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维百奥生物代理Zymo Research全系列产品,现货销售
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Zymo Research公司位于美国加州Orange County,创建于上世纪90年代初,主要研发和生产生物实验室使用的各种试剂、耗材、仪器。其DNA提取试剂盒系列产品以“快速、简便、超纯”的特点在众多生物科技产品中脱颖而出,独占鳌头。已经形成了覆盖美、英、德、法、日、韩等50多个国家的销售网络,销售额快速增长。使用其产品的实验论文在各种权威性科技期刊(NATURE 自然、PNAS 美国科学院院刊、StemCells 干细胞、Nucleic Acids Res核酸研究等)上发表。



维百奥生物代理Zymo Research全系列产品,产品列表如下:

Quick-DNA  Miniprep Plus KitD4068T / D4068 / D4069
Quick-DNA MiniprepD3024 / D3025
Quick-DNA Microprep KitD3020 / D3021
Quick-DNA 96 KitD3010 / D3011 / D3012
Quick-DNA Microprep Plus KitD4074
Quick-DNA Midiprep Plus KitD4075
Quick-DNA Magbead Plus KitD4081 / D4082
Quick-DNA  96 Plus KitD4070 / D4071
ZymoPURE II Plasmid Midiprep KitD4200 / D4201
ZymoPURE II Plasmid Maxiprep KitD4202 / D4203
ZymoPURE Plasmid Miniprep KitD4208T / D4209 / D4210 / D4211 / D4212
ZymoPURE - Express Plasmid Midiprep KitD4213
ZymoPURE II Plasmid Gigaprep KitD4204
DNA Clean & Concentrator-5D4003T / D4003 / D4013 / D4004 / D4014
DNA Clean & Concentrator-25D4033 / D4005 / D4034 / D4006
DNA Clean & Concentrator-100D4029 / D4030
ZR-96 DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 (Deep Well)D4023 / D4024
ZR-96 DNA Clean-Up KitD4017 / D4018
DNA Clean & Concentrator-500D4031 / D4032
ZymoBIOMICS DNA Miniprep KitD4300T / D4304 / D4300
ZymoBIOMICS DNA Microprep KitD4305 / D4301
ZymoBIOMICS 96 MagBead DNA KitD4306 / D4302 / D4308
ZymoBIOMICS 96 DNA KitD4307 / D4303 / D4309
Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery KitD4001T / D4001 / D4007 / D4002 / D4008
Zymoclean Large Fragment DNA RecoveryD4045 / D4046
ZR-96 Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery KitD4021 / D4022
Zyppy Plasmid Miniprep KitD4036 / D4019 / D4020 / D4037
Zyppy-96 Plasmid KitD4041 / D4042 / D4043
Zyppy-96 Plasmid MagBead MiniprepD4100 / D4101 / D4102
Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator-10D4010 / D4011
Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator-25D4064 / D4065
ZR-96 Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 KitD4066 / D4067
Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil Microbe Miniprep KitD6010
Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil Microbe MicroprepD6012
Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil Microbe 96 KitD6011
Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil Microbe 96 Magbead KitD6011-FM / D6010-FM / D6012-FM
Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil Microbe Midiprep KitD6110
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Miniprep KitD6005
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Microprep KitD6007
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial 96 KitD6006
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Midiprep KitD6105
OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal KitD6030 / D6035
Select-a-Size DNA Clean & Concentrator MagBead KitD4084 / D4085
Select-a-Size DNA Clean & Concentrator KitD4080
Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Miniprep KitD6020
Quick-DNA Plant/Seed 96 KitD6021
Quick-DNA/RNA Miniprep Plus KitD7003T / D7003
Quick-DNA/RNA Microprep Plus KitD7005T / D7005
Quick-DNA/RNA MiniprepD7001
Quick-DNA/RNA MagBeadR2130 / R2131
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep IID2004
