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2019-03-30 文章来源: 浏览量:2020 分享到:



Assaypro公司致力于为学术研究和制药、生物技术产业的研究人员,提供高质量的成套免疫吸附试剂。AssayPro的产品线包括 AssayMax 酶联免疫吸附试剂盒、AssaySense 活性测定盒、抗体和其他相关试剂。Assaypro提供给客户的试剂不仅具有价格上的竞争力,而且还可以定制产品,以满足客户的特定需求


类别Catalog No.Product NameFormatSize
ProteinsPF35214Bovine Factor IXPurified Protein0.1 mg
ProteinsPI90111Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG)Purified Protein20 mg
ProteinsPI90112Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG)Purified Protein50 mg
ProteinsPES3001C. elegans SNAP25Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10811Canine Fibrinogen (FBG)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPCI33626Canine IFN-gammaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30851Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPDD32755Dengue Virus 2 Envelope Protein (DENV)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA60091Dog ApotransferrinPurified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPEC0801E. coli Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEC31041E. coli CysHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPED31021E. coli deoCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPED33011E. coli DnaJ (Amino Acids 1-376)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPED3002E. coli DnaK (1-384 aa)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPED3003E. coli DnaK (385-638aa)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPED33004E. coli DnaK (508-638 aa)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEG3233E. coli GLKRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPEG3062E. coli Glycerol KinaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEG31423E. coli GORRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEG33001E. coli GroELRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEL31634E. coli ldhARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEM30801E. coli Maltose Binding Protein (MBP)Recombinant Protein100 ug
ProteinsPEM31025E. coli Methionine Aminopeptidase (MAP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEN31032E. coli nanARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEN31424E. coli NDKRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEP1132E. coli PPARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEP31503E. coli PYKFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPES30589E. coli SKPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPES31037E. coli Superoxide Dismutase (SodA, MnSOD)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31057E. coli Thiol Peroxidase (TPX)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPET30540E. coli Thioredoxin Reductase (TRXB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPET32963E. coli Tryptophanase (Tnase)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU30661E. coli Uridine Phosphorylase (UPase)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30905E.coli Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase (G6PD)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31053E.coli Glutaminase 1 (glsA1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPEG32824E.coli Glycerol Dehydrogenase (GLDA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32833E.coli IDNKRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32766Genome Polyprotein (HCV-Core)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32758Hepatitis C Virus E2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30519Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 NS3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV31686Human VAMP7Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPH130435Human 14-3-3 sigmaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33156Human 26S Proteasome Subunit S5B (PSMD5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30518Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK30948Human 3-Ketodihydrosphingosine Reductase (KDSR)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPH430308Human 4-1BB LigandRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPH430379Human 4E-BP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30674Human ACAA1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32421Human ACAD8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31800Human ACAT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA0634Human ACAT2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30280Human Acid Phosphatase 1 (ACP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32959Human ACP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33015Human ACP6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33164Human Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32436Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 11 (ACOT11)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31340Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 7 (ACOT7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32115Human Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30928Human Acylphosphatase-1 (ACYP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32636Human ADALRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30483Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30606Human Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA40901Human Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30801Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK 4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30769Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31275Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase (ADSL)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31975Human ADI1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA2641Human Adiponectin (ACRP30)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30501Human Adiponectin (ACRP30)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30558Human ADKRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHA30644Human ADP-Ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31215Human ADP-Ribosylation Factor 3 (ARF3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30802Human ADP-Ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30660Human ADP-Ribosylation Factor-like Protein 1 (ARL1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30845Human ADP-Ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (ARL2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30765Human ADP-Ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2-Binding Protein (ARL2BP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31633Human ADPRHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31096Human AGR3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30701Human AHA1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30369Human AHSPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31022Human AIMP/p18Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30880Human AK3L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30314Human AKR1B10Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30496Human AKR1C1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30270Human AKR1C3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31106Human AKR1C4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32915Human AKT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30433Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31432Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1A (ADH1A)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA1593Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31564Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30405Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA0905Human ALDH2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30477Human Aldolase ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31404Human Aldolase BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30980Human Aldolase CRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30901Human Aldose Reductase (AR)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30482Human ALIXRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31016Human ALKBH2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33001Human alpha A CrystallinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33002Human alpha B CrystallinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31143Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31145Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP)Purified Protein500 ug
ProteinsPA60041Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHA30420Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA60051Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT)Purified Protein500 ug
ProteinsPHA309011Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA51101Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M)Purified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPA65398Human alpha-2-AntiplasminPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPA50011Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M)Purified Protein250 ug
ProteinsPHL31384Human Alpha-2-macroglobulin Receptor-associated ProteRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33162Human alpha-Actinin-1 (ACTN1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30457Human alpha-Endosulfine (ENSA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33169Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF12021Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHA30981Human alpha-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenase AlkB Homolog 3 (ALKBH3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30708Human alpha-Soluble NSF Attachment Protein (NAPA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS2004Human alpha-SynucleinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32001Human alpha-SynucleinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32006Human alpha-synucleinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA34002Human alpha-synucleinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPT62011Human alpha-ThrombinPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPT62012Human alpha-ThrombinPurified Protein250 ug
ProteinsPHA31829Human AmelotinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32779Human AmisynRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31817Human AMPK beta 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33051Human AMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31226Human AMY-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31499Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32604Human Angiogenin (ANG)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31236Human Angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA36822Human AngiotensinogenPurified Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31420Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30771Human Annexin A11 (ANXA11)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31014Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30453Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30463Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30406Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31407Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30682Human Annexin A8 (ANXA8)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA50031Human Antithrombin III (AT3)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHA32571Human Antithrombin III (AT3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31803Human AP3S1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32962Human APMAPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA20011Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPA20012Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1)Purified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPHA0363Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA20021Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2)Purified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPHA2476Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPA20041Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPA20051Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHA2554Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPA20061Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPA20071Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPA20072Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPA20091Human Apolipoprotein E (Apo E)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPA70152Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC32574Human Apolipoprotein JRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31671Human Apoptosis with CARDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32598Human Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32602Human APRILRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31137Human ARA9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31252Human ARF4LRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31100Human ARF5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31271Human Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31665Human ARH3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA1130Human ARL11Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31219Human ARL14Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA1222Human ARL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31155Human ARL5BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31465Human ARMETRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32087Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31885Human Arylsulfatase G (ARSG)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32643Human ASAMRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31776Human ASGR2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31943Human Aspartate Aminotransferase -Mitochondrial (mAspAT, GOT2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30600Human Aspartate Aminotransferase, Cytoplasmic (cAspAT, GOT1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31421Human Aspartoacylase (ASPA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31454Human Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase (AspRS, DARS)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA1768Human ASPRV1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32947Human AT6V1FRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31127Human ATF3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31742Human ATG10Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA1431Human ATG4BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30434Human ATOX1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30847Human ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA31630Human ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1/IF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30343Human Aurora ARecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHA30394Human Aurora Kinase B (AURKB)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHA32957Human AZGP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA30011Human AzurocidinPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHB30438Human BAALCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30801Human BAFFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30508Human BAG1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB31373Human BAIAP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30929Human BATFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30297Human Bcl-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30454Human Bcl-2-like Protein 2 (BCL2L2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB31857Human BCL2L10Recombinanat Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB31842Human BCMARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30882Human BDH2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB3000Human BDNFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC0584Human beta B1 CrystallinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB0905Human beta IG-H3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB32114Human beta-1,3-Glucuronyltransferase 3 (GlcAT-I, B3GAT3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPM50011Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHB33095Human beta-Sarcoglycan (SGCB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32011Human beta-SynucleinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30601Human BHMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB31801Human BIF-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHAT30377Human Biliverdin Reductase A (BLVR A)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB0901Human BLVRBRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30905Human BMP-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30904Human BMP-4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30350Human BMP-5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB0906Human BMP-7Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB32912Human BNIP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB31911Human BolA-like Protein 1 (hBolA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB33108Human BOLA3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30527Human BPGMRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB30870Human BPHLRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB0801Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB32867Human BRD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB32911Human BRD3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB31552Human BRDG 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHB36818Human Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE)Purified Protein1 unit
