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Alfa Aesar
2019-03-30 文章来源: 浏览量:1828 分享到:

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Alfa Aesar(阿法埃莎)是一家科研化学品、金属和材料的生产商及供应商,公司产品在各种应用领域的研究和开发中发挥着重要的作用,凭借多年的生产经验,该公司的化学师们掌握了大量的技能和经验,利用从实验室规模到中试工厂再到商业化批量生产的工艺路线,向客户交付出优质的化学产品。Alfa Aesar在全球各地的许多工厂从事化学合成生产。在英国西北部的Heysham工厂是该公司的主要实验室之一,经验丰富的开发和生产团队可交付各种产品,以满足制药到半导体、结构材料和成像的各行业客户的需要。


Alfa Aesar的主要产品包括:

Chemicals (32249)

Education (2205)

Life Sciences (1463)

Diagnostic Tests and Clinical Products (1213)

Cell Culture (255)

Electrophoresis, Western Blotting and ELISA (113)

Testing and Filtration (88)

Healthcare (80)

Thermometers, pH Meters, Timers and Clocks (70)

Beakers, Bottles, Cylinders and Glassware (63)

Spatulas, Forceps and Utensils (33)

Wipes, Towels and Cleaning (31)

Histology and Cytology (26)

Dishes, Plates and Flasks (18)

Production (15)

Balances, Scales and Weighing (14)

Desiccation and Evaporation (14)

Spectrophotometers, Refractometers and Benchtop Instruments (13)

Chromatography (11)

Gloves, Glasses and Safety (9)

Sonicators, Homogenizers and Blenders (8)

Pumps and Tubing (5)

Instrument Lamps, Lighting and Electrical (4)

Microscopes, Slides and Coverslips (4)

Clamps, Stands and Supports (2)

Test Tubes, Vials, Caps and Closures (2)

Animal Research (1)

Filtration (1)

Incubators, Hot Plates, Baths and Heating (1)

Mixers, Shakers and Stirrers (1)