Toronto Research Chemical建立于1982年,致力于为生物医药研发人员提供小分子有机物,库存超过57000种,并通过一系列方法保证标准物质的纯度。
Toronto Research Chemicals, TRC, was founded in 1982 by Dr. David Dime to manufacture and supply researchers in the biomedical fields with specialized complex organic small molecules that were not commercially available. In 1983, the company was incorporated in Ontario as Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. It was initially located at the University of Toronto. As the business expanded, larger facilities were required to accommodate the growth.
Today, Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. employs about 150 full time staff, of which approximately 80 are PHD's, operating in a 65,000 square foot facility. TRC, currently manufactures and distributes in excess of 33,000 products to more than 65 countries.
Toronto Research Chemical的产品涵盖:
Activators; Affinity Chromatography; Agonists; Agro-Products; Aldehyde Labeling Reagents; Aldehydes; Amines; Amino Acids & Derivatives; Anti-virals; Antibiotics; Apoptosis; Benzodiazepines; Biotin Derivatives; Boron Derivatives; Carbohydrates; Catalysts; Charged Bifunctional Reagents; Charged Monofunctional Reagents; Chelating Agents & Ligands; Chiral Reagents; Chromatography Media; Cross Linking Reagents; Crosslinker; CyanineDyes; Detergents; Diagnostics; Dihydropyridine; Dopamines; DrugAnalogues; ElectrophoresisMaterials; Environmental; Enzyme Substrates; Ephedrines; Fatty Acids & Derivatives; Fentanyls; Fluorescent Labels &Indicators; Glucuronides; Glutathione S-Transferase Agents; Glycerols; Glycosidase Inhibitors; Heterocycles; Hydantoins; Impurities; Indole Derivatives; Inhibitors; Inositols; Isotope Labelled Compounds; Labeling and Diagnostics Reagents; Lipids; Lysergic Acid and Derivatives; Maleimide Derivatives; Mercaptans/Thiols; Metabolites; Methadones and Analogues; Miscellaneous Compounds; Morphine Based Alkaloids; MTS & Sulfhydryl Active Compounds; Mutagenesis Research Chemicals; Neurochemicals; Neutral Bifunctional Reagents; Neutral Monofunctional Reagents; Nicotine Derivatives; Nitric Oxide Reagents; Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase; Nucleotides; Oligosaccharides; Opium Alkaloids - Natural and Derivatives; Peptides; Pharmaceuticals; Phenethylamines; Phosphorylating and Phosphitylating Agents; Phosphorylcholine Derivatives; Photoaffinity Labels; Polyethyleneglycol Derivatives; Polymers; Protein Kinase Inhibitors and Activators; Pyridyl Disulfides; Retinoids; Selenium Compounds; Sphingosine Derivatives; Spin Labeling Compounds; Steroids; Sulfonyl Chlorides; Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors; Wittig Reagents.