ProteinsPHD30397Human C-C Motif Chemokine 22 (MDC)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPC10011Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP)Purified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPHC32205Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC36819Human C1 esterase inhibitorPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC310911Human C11ORF79Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31061Human C1ORF41Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30811Human C1QBPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31926Human CAB39LRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30381Human Calbindin 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30861Human Calcium and Integrin-binding 1 (CIB1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30597Human Calcium binding protein P22Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30801Human Calmodulin 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31858Human Calmodulin-Like Protein 3 (CALML3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30388Human Calnexin (CANX)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32681Human Calpain small subunit 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31111Human Calpain-1Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPHC32579Human Calponin 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32573Human Calreticulin-3 (CALR3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30694Human CalretininRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30502Human Calsequestrin 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30315Human CalumeninRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32776Human CAMKCN2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32449Human cAMP-Regulated Phosphoprotein 19 (ARP19)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30439Human CAPGRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32356Human CAPZA2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30427Human Carbonic Anhydrase 1 (CA1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32485Human Carbonic Anhydrase 14 (CA14)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30325Human Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30503Human Carbonic Anhydrase 3 (CA3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31388Human Carbonic Anhydrase 8 (CA8)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC30345Human Carbonyl Reductase 3 (CBR3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31648Human Carboxymethylenebutenolidase HomologRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31953Human Carboxypeptidase E (CPE)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32254Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 21 (CEACAM21)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32610Human Casein Kinase 1 alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32690Human Casein Kinase 1 deltaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC307011Human Casein Kinase 2 alpha (CK2 alpha)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC308015Human Casein Kinase 2 betaRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC1624Human CatalaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC11241Human CatalasePurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC4086Human Cathepsin D (CTSD)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC36817Human Cathepsin D (CTSD)Purified Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32586Human Cathepsin E (CTSE)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32259Human Cathepsin F (CTSF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG11654Human Cathepsin G (CG)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPHC31951Human Cathepsin S (CTSS)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32328Human Cathepsin Z (CTSZ)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC0311Human CBR1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31113Human CBX1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33102Human CCBL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30520Human CCL27Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC2697Human CD14Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC1623Human CD16Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP3999Human CD162Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32609Human CD1ERecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32695Human CD200Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32638Human CD201Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC3887Human CD21Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC31954Human CD226Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31663Human CD244Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC31710Human CD27Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32232Human CD300A (CLM-8)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32584Human CD33Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32884Human CD37Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33339Human CD38Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32000Human CD3GRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31017Human CD40LRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31919Human CD42aRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33188Human CD47Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC33320Human CD47Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32639Human CD5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32905Human CD58Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC4005Human CD6Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHS3994Human CD62ERecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32998Human CD70Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33134Human CD74Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC31836Human CD79BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC3901Human CD8 alphaRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC1735Human CD84Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC3895Human CD86Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC4006Human CD9Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32970Human CD9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31095Human CDC26Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC0901Human CDC37Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33012Human CDK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31868Human CDK2AP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31835Human CDK5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30480Human CDKA1 / DOC1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31377Human CDKN2CRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32899Human CEACAM3Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32009Human CED6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30395Human Cell Division Cycle 42 (CDC42)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31207Human CENPHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32448Human Centromere Protein P (CENP-P)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPC70011Human Ceruloplasmin (CP)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHC30905Human CHIPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31511Human CHMP6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32572Human CHRNA6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30309Human Chromogranin ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33036Human CHST10Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC36814Human ChymotrypsinPurified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPHC32006Human CIAO1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31118Human CINPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31033Human CIRPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32806Human Citrate SynthaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32511Human CKS1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC308011Human CKS2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31902Human CLEC2BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33025Human CLEC4ERecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31020Human CLIC2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31799Human CLNS1ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31915Human CNDP Dipeptidase 2 (CNDP2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31713Human CNRIP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31156Human CNTFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC308012Human CNTFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33010Human CNTFR Receptor alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30701Human Cofilin 1 (CFL1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31183Human Cofilin-2 (CFL2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30579Human COL4A3BPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC2673Human Colipase (CLPS)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC31748Human COMMD9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC11211BIOHuman Complement Biotin C1qPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC12211Human Complement C1Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC11211Human Complement C1qPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC12212Human Complement C1r EnzymePurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC12213Human Complement C1s EnzymePurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC12221Human Complement C2Purified Protein20 ug
ProteinsPC52114Human Complement C3Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPC52115Human Complement C3bPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC11222Human Complement C3cPurified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPC52117Human Complement C3dPurified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPC52122Human Complement C4Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC11254Human Complement C4bPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPC52123Human Complement C4cPurified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPHC15051Human Complement C5Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC15151Human Complement C6Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC15251Human Complement C7Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC15351Human Complement C8Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHA31235Human Complement C8 Gamma (C8G)Recombinant Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC32622Human Complement C9Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPF10251Human Complement Factor BPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC2541Human Complement Factor BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10252Human Complement Factor BaPurified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPF10253Human Complement Factor BbPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC32479Human Complement Factor Bb (CFB-Bb)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10301Human Complement Factor DPurified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPHC31877Human Complement Factor DRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF33098Human Complement Factor DRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPF10281Human Complement Factor HPurified Protein0.1 mg
ProteinsPHP32745Human Complement Factor P (CFP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF8011Human Complement Factor P (Properdin)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPF8012Human Complement Factor P (Properdin)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHC30901Human Complexin-1 (CPX I)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC0905Human COMTRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32994Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30715Human Copper Chaperone For Superoxide Dismutase (CCS)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32042Human Coproporphyrinogen OxidaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31276Human COPS8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33042Human COQ9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30858Human COTL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31191Human COX4NBRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31867Human COX5ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC308014Human CPI-17Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32148Human CPPED1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30351Human CRABP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC308013Human CRABP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31194Human CRCPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31590Human Creatine kinase MTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30626Human Creatine kinase type BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31689Human CREG1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC2372Human CRIP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30857Human Crk-like Protein (CRKL)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31167Human CRYBA4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31184Human CRYGDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC1627Human CRYGNRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31205Human CRYGSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32750Human CRYZRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30550Human CRYZL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32842Human CSKRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC31530Human CSRP2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC31659Human CSTF-50Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30495Human CtBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC3914Human CTLA4Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC30541Human CutARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31181Human CUTCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC3885Human CX3CL1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC32201Human CXADRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC0299Human CXCL2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31109Human CXCL7Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC2679Human CYB5R2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31342Human Cyclin D2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32423Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 16 (CDK16)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32169Human Cyclin-dependent Kinase 3 (CDK3)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC31724Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 (CDK4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30525Human Cyclin-HRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32277Human Cyclin-I (CCNI)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30702Human Cyclophilin A (PPIA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC0701Human Cyclophilin BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP0901Human Cyclophilin ERecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30901Human Cyclophilin F (PPIF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30431Human Cyclophilin G (PPIG)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30831Human Cyclophilin-40 (PPID)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31333Human CystathionaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31531Human Cystatin SRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32117Human Cystatin-11 (CST11)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31256Human Cystatin-9 (CST9)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30983Human Cystatin-A (CSTA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC33261Human Cystatin-A (CSTA)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC30841Human Cystatin-B (CSTB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32040Human Cystatin-C (CST3)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC33122Human Cystatin-D (CST5)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC33123Human Cystatin-F (CST7)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC33263Human Cystatin-M (CST6)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC33223Human Cystatin-S (CST4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31332Human Cystatin-SN (CST1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30393Human Cysteine Dioxygenase (CDO1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC30739Human Cytidine Deaminase (CDA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32967Human CYTIPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31178Human Cytochrome b5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP3921Human Cytochrome P450 ReductaseRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHC3105Human Cytohesin-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC1752Human Cytohesin-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32599Human Cytokeratin-16 (CK-16)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32580Human Cytokeratin-17 (CK-17)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31939Human Cytokeratin-19 (CK-19)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK31960Human Cytokeratin-20 (CK-20)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32640Human Cytokeratin-5 (CK-5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32076Human Cytokeratin-8 (CK-8)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32849Human Cytosolic beta-Glucosidase (CBG, GBA3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30338Human D Amino Acid OxidaseRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHD31643Human DBNDD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD33055Human DcR1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD31158Human DCUN1D2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD0618Human DCXRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30593Human DDTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD32358Human DDX56Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD32416Human Decoy Receptor 3 (DcR3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD1204Human Density Regulated ProteinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30615Human Deoxycytidylate deaminase (DCTD)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30901Human DHHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30500Human DHPSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC31380Human Diaphorase 1 (CYB5R3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA0567Human Diazepam Binding InhibitorRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30371Human Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30754Human Dimethylarginine Dimethylaminohydrolase 1 (DDAH1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD0428Human Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD31190Human DNA Polymerase betaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD31265Human DNAJB8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD32338Human DNTTIP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD32595Human Docking Protein 4 (DOK4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD0267Human DOPA Decarboxylase (DDC)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD32797Human DPY30Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD31596Human DSTNRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD1114Human DTYMKRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD31435Human Dual Specificity Protein Phosphatase 18 (DUSP18)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32684Human Dual Specificity Protein Phosphatase 22 (DUSP22)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD32324Human Dual Specificity Protein Phosphatase 26 (DUSP26)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD1392Human DUSP10Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHD31237Human DUSP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD31065Human Dynein light chainRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD31968Human DysadherinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHD30278Human DysbindinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31717Human E3 Ubiquitin-Protein Ligase RNF181Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32534Human EAF1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHE1213Human EB2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30901Human EBAG9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32329Human EBNA1BP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30547Human EBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30711Human ECH1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE31422Human ECHDC1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30703Human ECHS1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30655Human EDF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32613Human EEF1A1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32357Human EIF3FRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32393Human EIF3S2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE31334Human EIF4A3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32925Human ELAV-like Protein 2 (ELAVL2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32763Human Elongation Factor 1-gamma (EEF1G)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32764Human Elongation Factor 2 (EF-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32846Human Elongator Complex Protein 4 (ELP4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE31617Human EMG1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32001Human Endothelin-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30404Human Enolase 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE0801Human Enolase 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32960Human EnterokinaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30378Human Eotaxin-3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE1279Human Ephrin A1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE3886Human Ephrin A3Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHE31193Human Ephrin B1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE31658Human Ephrin B3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30501Human Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32923Human Epiregulin (EREG)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32930Human ERGI3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30445Human ERK2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30462Human ERp57Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE32291Human ErythropoietinRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHE33252Human Erythropoietin Receptor (EPO-R)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHE31864Human ESM1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30390Human Esterase D (ESD)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32101Human Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1 (HSD17B1)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHE30284Human Estrogen Sulfotransferase (EST-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30713Human Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 1A X-Linked (EIF1AX)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30963Human Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 1B (EIF1B)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHE30272Human Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 5A Isoform B (eIF5A)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10118Human Factor alpha-XIIa (Factor 12a)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPF10096Human Factor IX (Factor 9)Purified Protein0.1 mg
ProteinsPF10097Human Factor IXa BetaPurified Protein0.1 mg
ProteinsPF25410Human Factor VII (Factor 7)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPF25418Human Factor VIIa (Activated Factor 7)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPF10102Human Factor X (Factor 10)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPF10106Human Factor Xa (Activated Factor 10)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPF10103Human Factor XI (Factor 11)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPF10105Human Factor XIa (Factor 11a)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPF10104Human Factor XII (Factor 12)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPF10107Human Factor XIII (Factor 13)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPF10109Human Factor XIIIa (Factor 13a)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHF308012Human FADDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF32315Human FAM107BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF32428Human FANK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF31890Human Fas LigandRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30662Human FascinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30701Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 1 (FABP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30300Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 2 (FABP2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30294Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 3 (FABP3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30802Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 (FABP4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30805Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 5 (FABP5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30804Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 6 (FABP6)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30801Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 7 (FABP7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF31514Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 9 (FABP9)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF32459Human Fatty-Acid Amide Hydrolase 2 (FAAH2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30408Human FBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF31808Human FBP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF33235Human FBP2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF32168Human FBXO6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF31880Human FDCSPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF20031Human FerritinPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHF0801Human Ferritin Light ChainRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA60111Human Fetuin-A (AHSG)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHA32080Human Fetuin-A (AHSG)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF3094Human FGB (Fibrinogen beta Chain)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30501Human FGF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF33786Human FGF2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF32926Human FGFBP1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF3899Human FGFR2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF30563Human FHITRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30902Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 12 (FGF-12)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32092Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17 (FGF-17)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30901Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30905Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF-21)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10450Human Fibronectin (FN)Purified Protein0.1 mg
ProteinsPHF30290Human FKBP12Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30604Human FKBP14Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF31266Human FKBP1BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30506Human FKBP2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF30494Human FKBP25Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30303Human FKBP4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF0560Human FKBP6Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF33202Human FLRT3Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHF31892Human FN3K-RPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF32938Human FOLR1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30448Human FrataxinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF0901Human FTH1 (Ferritin Heavy Chain)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF32902Human FUCA2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30915Human Fumarate HydrataseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF33028Human FurinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31727Human G protein alpha ZRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG34001Human G-CSFRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG31344Human G3BP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31533Human G6PDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30465Human GABARAPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG309011Human GADD45BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30902Human GADD45GRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32337Human GAGE2ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32054Human Galanin (GAL)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG30614Human GALERecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31034Human Galectin 10Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32493Human Galectin 13Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30680Human Galectin 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30688Human Galectin 8Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG30385Human Galectin-1 (Gal-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30414Human Galectin-3 (Gal-3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30409Human Galectin-4 (Gal-4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL30986Human Galectin-7 (Gal-7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31203Human Galectin-Related Protein (LGALSL)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31981Human Galectin-related Protein (LGALSL)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG30641Human GALK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30620Human GALMRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31529Human gamma C CrystallinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32011Human Gamma-SynucleinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30424Human GAMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG0801Human GAPDHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30295Human GAS7Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32738Human GCHFRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31657Human GCLMRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31281Human GCSHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG33027Human GDF-11Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30410Human GDF-15Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30657Human GDP-L-Fucose Synthase (TSTA3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30601Human GemininRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32777Human GFPT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30887Human GGCTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30702Human GGPS1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30411Human GhrelinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG3073Human GID8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31400Human GIPC2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31249Human GITR LigandRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG33088Human GITR LigandRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30925Human Glia Maturation Factor-gamma (GMF-gamma)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31149Human GLOD4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31139Human Glucagon (GCG)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30702Human Glucokinase (Hexokinase-4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32838Human Glutamate Decarboxylase 1 (GAD1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32653Human Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1 (GDH 1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG0625Human Glutamine SynthetaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31399Human Glutamyl hydrolase gammaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30904Human Glutaredoxin-1 (GLRX)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30436Human Glutaredoxin-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30551Human Glutaredoxin-3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31273Human Glutathione Peroxidase 1 (GPX1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31429Human Glutathione Peroxidase 3 / GPx-3Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG31391Human Glutathione Peroxidase 7 (GPX7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31318Human Glutathione ReductaseRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG31464Human Glutathione S Transferase theta 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30491Human Glutathione S-Transferase Zeta 1 (GSTZ1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30776Human Glutathione Synthetase (GSS)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32551Human GLYATL2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG30486Human Glycerol 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GPD1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32082Human Glycine Acetyltransferase (GCAT)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32756Human Glycyl-tRNA Synthetase (GARS)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30915Human Glyoxalase IRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30501Human GM-CSFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32363Human GM-CSF Receptor alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG1282Human GMDSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30681Human GMF betaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31410Human GMPR1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG2533Human GNG11Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG330011Human GNG12Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32815Human GNGT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG0901Human GNMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30701Human GNPDA 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32973Human Golgi Phosphoprotein 6 (GORASP2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30485Human Golgi-associated PDZ and Coiled-coil Motif-containing Protein (GOPC)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG1214Human GPD1LRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPG52412Human GPIIbIIIaPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHC34001Human Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30501Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32978Human Granzyme B (GZMB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32294Human Granzyme K (GZMK)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30286Human GRB2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32049Human Gremlin-2 (GREM2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30577Human GRHPRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30336Human Growth Differentiation Factor 10 (GDF-10)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30334Human Growth Differentiation Factor 5 (GDF-5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG33002Human Growth HormoneRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG33001Human Growth Hormone (GH)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG33207Human Growth hormone receptorRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHG30901Human GRP75Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH0901Human GRP78Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32212Human GRP78Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30443Human GSTA1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31504Human GSTA4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30464Human GSTK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30728Human GSTM2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31463Human GSTM3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG0649Human GSTM4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31597Human GSTM5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30341Human GSTP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG0346Human GSTT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30449Human GTF2BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG30516Human GTPase HRASRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31660Human GTPBP9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32630Human GTSF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG31922Human Guanine Deaminase (GDA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH305012Human HADHSCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH1739Human HAND1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH1168Human HAO-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPH30011Human Haptoglobin (Mixed Type)Purified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPHH32581Human Haptoglobin-Related Protein (HPR)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHH30337Human Harmonin (USH1C)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32210Human HB-EGFRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHH31927Human HBG2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31650Human HBXIPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30528Human HBZRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32896Human HDDC2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31267Human HDDC3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31366Human HDGFRP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30818Human HDHD2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH40701Human Heat Shock 40 kDa Protein (HSP40)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30428Human Heat Shock 70 kDa Protein B (HSP70B)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32784Human Heat Shock Factor 2-Binding Protein (HSF2BP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH33001Human Heat Shock Factor Binding Protein 1 (HSBP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHF30831Human Heat Shock Factor Protein 1 (HSF 1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30801Human Heat Shock Protein 10 (HSP10)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30803Human Heat Shock Protein 105a (HSP105a)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30503Human Heat Shock Protein 27 (HSP27)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30904Human Heat Shock Protein 47 (HSP47)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30802Human Heat Shock Protein 60 (HSP60)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30603Human Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30971Human Heat Shock Protein 70kDa Family Member 13 (HSPA13)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30501Human Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31549Human Heat Shock Protein beta-2 (HSPB2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31202Human Heat Shock Protein beta-3 (HSPB3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30493Human Heat Shock Protein beta-8 (HSPB8)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHH32475Human Heat Shock Transcription Factor Y-linked 1 (HSFY1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30901Human Heme Oxygenase 1 (HO-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30470Human Heme Oxygenase 2 (HO-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31677Human Hemoglobin subunit alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPH30021Human HemopexinPurified Protein0.2 mg