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep ID2001
Zymoprep-96 Yeast Plasmid MiniprepD2005 / D2006 / D2007
Quick-DNA Viral KitD3015 / D3016
Quick-DNA Viral 96 KitD3017 / D3018
Quick-DNA Tissue/Insect Microprep KitD6015
Quick-DNA Tissue/Insect Miniprep KitD6016
Quick-DNA Tissue/Insect 96 KitD6017
ZR DNA Sequencing Clean-Up KitD4050 / D4051
ZR-96 DNA Sequencing Clean-up KitD4052 / D4053
Oligo Clean & ConcentratorD4060 / D4061
ZR-96 Oligo Clean & ConcentratorD4062 / D4063
Femto Bacterial DNA Quantification KitE2006
Femto Fungal DNA Quantification KitE2007
Femto Human DNA Quantification KitE2005
Direct-zol RNA Miniprep KitsR2050 / R2051 / R2052 / R2053
Direct-zol RNA Microprep KitsR2060 / R2061 / R2062 / R2063
Direct-zol RNA Miniprep Plus KitsR2070T / R2070 / R2071 / R2072 / R2073
Direct-zol-96 RNA KitsR2054 / R2055 / R2056 / R2057
Direct-zol-96 MagBead RNAR2100 / R2101 / R2102 / R2103
Direct-zol DNA/RNA MiniprepR2080T / R2080 / R2081
Quick-RNA Miniprep KitR1054 / R1055
Quick-RNA Microprep KitR1050 / R1051
Quick-RNA Miniprep Plus KitR1057T / R1057 / R1058
Quick-RNA Midiprep KitR1056
Quick-RNA 96 KitR1052 / R1053
Quick-RNA MagBeadR2132 / R2133
RNA Clean & Concentrator-5R1015 / R1013 / R1016 / R1014
RNA Clean & Concentrator-25R1017 / R1018
RNA Clean & Concentrator-100R1019
RNA Clean & Concentrator MagBeadR1081 / R1082
RNA Clean & Concentrator-96R1080
Quick-RNA Viral KitR1034 / R1034-E / R1035 / R1035-E
Quick-RNA Viral 96 KitR1040 / R1040-E / R1041 / R1041-E
Quick-RNA Fungal/Bacterial Miniprep KitR2014
Quick-RNA Fungal/Bacterial Microprep KitR2010
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBeadR2140 / R2140-E / R2141 / R2141-E
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral 96 KitD7022 / D7023
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral KitD7020 / D7021
Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer SetD3001-2-5 / D3001-2-20 / D3001-2-60 / D3001-2-125
Quick-DNA/RNA Pathogen MiniprepR1042 / R1043
Quick-DNA/RNA Pathogen MagBeadR2145 / R2146
Oligo Clean & ConcentratorD4060 / D4061
ZR-96 Oligo Clean & ConcentratorD4062 / D4063
Quick-RNA Plant KitR2024
Quick-RNA Fecal/Soil Microbe Microprep KitR2040
Quick-RNA Tissue/Insect KitR2030
Quick-RNA Whole BloodR1201
Quick-RNA FFPE MiniprepR1008
Quick-cfRNA Serum & Plasma KitR1059
ZR Urine RNA Isolation KitR1038 / R1039
Pinpoint Slide RNA Isolation SystemR1003 / R1007
Quick-DNA/RNA FFPE Miniprep KitR1009
Zymoclean Gel RNA Recovery KitR1011
ZR small-RNA  PAGE Recovery KitR1070
Oligo Clean & Concentrator KitsDNA
YeaStar RNA KitR1002
OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal KitD6030
Zymo-Seq WGBS Library KitD5465
Pico Methyl-Seq Library Prep KitD5455 / D5456
Zymo-Seq RRBS Library KitD5460 / D5461
Zymo-Seq RiboFree Total RNA KitR3000 / R3003
Zymo-Seq RiboFree Universal cDNA KitR3001
Human Methylated & Non-methylated DNA SetD5014 / D5014-1 / D5014-2
5-mC DNA ELISA KitD5325 / D5326
OneStep qMethyl-PCR KitD5310 / D5311
Quest 5-hmC DNA ELISA KitD5425 / D5426
RRHP 5-hmC Library Prep KitD5450 / D5451
ZymoTaq PreMixE2003 / E2004
ZymoTaq DNA PolymeraseE2001 / E2002
ZymoTaq qPCR PremixE2054 / E2055
Zymo-Spin ChIP KitD5209 / D5210
ChIP DNA Clean & ConcentratorD5201 / D5205
ZR-96 ChIP DNA Clean & ConcentratorD5206 / D5207
