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Alomone Labs
2019-03-30 文章来源: 浏览量:4113 分享到:

Alomone Labs.jpg

Alomone Labs公司是一家位于耶路撒冷的以色列著名的生物科技公司,专著于提供生命科学细胞生物学试剂和服务。Alomone 公司作为世界上最著名的离子通道专业供应商,它的离子通道抗体是世界上最全的、质量也非常好,目前被世界各地的科学家广泛的使用。


Alomone Labs is a leading supplier of Ion Channel, GPCR and Neural Signaling tools. We specialize in the design and production of high quality primary antibodies, small molecules, peptide toxins, and proteins. Established in 1989, Alomone Labs has become the most comprehensive source of ion channel research tools used by scientists worldwide.


Alomone Labs公司的产品包括:

Ion Channels

G-Protein Coupled Receptors

Transporters, Exchangers and Pumps

Neurotrophic Factors and Receptors

Neural Signaling

Neural Stem Cells

Cell Imaging Tools

Immuno-Colocalization Products

Live Cell Imaging Products