ProteinsPHH32561Human HemopexinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30402Human Hepatoma-Derived Growth Factor (HDGF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30704Human Hexokinase-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30703Human Hexokinase-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30701Human Hexokinase-3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH2718Human HGFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH305011Human HIF-1 alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH309041Human HIF1ANRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPL50031Human High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)Purified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPHH30811Human High Mobility Group B1 (HMGB1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30511Human High Temperature Requirement Protein A2 (HtrA2/Omi)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30327Human HINT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30905Human HIPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32083Human Histone H3.3 (H3F3A)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32683Human HLA-DOBRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31433Human HMBSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32238Human HMGB3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32796Human HMGN3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30273Human HNMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH32190Human HNRNPKRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH31639Human HOPXRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30585Human HPRT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH309011Human HRASLS3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH2850Human HSBP1L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH33008Human HSP20Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHH0276Human HSP90B1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHH30554Human HSPBP1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHH30529Human HSPC150Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG1007Human HSPC210Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31006Human IBA1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI33030Human ICAM-1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI3931Human ICAM-3Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI30601Human ICATRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31834Human ICT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31284Human IDH1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI3894Human IFN-alpha/beta R1 (IFNAR1)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI31722Human IFT20Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI32991Human IGFBP-3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31998Human IGLL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI32305Human IkB-deltaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI33044Human IL-1F10Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI32819Human IL-36RNRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI307012Human IL1 betaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI33069Human IL2 Receptor Gamma (IL2RG)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI33182Human IL21 ReceptorRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI32800Human IMMP2LRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPI50011Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPI50012Human Immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPI50013Human Immunoglobulin A2 (IgA2)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHB30901Human Immunoglobulin Binding Protein (BiP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPI50014Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD)Purified Protein20 ug
ProteinsPI50015Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE)Purified Protein20 ug
ProteinsPI50016Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPI50017Human Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPI50018Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHI32039Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPI50022Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM)Purified Protein0.2 mg
ProteinsPI50023Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM)Purified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPI50024Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM)Purified Protein5 mg
ProteinsPHI31920Human IMP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30737Human IMPA1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31889Human IMPAD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI32311Human INCARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI32891Human Inhibitor of Growth Protein 1 (ING1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI0639Human Inosine Triphosphate PyrophosphataseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30511Human Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI32484Human Integrin beta-1 (ITGB1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI36824Human Inter Alpha Inhibitor Proteins (IAIP)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPHI31500Human Interferon alpha-14 (IFN-alpha-14)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30502Human Interferon alpha-2bRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30703Human Interferon Regulatory Factor 2 (IRF-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30501Human Interferon-alpha 1 (IFN-alpha-1/13)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31493Human Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI34001Human Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI0801Human Interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI30801Human Interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI30701Human Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1-beta)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30904Human Interleukin-10 (IL-10)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30711Human Interleukin-15 (IL-15)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI33017Human Interleukin-16 (IL-16)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI33083Human Interleukin-17A (IL-17A)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI32215Human Interleukin-17F (IL-17F)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30541Human Interleukin-18 (IL-18)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI305011Human Interleukin-18 (IL-18)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31940Human Interleukin-18 Binding Protein (IL-18BP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30531Human Interleukin-2 (IL-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI309041Human Interleukin-25 (IL-25)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32955Human Interleukin-29 (IL-29)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30702Human Interleukin-3 (IL-3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30266Human Interleukin-32 (IL-32)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30721Human Interleukin-33 (IL-33)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31990Human Interleukin-34 (IL-34)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI2236Human Interleukin-36 gammaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30905Human Interleukin-4 (IL-4)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI30352Human Interleukin-6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30521Human Interleukin-8 (IL-8)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI32965Human Interleukin-9 (IL-9)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHI33002Human IPPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI307021Human IRF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI0701Human IRF3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31833Human IRGMRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI31655Human ITPK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI30487Human IVDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHJ32487Human Janus Kinase 2 (JAK-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHJ33120Human JNK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHJ31649Human JNK2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHJ1756Human Josephin-1 (JOSD1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHJ31874Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule 2/JAM-BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPK20031Human KallikreinPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHK32664Human Kallikrein-10 (KLK10)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32773Human Kallikrein-11 (KLK11)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32558Human Kallikrein-15 (KLK15)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32175Human Kallikrein-2 (KLK2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK1566Human Kallikrein-3 (KLK3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK3926Human Kallikrein-3 (KLK3)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHK1737Human Kallikrein-7 (KLK7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK1182Human KAT2A/GCN5L2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK31893Human KCTD15Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK30437Human KetohexokinaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK33034Human KIM-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK31797Human KINRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPK20011Human Kininogen (HMW)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPK20021Human Kininogen (LMW)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHK33002Human KIR2DL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK33003Human KIR2DS4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK30901Human Kisspeptin-1 (KISS1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32174Human KLF7Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK1738Human KLRC3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32325Human KRAB-associated Protein 1 (KAP-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK0609Human KRASRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32825Human Krueppel-Like Factor 12 (KLF12)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK32249Human Krueppel-like Factor 3 (KLF3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK33009Human Krueppel-like Factor 4 (KLF4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL30616Human L-lactate Dehydrogenase B Chain (LDHB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPL50011Human LactoferrinPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPL50012Human LactoferrinPurified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPHL32736Human LanC-like Protein 1 (LANCL1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL33047Human LangerinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL33029Human LAP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL30277Human LatexinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31346Human LCMT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL30488Human LDHARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31629Human LDOC1LRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL33002Human LeptinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL23104Human Leucine-rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein (LRG1)Purified Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32295Human Leucine-rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein (LRG1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32310Human LeukosialinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31837Human LIN7CRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32626Human LIPGRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL30505Human Lipoamide DehydrogenaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32816Human Lipocalin-1 (LCN1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA20101Human Lipoprotein a [Lp(a)]Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHL30801Human Livin (BIRC7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsLL37PHuman LL - 37, Antibacterial PeptidePeptide100 ug
ProteinsPL50051Human Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)Purified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPHL32831Human LOXRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31199Human LOX-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31946Human LPS-induced TNF-alpha Factor (LITAF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32971Human LRP2BPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL30734Human LSM1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32491Human LumicanRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL30316Human LymphotactinRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHL31918Human LYNRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL31646Human LYPLAL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPL50071Human LysozymePurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHL31166Human LysRSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHL32506Human LZICRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30432Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (MCSF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30580Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 betaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31012Human Macrophage inflammatory protein 5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30511Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30594Human MAGEA4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30823Human Magnesium-dependent phosphatase 1 (MDP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30538Human MAGOHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31995Human Malignant T cell amplified sequence 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31812Human Mannose-binding Lectin 2 (MBL2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30656Human MAP1LC3ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31039Human MAP1LC3B2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30805Human MAP2K1IP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32464Human MAP3K12 binding inhibitory protein 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31313Human MAPK12Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM1285Human MAPK13 (p38 delta)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM1300Human MAPK14 (p38 alpha)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31805Human MAPKAP Kinase 3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM309012Human MAT2ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM2542Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM2537Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-10 (MMP-10)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM2547Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHM32660Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-23 (MMP-23)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32546Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-28 (MMP-28)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM33067Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM2543Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30539Human MAXRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30752Human MCEERecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32217Human MD-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30665Human MDH1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31855Human MED20Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32582Human Melanoregulin (MREG)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31619Human MEMO1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32657Human MESDC1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32593Human Metalloreductase STEAP4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM1509Human METAP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32903Human METTL21DRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31933Human Mevalonate Kinase (MVK)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31707Human MFAP4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32614Human MGAT2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM33101Human MIFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31721Human MitoNEETRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31206Human MLC1SARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32721Human MLLT11Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30677Human MMABRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30642Human MMS2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32026Human