EZ Nucleosomal DNA Prep KitD5220
dsDNA Shearase PlusE2018-200 / E2018-50
Methylated-DNA IP KitD5101
Anti-5-Methylcytosine Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 7D21)A3002-15 / A3002-200 / A3002-30 / A3002-50
Anti-5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Polyclonal AntibodyA4001-200 / A4001-25 / A4001-50
Universal Methylated DNA StandardD5011 / D5012
Bisulfite-Converted Universal Methylated Human DNA StandardD5015
Human Methylated & Non-Methylated (WGA) DNA SetD5013 / D5013-1 / D5013-2
5-Methylcytosine & 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine DNA Standard SetD5405
E. coli Non-Methylated Genomic DNAD5016
Methylated & Non-methylated pUC19 DNA SetD5017
Human Matched DNA SetD5018 / D5018-1 / D5018-2
Mouse 5-hmC & 5-mC DNA SetD5019 / D5019-1 / D5019-2 / D5019-3 / D5019-4
CpG Methylase (M. Sssl)E2010 / E2011
5-hmC GlucosyltransferaseE2026 / E2027
Atlantis dsDNaseE2030
DNA DegradaseE2016 / E2017
5-Methyl DctpD1035
5-Methylcytosine dNTP MixD1030
dNTP MixD1000-1 / D1000
EZ DNA Methylation-Direct KitD5020 / D5021
EZ-96 DNA Methylation-Direct KitD5022 / D5023
EZ-96 DNA Methylation-Direct MagPrepD5044 / D5045
 EZ DNA Methylation KitD5001
 EZ DNA Methylation KitD5002
EZ-96 DNA Methylation KitD5003
EZ-97 DNA Methylation KitD5004
EZ-96 DNA Methylation MagPrepD5040
EZ-97 DNA Methylation MagPrepD5041
EZ DNA Methylation-GoldD5005
EZ DNA Methylation-GoldD5006
EZ-96 DNA Methylation-Gold KitD5007
EZ-97 DNA Methylation-Gold KitD5008
 EZ-96 DNA Methylation-Gold MagPrepD5042
 EZ-97 DNA Methylation-Gold MagPrepD5043
EZ DNA Methylation-Startup KitD5024
EZ DNA Methylation KitD5001
EZ DNA Methylation KitD5002
EZ-96 DNA Methylation KitD5003
EZ-97 DNA Methylation KitD5004
EZ-96 DNA Methylation MagPrepD5040
EZ-97 DNA Methylation MagPrepD5041
ZymoBIOMICS DNA Miniprep KitD4300T / D4304 / D4300
ZymoBIOMICS DNA Microprep KitD4305 / D4301
ZymoBIOMICS 96 MagBead DNA KitD4306 / D4302 / D4308
ZymoBIOMICS 96 DNA KitD4307 / D4303 / D4309
ZymoBIOMICS Gut Microbiome StandardD6331
ZymoBIOMICS HMW DNA StandardD6322
ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community DNA StandardD6305 / D6306
ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community StandardD6300
ZymoBIOMICS Spike-in Control I (High Microbial Load)D6320 / D6320-10
ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community DNA Standard II (Log Distribution)D6311
ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard II (Log Distribution)D6310
ZymoBIOMICS Spike-in Control II (Low Microbial Load)D6321 / D6321-10
ZymoBIOMICS Fecal Reference with TruMatrix TechnologyD6323
Femto Bacterial DNA Quantification KitE2006
Femto Fungal DNA Quantification KitE2007
Femto Human DNA Quantification KitE2005
Quick-16S Plus NGS Library Prep Kit(V3-V4)D6420 / D6422
ZymoBIOMICS DNA/RNA Miniprep KitR2002
ZymoBIOMICS MagBead DNA/RNAR2135 / R2136
ZymoBIOMICS RNA Miniprep KitR2001
Mix & Go! E. coli Transformation Kit and Buffer SetT3001 / T3002
Mix & Go Competent CellsE. coli
XJ Autolysis E. coli strainsE. coli
Rattler Plating BeadsS1001 / S1001-5 / S1001-B
ZymoBrothM3015-100 / M3015-500
Dual Media SetM3011
Ampicillin Sodium SolutionA1001-25 / A1001-5
Kanamycin Sulfate SolutionA1003-25 / A1003-5
Chloramphenicol SolutionA1002-25 / A1002-5
