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Alpha Diagnostics
2019-03-30 文章来源: 浏览量:2096 分享到:

Alpha Diagnostics.jpg

Alpha Diagnostics是一家总部设在得克萨斯的美国生物技术公司。开发、制造和供应新型诊断和质量控制试剂和测试包,用于人类和动物的基本生物和疾病研究。


Alpha Diagnostic International, Inc. (ADI) is a privately held, U.S. biotechnology company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.  ADI develops, manufactures, and supplies novel diagnostic and quality control reagents and test kits for use in basic biological and disease research in humans and animals.  An important mission of ADI is to develop and supply diagnostic and validating solutions for promoting global health through improved vaccine therapeutics and mitigating the spread of human and animal diseases.


Alpha Diagnostics公司的主要产品包括:

Custom peptides & Antibodies

Primary Antibodies

Secondary Antibodies

Isotype and Serum Controls


ELISA Kits and reagents for Infectious Disease and Vaccine research

ELISA Kits and reagents for Therapeutic mAbs, biosimilars, and proteins

Infectious animal disease reagents for vaccine research

ELISA, Western, LFA, IHC/ICC, and IP reagents

Peptides, Proteins, Enzymes, cDNAs, Aptamers, Adjuvants and ODNs

IHC/ICC Slides and Lysates for Westerns

TruStrip™ Rapid Tests and Sample Transfer Strips