MOB4ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31620Human MOG1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31494Human MORF4L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30987Human Mortality Factor 4 like 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31192Human MPIRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31163Human MRCL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32569Human MRFAP1L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM33038Human MRM3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30524Human MRP8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31826Human MRRFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30813Human MSRB2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31860Human MSTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32535Human MT3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32402Human MTCP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30742Human MTH1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32972Human MTHFD2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30976Human MTHFSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32935Human MTHFSDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30559Human mu CrystallinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31894Human MyD88Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32348Human Myelin Basic Protein (MBP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30906Human Myeloid Leukemia Factor 1 (MLF1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPM65011Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHM309011Human MYL2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31312Human MYL4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30875Human Myoglobin (MB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30621Human MyotrophinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32263Human Myozenin-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32514Human Myxovirus Resistance Protein 2 (MX2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM32632Human MZB1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31474Human N acetylglucosamine kinaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30386Human N-myc Downstream Regulated 1 protein (NDRG1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31286Human NACA1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31142Human NANOGRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30741Human NANPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31298Human NAP1L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31228Human NAPGRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31406Human NAT13Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN33001Human Natural Killer-Associated Transcript 1 (NKAT-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31607Human NCE2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN1769Human NCF4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN0587Human NCKRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30526Human NCS1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32807Human NCS1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31692Human NDRG2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32556Human NDUFS5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32313Human NDUFV2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32345Human NDUFV3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32468Human NEDD4 Family-Interacting Protein 1 (NDFIP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30905Human NEDD8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30362Human Neurokinin BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32162Human Neuromedin-B (NMB)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHN31846Human NeurotensinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32002Human Neutral Cholesterol Ester Hydrolase 1 (NCEH1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHK1818Human NKG2DRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN33250Human NM23ARecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHN30361Human NME1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30490Human NME2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN33251Human NME2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHN30889Human NME3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN33260Human NME3Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHN0643Human NMNAT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31586Human NMRAL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32932Human NMT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30910Human NMT2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30320Human NNMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32069Human Nociceptin (PNOC)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32290Human Norrin (NDP)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHN31179Human Novel Neurotrophin-1 (NNT-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31028Human NPLRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30392Human NQO1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30522Human NQO2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32214Human NSL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32231Human NSMCE1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31229Human NT5C2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN33046Human NuBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30747Human Nuclear Cap-Binding Protein Subunit 2 (NCBP2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN30595Human Nuclear Transport Factor 2 (NTF-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31046Human Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase D (NDPKD, NME4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32578Human NUDCD2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN1029Human NUDT10Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31965Human NUDT14Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31062Human NUDT9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32608Human NUP62CLRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN31440Human NXT2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM30901Human O-6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO32353Human OBFC2ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO32152Human OligoribonucleaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO1125Human OmentinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO31123Human Oncostatin-MRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO32914Human Opticin (OPTC)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO32218Human Orosomucoid 2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO30905Human OSTF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO31038Human OTUB2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO30354Human Otubain-1 (OTUB1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHO32848Human Oxidative Stress-Responsive 1 Protein (OXSR1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32648Human P15RSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31075Human p16 ARCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30921Human p21-Activated Kinase 4 (PAK-4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32035Human p21-ARCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30418Human p23Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31264Human P27 KIP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32500Human PABPN1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31674Human PAFAH1B3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33043Human PAFAH2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32628Human PAICSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30416Human PAIP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33021Human Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30601Human PARK7/DJ1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30469Human PARP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32003Human PARP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30779Human Parvalbumin alpha (PVALB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30699Human PCBD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30578Human PCMT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP308012Human PCNARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP2996Human PCPE-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30658Human PDAP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30802Human PDCD5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31383Human PDCL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32527Human PDLIM1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30382Human PEBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30605Human PECIRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31239Human PECRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30312Human Pentraxin 3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31913Human Peptide-O-fucosyltransferase 1 (POFUT1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33011Human Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans Isomerase (Pin1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA32694Human Perilipin 2 (PLIN2, ADFP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30801Human Peroxiredoxin-1 (PRDX1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30268Human Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30321Human Peroxiredoxin-3 (PRDX3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30513Human Peroxiredoxin-4 (PRDX4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30339Human Peroxiredoxin-5 (PRDX5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30356Human Peroxiredoxin-6 (PRDX6)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31201Human PEX19Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31161Human PFDN5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31427Human PGAM2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30504Human PGDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33238Human PGDRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHP30355Human PGK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33249Human PGK1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHP31349Human PGK2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHP33135Human PGM2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31839Human PGPEP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31974Human Phosphoethanolamine/phosphocholine Phosphatase (PHOSPHO1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33158Human Phosphoglucomutase-1 (PGM 1 )Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31972Human Phosphoglycolate Phosphatase (PGP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30751Human Phosphohistidine Phosphatase 1 (PHPT1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30521Human Phosphoserine Phosphatase (PSP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30572Human PIG3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31240Human PINK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP0310Human PINX1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32308Human PIPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31413Human PirinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30826Human PITPNRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30778Human PITPNBRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30988Human PKIBRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30429Human PKM2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP2661Human PLA1ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32362Human Placenta-specific Gene 8 Protein (PLAC8)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPP40011Human PlasminPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPP12001Human Plasminogen (PLG)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHP30701Human Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPP12231Human Platelet Factor 4 (PF-4)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPHP31711Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor D (PDGF-D)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32568Human PLEKHF2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31908Human PluncRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30727Human PMM2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30803Human PMP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30733Human PMVKRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30417Human PNMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32185Human PNRC2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31843Human POLR2ERecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32647Human POLR2FRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32771Human PPA2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30637Human PPAR gammaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30748Human PPCDCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31064Human PPCSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP309011Human PPIL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31230Human PPIL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP0801Human PPM1GRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31150Human PPME1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32330Human PPP1R3BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33160Human PPP2R1ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32288Human PPP4CRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31540Human PQBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPP65325Human Prealbumin (Transthyretin, TTR)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHP30456Human Prealbumin (Transthyretin, TTR)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32250Human Pregnancy-specific Glycoprotein 5 (PSBG-5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPK21111Human Prekallikrein (PK)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHP2666Human PRKACBRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30862Human PRL-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30398Human PRL-3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP0802Human PRMT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30376Human Profilin-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30509Human Profilin-4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31987Human Prohibitin (PHB)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHP32184Human Prohibitin-2 (PHB2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30501Human Prolactin (PRL)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31557Human Prostaglandin D Synthase (hematopoietic)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31059Human Prostaglandin E Synthase 2 (mPGES-2, PTGES2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32956Human Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (ACPP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31287Human Proteasome 20S alpha 3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31241Human Proteasome 20S C2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPP51021Human Protein CPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPP51025Human Protein CPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHP33001Human Protein Phosphatase 1A (Formerly 2C), Magnesium-Dependent Alpha Isoform (PP2C-alpha)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32281Human Protein Phosphatase 1F (PPM1F)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPP85412Human Protein SPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPP32012Human Protein ZPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHP32001Human Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP33005Human Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase MEG1 (MEG)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32001Human Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non-Receptor Type 6 Isoform 1 (SHP-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPP65102Human Prothrombin (Factor II)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPHP33110Human PRPS2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32461Human PRPSAP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31094Human PRTFDC1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP1328Human PSAT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31231Human PSMA2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31350Human PSMA4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP309012Human PSMA7Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31804Human PSMD9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31307Human PSMG4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30991Human PsoriasinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32158Human PSTPIP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31353Human PTEN-Like Phosphatase (PTPMT1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP1635Human PTGR1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30830Human PTRH2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30452Human PTSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP32686Human PUR BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30786Human Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase (PNP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP3066Human PYCR2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP31397Human Pyrophosphatase 1 (PPA1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHP30904Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase Isoform 1 (PDK1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHQ31172Human QDPRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHQ30706Human Quinolinate Phosphoribosyltransferase-Decarboxylating (QPRT)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30557Human RAB11ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31108Human RAB17Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31290Human RAB23Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31247Human RAB24Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30556Human RAB27ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31359Human RAB2BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31246Human RAB32Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31102Human RAB3DRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31104Human RAB4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30701Human RAB5aRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30403Human RAC1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR305011Human RAC1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30365Human RAC2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32508Human RAD51DRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30555Human RAD6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30822Human RALARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31466Human RANBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32714Human RANBP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31966Human RAP2BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32157Human RARRES1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31311Human RBBP9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31309Human RCAN2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30698Human RCLRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30501Human RecoverinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31187Human Regucalcin (RGN)Recombinanat Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31732Human RenalaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32177Human ReninRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32510Human ResistinRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHR31434Human Reticulocalbin 3 (RCN3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32522Human Retinaldehyde-Binding Protein 1 (RLBP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31656Human Retinoblastoma-Binding Protein 4 (RBBP-4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30801Human Retinoic Acid Receptor alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30936Human Retinoid-Binding Protein 7 (RBP7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPR80011Human Retinol Binding Protein (RBP4)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPR10051Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP)Purified Protein200 ug