X-GAL (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-D-galactopyranoside)X1001-25 / X1001-5
500x L-Arabinose SolutionA2001-1 / A2001-10
Tetracycline Hydrochloride Solution - Reagent GradeA1004-25 / A1004-5
Mix & Go! Competent Cells - DH5 AlphaT3007 / T3009 / T3010
Mix & Go! Competent Cells-JM109T3003 / T3005
Mix & Go! XJb (DE3) Autolysis Competent CellsT3051
Mix & Go! Competent Cells-Zymo 10BT3019 / T3020
Mix & Go! Competent Cells-TG1T3017
Mix & Go! Competent Cells-HB101T3011 / T3013
Mix & Go! XJa (DE3) Autolysis Competent CellsT3031
Mix & Go! XJb Autolysis Competent CellsT3041
Mix & Go! XJa Autolysis Competent CellsT3021
Mix & Go! XJb (DE3) Autolysis Competent CellsT3051
XJb (DE3) Autolysis Glycerol StockT5051
Mix & Go! XJa (DE3) Autolysis Competent CellsT3031
Mix & Go! XJb Autolysis Competent CellsT3041
XJb Autolysis Glycerol StockT5041
XJa (DE3) Autolysis Glycerol StockT5031
XJa Autolysis Glycerol StockT5021
Mix & Go! XJa Autolysis Competent CellsT3021
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep KitsYeast
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial KitsDNA
ZymolyaseE1004 / E1005 / E1006
5-Fluoroorotic Acid (5-FOA)F9001-1 / F9001-5 / F9003
YeaStar RNA KitR1002
Frozen-EZ Yeast Transformation II KitT2001
Frozen-EZ Yeast SolutionT2002 / T2003 / T2004
YeaStar Genomic DNA KitD2002
YPD PlusY1003-100 / Y1003-50
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep ID2001
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep IID2004
Zymoprep-96 Yeast Plasmid MiniprepD2007
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Microprep KitD6007
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Miniprep KitD6005
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Midiprep KitD6105
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial 96 KitD6006
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep ID2001
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep IID2004
Zymoprep-96 Yeast Plasmid MiniprepD2007
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Microprep KitD6007
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Miniprep KitD6005
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial Midiprep KitD6105
Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial 96 KitD6006
XJ Autolysis E. coli strainsE. coli
His-Spin Protein MiniprepP2001 / P2002
Yeast Protein KitY1002
Strep-Spin Protein Miniprep KitP2004 / P2005
ZymolyaseE1004 / E1005 / E1006
DNase I SetE1010
ZymoTaq PolymeraseBuffers
DNA Degradase PlusE2020 / E2021
MBP-Spin Protein Miniprep KitP2006 / P2007
Dual Media SetM3011
dsDNA Shearase PlusE2018-200 / E2018-50
RNase AE1008-24 / E1008-30 / E1008-8
CpG Methylase (M. Sssl)E2010 / E2011
Atlantis dsDNaseE2030
Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer SetD3001-2-20 / D3001-2-5
5-hmC GlucosyltransferaseE2026 / E2027
Micrococcal NucleaseD5220-1
DNA DegradaseE2016 / E2017
Mix & Go! XJb (DE3) Autolysis Competent CellsT3051
XJb (DE3) Autolysis Glycerol StockT5051
Mix & Go! XJa (DE3) Autolysis Competent CellsT3031
Mix & Go! XJb Autolysis Competent CellsT3041
XJb Autolysis Glycerol StockT5041
XJa (DE3) Autolysis Glycerol StockT5031
XJa Autolysis Glycerol StockT5021
Mix & Go! XJa Autolysis Competent CellsT3021
ZymoTaq PreMixE2003 / E2004
ZymoTaq DNA PolymeraseE2001 / E2002
ZymoTaq qPCR PremixE2054 / E2055




