, all available online. Over 30 years in the antibody business have taught us a lot and we are proud to say there are few problems we cannot help you to solve. Our experienced scientific staff are on hand to answer all your queries promptly.



Plant/Algal antibodies 

Animal/Human antibodies 

Bacterial/Fungal antibodies

Secondary antibodies 

Rapid Western Blotting

Detection reagents