ProteinsPHR32048Human Retinol-Binding Protein 2 (RBP2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR0701Human Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR13103Human Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPHR30721Human Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32668Human REV1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31144Human RGS10Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31200Human RGS17Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31157Human RGS21Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31170Human RGS5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR0901Human RhebRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30775Human RhoGDIRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30358Human Riboflavin Kinase (RFK)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31809Human Ribonuclease 3 (RNASE3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31439Human Ribulose-Phosphate 3-Epimerase (RPE)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32071Human RNA Polymerases I, II, III Subunit ABC3 (RPB17)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHN32331Human RNA-Binding Protein NOB1 (NOB1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31148Human RND1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30651Human RND3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31761Human RNF4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31897Human RPC39Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31755Human RPC8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32189Human RPL26Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32336Human RPL34Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32335Human RPL35ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31405Human RPLP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30821Human RPP30Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR33048Human RPRD1BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32458Human RPS4XRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30787Human RQCD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR30396Human RRAS2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32662Human RSU1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR31360Human RTN4IP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHR32907Human RTP4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30628Human S100 betaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30958Human S100A10Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30968Human S100A11Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30969Human S100A14Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31018Human S100A16Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS1078Human S100A3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30319Human S100A4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS0967Human S100A6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30543Human S100A9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS33314Human S100BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30588Human S100ZRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31909Human SAMD13Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31910Human SAR1BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS0364Human SAT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31445Human SAT2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32928Human SCO1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32706Human SDF2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31008Human SEC13L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31709Human SEC22L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS33096Human Secernin-1 (SCRN1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32606Human Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 2 (SFRP2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32213Human Secretogranin-3 (SCG3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHI24112Human Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHS32151Human Semenogelin-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31112Human SENP8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31043Human Sentan (SNTN)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32106Human SEP15Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31121Human SEPT5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31244Human SEPT6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30717Human Septin 2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHS32919Human Septin 3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32813Human SEPW1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31242Human SerglycinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS3092Human Serpin B3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32909Human Serpin B8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32765Human Serpin D1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA30793Human Serum Amyloid A-4 (SAA4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS7902YHuman Serum Amyloid A (SAA)Recombinant Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHS80142Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32191Human SETRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS33001Human SET Domain-containing Protein 7 (SET7/9)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31888Human SFRP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32966Human SFRP5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30533Human SGTARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30783Human SH2D1ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31640Human SH3BGRLRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31715Human SH3BGRL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32933Human SH3GL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31128Human SHCRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31310Human SHMT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30762Human Shwachman Bodian-Diamond SyndromeRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30784Human Sialic Acid Synthase (SAS)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32625Human Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS1758Human SIX6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30430Human SKP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS309011Human SMAD4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31848Human SMUG1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS0601Human SNAP25Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS308012Human SNAP25Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30901Human SnapinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31071Human SNIP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30640Human SNURPORTIN1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31101Human SNX3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS308011Human SOD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30512Human SOD2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS33037Human Sonic HedgehogRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHS30574Human Sorbitol DehydrogenaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30514Human SOX2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS3902Human SPARCRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHS30794Human Spermidine Synthase (SPDSY)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31782Human SPFH2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30287Human SPG21Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS0288Human SPRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32326Human SPRY4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30532Human SQSTM1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32028Human SSBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31821Human SSR4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31401Human SSU72Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31985Human SSX1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHS32418Human ST3GAL5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS33035Human ST6GAL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32142Human Stanniocalcin-2 (STC-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31292Human STARRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32435Human STARD5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30279Human Stathmin-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32143Human Stathmin-4 (RB3, STMN4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30601Human Stem Cell Factor (SCF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS3391Human STI1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32172Human StomatinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31553Human STX11Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32110Human Sulfotransferase 1C4 (SULT1C4)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS1135Human SULT1A2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31537Human SULT1B1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS1083Human SULT2A1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS0301Human SUMO1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31293Human SUMO1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30289Human SUMO2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS33022Human SUOXRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS36825Human Superoxide DismutasePurified Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30451Human SURF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30801Human Survivin (BIRC5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30710Human Synaptobrevin-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30611Human Synaptosomal-associated Protein 25 (SNAP-25)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32637Human Synaptotagmin-3 (SYT3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32390Human Synaptotagmin-5Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHS31467Human Syndecan-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS2570Human SYNJ2BPRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30902Human SyntaphilinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30706Human Syntaxin-1ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31502Human Syntaxin-3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS31667Human Syntaxin-4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS32343Human Syntaxin-6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHS30809Human Syntenin-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHC32289Human T-Cell Antigen CD7 (CD7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31875Human T-Cell Immunoglobulin Mucin Receptor 3 (TIM-3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31879Human TAC1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32400Human TACO1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30898Human TAF9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32934Human TATDN1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31294Human TAX1BP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32298Human TBC1D13Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31937Human TBCELRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31070Human TCEAL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31363Human TCEB1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30901Human TCEB2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30391Human TCL1ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32403Human TCL1BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31705Human TDGRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32635Human Testis-Specific Kinase 6 (TSSK-6)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32588Human TGF-beta Receptor-associated Protein 1 (TRAP-1)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT30383Human TGF-beta-1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT33026Human TGF-beta-3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30601Human TGFBIRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsTHT3355Human TGFBR2Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT32603Human TGIF2LXRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32555Human TGIF2LYRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30530Human ThioredoxinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30511Human Thioredoxin-1 (TRX1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30801Human Thioredoxin-2 (TRX2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31388Human ThrombinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT4037Human Thrombospondin 5Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT31610Human Thymidine Kinase 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30446Human Thymidylate Synthase (TS)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30760Human THYN1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPT62051Human Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG)Purified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPHT31687Human TIMP-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30631Human TIP30Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30629Human TIP49ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT33013Human Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT33097Human Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT31049Human TL1ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30501Human TNF-alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT33152Human TNF-alphaRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT32150Human TNFAIP8Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT31260Human TNNC1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT30332Human TNNC2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32149Human TOMM34Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32050Human Tomoregulin-1 (TMEFF1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31415Human TPK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30701Human TPMTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32229Human TPPP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT33033Human TPST1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30571Human TRAF1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT308011Human TRAILRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHM31931Human Transcription Factor MafK (MAFK)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32984Human Transferrin Receptor (TFRC)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31234Human Transgelin-3 (TAGLN3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT34000Human Transglutaminase 2 (TGM2)Recombinant Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHT34001Human Transglutaminase 2 (TGM2)Recombinant Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHT34005Human Transglutaminase 6 (TGM6)Recombinant Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHA30466Human Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30761Human TranslinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHG32280Human Transmembrane Glycoprotein NMB (GPNMB)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31751Human TRC40Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30763Human Triosephosphate Isomerase (TIM)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31917Human TROP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31791Human Troponin IRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT0329Human Troponin T (Cardiac)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30329Human Troponin T (Cardiac)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30627Human Tryptophanyl tRNA synthetaseRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31370Human TSSC4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30423Human TSTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30562Human TTC11Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32882Human TTDARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31680Human TULP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31450Human TXNDC17Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30892Human TXNL1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT30570Human TXNRD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT31950Human Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHT32096Human Tyrosylprotein Sulfotransferase 2 (TPST-2)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHT31851Human TYW5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU3001Human UBC9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31681Human UBE2CRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31074Human UBE2D1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31147Human UBE2D2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU33690Human UBE2D2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31243Human UBE2D4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31690Human UBE2E1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU3132Human UBE2E3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU32890Human UBE2G1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU33119Human UBE2G2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31508Human UBE2HRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31608Human UBE2J2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU3003Human UBE2L3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31603Human UBE2MRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU30993Human UBE2NRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU33163Human Ubiquilin-2 (UBQLN2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU33002Human UbiquitinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU33003Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme 7 (UBC7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31069Human Ubiquitin Thioesterase L5 (UCH-L5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31081Human UBL3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31418Human UBL4ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31697Human UBTD2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU30701Human UCH-L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU30872Human UCH-L3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU33014Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase 1-1 (UGT1A1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31731Human ULBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31820Human ULBP4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31788Human UMPSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU32457Human UQCRHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU30804Human Uridine-Cytidine Kinase 2 (UCK 2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU30994Human URM1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU0612Human URODRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31903Human Uroplakin-2 (UP2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31066Human UROSRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31921Human USP14Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHU31847Human UXTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV31419Human Vacuolar Protein Sorting-Associated Protein (VTA1) HomologRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30400Human Vacuolar Protein Sorting-Associated Protein 28 Homolog (VPS28)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV0711Human VAMP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV308011Human VAMP3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30298Human VAMP5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30901Human VAMP8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30701Human Vaspin (Serpin A12)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV31861Human VBP-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30282Human VEGF 121Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV31248Human VEGF 165Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV33001Human VHLRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30801Human VisfatinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV30384Human Visinin-like Protein 1 (VSNL1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHV3849Human Vitronectin (VTN)Recombinant Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHV36800Human Vitronectin (VTN)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPV10212Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF)Purified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPHV31076Human VOPP1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHV31103Human VPS24Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHW30632Human WDR5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHW31177Human WDR68Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHX2509Human XRCC2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHX32271Human XTP4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHY32159Human YAE1D1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHZ32708Human Zinc Finger Protein 32 (ZNF32)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHZ32627Human ZNHIT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHZ32327Human ZNHIT3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHZ32401Human ZNRD1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPKH36815Monkey Haptoglobin AntibodyPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPKT32285Monkey TransferrinPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPMA33001Mouse Adiponectin (gACRP30)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA3525Mouse AGR2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA32982Mouse AKR1B1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA3103Mouse ALDH2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA33075Mouse Aldolase CRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA30801Mouse alpha B CrystallinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA33193Mouse alpha-2-AntiplasminRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMS0619Mouse alpha-SynucleinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA32995Mouse Annexin A1 (ANXA1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA3060Mouse Annexin A5 (ANXA5)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA60105Mouse Antithrombin III (AT3)Purified Protein25 ug
ProteinsPMA33058Mouse Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo-A1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA3908Mouse Asparagine Synthetase (ASNS)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMA33085Mouse Aspartate Aminotransferase (cAspAT)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMB33191Mouse Bcl-XLRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMC33231Mouse C1qR1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPHB3890Mouse CD276Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMC3512Mouse CREG1 AntibodyRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMC33670Mouse CRYGDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMC32981Mouse Cyclophilin ARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMA33218Mouse Cystatin-C (Cst3)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMD33750Mouse DDTRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMD33751Mouse Diazepam Binding InhibitorRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMF33112Mouse Fetuin-A (AHSG)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPF10511Mouse Fibrinogen (FBG)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPMF31189Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF-1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMF33084Mouse FKBP12Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG31907Mouse Galectin-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG33247Mouse Galectin-2 (Gal-2)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMG1784Mouse Galectin-4 (Gal-4)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMG31759Mouse Galectin-7 (Gal-7)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG31772Mouse Galectin-8 (Gal-8)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMG31887Mouse Galectin-9 (Gal-9)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMG32988Mouse GAPDHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG32913Mouse GDF-15Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG32894Mouse GDF-5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG3698Mouse Glutaredoxin-1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG33086Mouse Glutathione S-Transferase A1 (GSTA1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG30413Mouse Glutathione S-Transferase Mu 1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG0801Mouse GM-CSFRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMG31621Mouse GRO gammaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG30905Mouse GSTM1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG33146Mouse GSTP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMG33315Mouse GSTP2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMH3517Mouse HPGDRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI31516Mouse IL1RARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI32860Mouse IL33Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMI32951Mouse IL34Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMI30317Mouse Interferon beta (IFN-beta)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI33513Mouse Interferon gammaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI2863Mouse Interleukin-1 alpha Precursor (IL-1 alpha Precursor)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI30801Mouse Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI30292Mouse Interleukin-15 (IL-15)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMI30271Mouse Interleukin-18 (IL-18)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI30905Mouse Interleukin-2 (IL-2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI32987Mouse Interleukin-2 (IL-2)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMI33166Mouse Interleukin-36 alpha (IL-36 alpha)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI2828Mouse Interleukin-6 (IL-6)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMI33154Mouse Interleukin-6 (IL-6)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPML33109Mouse Latexin (LXN)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPML33668Mouse LC3BRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPML0701Mouse LeptinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPML33093Mouse Lipocalin-2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPML33133Mouse LRPAP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPML30720Mouse Lysophospholipase 1 (LPL-I)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMM3906Mouse MERRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMM33091Mouse MIFRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMM31085Mouse MRP8Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMM32060Mouse MUP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMM33077Mouse MYL9Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMN30801Mouse Nucleobindin-2 (NUCB2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMO4052Mouse Osteopontin (OPN)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMP33151Mouse PARK7/DJ1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMP31645Mouse PD-L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMP33172Mouse PEBP1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMP31496Mouse PGAM1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMP3072Mouse PGK1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMP30801Mouse PRMT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMR3699Mouse RALARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMR32405Mouse RAPSNRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS3473Mouse S100 betaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS1089Mouse S100A1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS31652Mouse S100A3Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS1080Mouse S100A4Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS31510Mouse S100A5Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS1092Mouse S100A6Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA3650Mouse SAHHRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS33076Mouse SOD2Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS30537Mouse Sonic HedgehogRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS3891Mouse SPARC-like 1/SPARCL1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMS3652Mouse SPRRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS30801Mouse Stem Cell Factor (SCF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMS3526Mouse STI1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMT32918Mouse TGF-beta-1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPT62082Mouse ThrombinPurified Protein50 ug
ProteinsPMT33186Mouse TIMP-1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMT33327Mouse Tissue Factor (TF)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMT31475Mouse TNF-alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMT33184Mouse TNF-alphaRecombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMT33090Mouse TPT1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMT11677Mouse TransferrinPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPMT34008Mouse Transglutaminase 2 (TGM2)Recombinant Protein50 ug
ProteinsPMU33089Mouse UCH-L1Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPMV33246Mouse VCAM1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPMV30702Mouse VisfatinRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10711Rabbit Fibrinogen (FBG)Purified Protein0.5 mg
ProteinsPRI33227Rat IL-1RARecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPHA33161Rat Alanine Transaminase (GPT1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPA60151Rat ApotransferrinPurified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPRC3203Rat C-Reactive Protein (CRP)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPRC33129Rat Cyclophilin F (PPIF)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPRE4000Rat Eosinophil Peroxidase (EPO)Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPRF33126Rat Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 1 (FABP1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10611Rat Fibrinogen (FBG)Purified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPRI33192Rat Interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPRI33167Rat Interleukin-33 (IL-33)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPRP33150Rat Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase B (NDK B, NME2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPRP33147Rat Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX2)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPRP33173Rat Profilin-1 (Pfn1)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPRT33178Rat TIMP-1Recombinant Protein10 ug
ProteinsPRT33128Rat TNF-alphaRecombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPRT2105Rat TransferrinPurified Protein100 ug
ProteinsPRT34002Rat Transglutaminase 2 (TGM2)Recombinant Protein50 ug
ProteinsPSH30502S. cerevisiae Heat Shock Protein 104 (HSP104; Amino Acids 1-908)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPSG30801Schistosoma japonicum Glutathione S-Transferase(GST)Recombinant Protein20 ug
ProteinsPF10911Swine Fibrinogen (FBG)Purified Protein1 mg
ProteinsPST34003Swine Transglutaminase 2 (TGM2)Recombinant Protein50 ug
AssayMax ELISA KitEA1101-1Aldosterone AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA1701-1Allopregnanolone AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEBH2003-1Bovine Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEBH2003-2Bovine Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEBS7780-1Bovine La Ribonucleoprotein (SSB) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEBP1200-1Bovine Plasminogen AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEBP2211-1Bovine Plasminogen AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitECF2040-1Canine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitECH2003-1Canine Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitECR3005-1Canine Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3001-1Corticosterone AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3021-1Cortisol AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitED3010-1Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERG3771-1Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 (GLP-2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH4820-1Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase (HARS) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH7301-1Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2550-1Human ADAMTS13 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7550-1Human ADAMTS13 Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7551-1Human ADAMTS13 Autoantibody IgM AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2879-1Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2501-1Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK 4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2500-1Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2500-8Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5403-1Human AKR1B10 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3922-1Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2201-1Human Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3201-1Human Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2201-7Human Albumin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3201-7Human Albumin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2670-1Human Aldose Reductase (AR) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA2622-1Human ALKBH3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG5001-1Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG5101-1Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG5001-8Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG5101-8Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG2713-1Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein 2 (ORM2, AGP2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5501-1Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5501-7Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5001-1Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5101-1Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5101-2Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5001-8Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5101-8Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7508-1Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM5110-1Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM5110-7Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3477-1Human alpha-2-Antiplasmin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM1115-1Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2115-1Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM1115-7Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2115-7Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF6011-1Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF6011-7Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA6501-1Human Amylase AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA6501-7Human Amylase AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5801-1Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5801-7Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3612-1Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3612-7Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3651-1Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3613-1Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3603-1Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3603-7Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3602-1Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3601-1Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3601-7Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3607-1Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3301-1Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3303-1Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3303-8Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA3301-8Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5201-1Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5301-1Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5201-7Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5301-7Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5222-1Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5333-1Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayMax ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5333-7Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayMax ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity) (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5222-7Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA5520-1Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7001-1Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7001-7Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8011-1Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8011-2Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8011-27Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8012-1Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8012-8Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8133-1Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8133-7Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8003-1Human Apolipoprotein E (Apo E) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8003-7Human Apolipoprotein E (Apo E) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8821-1Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8821-8Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8710-1Human ARL2BP AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7711-1Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA4728-1Human AZGP1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8121-1Human Azurocidin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8121-7Human Azurocidin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEB3505-1Human B3GAT3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7501-1Human beta-2 GP1 Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7503-1Human beta-2 GP1 Autoantibody IgA AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7502-1Human beta-2 GP1 Autoantibody IgM AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM5001-1Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM5001-7Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1001-1Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1001-7Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1001-8Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC7501-1Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3103-1Human Calprotectin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3103-7Human Calprotectin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3520-1Human Calreticulin-3 (CALR3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC5752-1Human Carbonic Anhydrase 1 (CA1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC5359-1Human Carbonic Anhydrase 14 (CA14) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC5105-1Human Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC5273-1Human Carbonic Anhydrase 3 (CA3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3135-1Human Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC4208-1Human Catalase AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2252-1Human Cathepsin E (CTSE) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3575-1Human Cathepsin F (CTSF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3237-1Human Cathepsin G AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3237-7Human Cathepsin G AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3105-1Human CCS AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3501-1Human CD300A (CLM-8) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3532-1Human Centromere Protein B (CENP-B) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC7530-1Human Centromere Protein B (CENP-B) Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2752-1Human Centromere Protein P (CENP-P) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC4201-1Human Ceruloplasmin (CP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC4201-7Human Ceruloplasmin (CP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2374-1Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2505-1Human CNDP2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3748-1Human Colipase (CLPS) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1111-1Human Complement C1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1111-7Human Complement C1 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1101-1Human Complement C1q AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1101-8Human Complement C1q AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC7701-1Human Complement C1q Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1102-1Human Complement C1r AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC1102-7Human Complement C1r AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2001-1Human Complement C2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2001-8Human Complement C2 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2101-1Human Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3201-1Human Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2101-8Human Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3201-7Human Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3301-1Human Complement C3b AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3301-8Human Complement C3b AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3331-1Human Complement C3d AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3331-7Human Complement C3d AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2102-1Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3202-1Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2102-8Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3202-7Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2202-1Human Complement C4-Binding Protein (C4BP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2202-7Human Complement C4-Binding Protein (C4BP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC5101-1Human Complement C5 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC5101-8Human Complement C5 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC6101-1Human Complement C6 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC6101-7Human Complement C6 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC7101-1Human Complement C7 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC7101-7Human Complement C7 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC8101-1Human Complement C8 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC8101-8Human Complement C8 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC9101-1Human Complement C9 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC9101-8Human Complement C9 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF7700-1Human Complement Factor B AssayMax Autoantibody ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF7001-1Human Complement Factor B AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF7001-8Human Complement Factor B AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF7701-1Human Complement Factor D AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF7701-7Human Complement Factor D AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF7055-1Human Complement Factor H AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF7055-8Human Complement Factor H AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF8005-1Human Complement Factor I AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF8005-7Human Complement Factor I AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF8011-1Human Complement Factor P AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF8011-7Human Complement Factor P AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3505-1Human Complexin-1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2720-1Human CRYZ AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2270-1Human CXCL7 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP6500-1Human Cyclophilin F (PPIF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2050-1Human Cyclophilin-40 (PPID) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2785-1Human Cystathionine gamma-lyase (CTH) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2583-1Human Cystatin-A (CSTA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2301-1Human Cystatin-B (CSTB) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2301-7Human Cystatin-B (CSTB) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2502-1Human Cystatin-C (CST3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2502-7Human Cystatin-C (CST3) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2421-1Human Cystatin-D (CST5) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2421-7Human Cystatin-D (CST5) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2455-1Human Cystatin-E/M (CST6) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2442-1Human Cystatin-S (CST4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2442-7Human Cystatin-S (CST4) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC2255-1Human Cystatin-SN (CST1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitED2527-1Human DDT AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitED1030-1Human Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE2310-1Human ECHS1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE1001-1Human Elastase (Neutrophil ELA2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE1001-7Human Elastase (Neutrophil ELA2) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE2231-1Human Eosinophil Peroxidase (EPO) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE2231-7Human Eosinophil Peroxidase (EPO) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE2011-1Human Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE3520-1Human ESM1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEE2702-1Human Estrogen Sulfotransferase (EST-1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1009-1Human Factor IX (Factor 9) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1009-8Human Factor IX (Factor 9) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1009-7Human Factor IX (Factor 9) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1005-1Human Factor V (Factor 5) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1005-8Human Factor V (Factor 5) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1007-1Human Factor VII (Factor 7) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2007-1Human Factor VII (Factor 7) AssayMax ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2007-8Human Factor VII (Factor 7) AssayMax ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity; WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2007-7Human Factor VII (Factor 7) AssayMax ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity; WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1007-8Human Factor VII (Factor 7) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1007-7Human Factor VII (Factor 7) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1008-1Human Factor VIII (Factor 8) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1008-7Human Factor VIII (Factor 8) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1010-1Human Factor X (Factor 10) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1010-2Human Factor X (Factor 10) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1010-27Human Factor X (Factor 10) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1010-8Human Factor X (Factor 10) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1011-1Human Factor XI (Factor 11) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1011-8Human Factor XI (Factor 11) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1011-7Human Factor XI (Factor 11) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1012-1Human Factor XII (Factor 12) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1012-7Human Factor XII (Factor 12) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1013-1Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1013-8Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive & Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2702-1Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 (FABP4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2702-7Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 (FABP4) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2705-1Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 5 (FABP5) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2705-7Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 5 (FABP5) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF3721-1Human FBP1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2003-1Human Ferritin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2003-8Human Ferritin AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3501-1Human Fetuin-A (Alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3501-7Human Fetuin-A (Alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1040-1Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1040-2Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2040-1Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2040-7Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1040-27Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF3021-1Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF-21) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF3021-7Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF-21) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1045-1Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2045-1Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF1045-8Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEF2045-7Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3311-1Human Galectin-3 (Gal-3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3312-1Human Galectin-4 (Gal-4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG5133-1Human GARS AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3845-1Human Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3801-1Human Gc-Globulin (Vitamin D-binding Protein, DBP) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3811-1Human Gc-Globulin (Vitamin D-binding Protein, DBP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3801-8Human Gc-Globulin (Vitamin D-binding Protein, DBP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG5701-1Human Geminin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3780-1Human Ghrelin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG7502-1Human Gliadin IgA AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG7501-1Human Gliadin IgG AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG1001-1Human Glucokinase (Hexokinase-4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG1001-7Human Glucokinase (Hexokinase-4) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG2153-1Human Glutaredoxin-1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3852-1Human Glutaredoxin-2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3928-1Human Glutathione Peroxidase 1 (GPX1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG2350-1Human Glutathione S-Transferase Zeta 1 (GSTZ1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG2827-1Human Glutathione Synthetase (GSS) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG7150-1Human GOT1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7652-1Human GOT2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA7652-7Human GOT2 AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG1060-1Human GPIIbIIIa AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG1060-7Human GPIIbIIIa AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG2710-1Human Growth Hormone (GH) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEG3711-1Human Guanase (GDA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH1003-1Human Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH2003-1Human Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH1003-7Human Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH2233-1Human Haptoglobin-Related Protein (HPR) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH2429-1Human HDHD2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH5215-1Human Heat Shock Factor Protein 1 (HSF 1) AssayMax ELISA kitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH5001-1Human Heat Shock Protein 27 (HSP27) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH7001-1Human Heat Shock Protein 27 (HSP27) Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH5202-1Human Heat Shock Protein 47 (HSP47) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH5505-1Human Heat Shock Protein 60 (HSP60) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH1001-1Human Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH2001-1Human Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH1001-7Human Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH2001-7Human Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH3101-1Human Hexokinase-1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH3102-1Human Hexokinase-2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH1111-1Human High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH2647-1Human High Temperature Requirement Protein A2 (HTRA2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH5337-1Human HPRT1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEH7102-1Human HSD17B1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI3505-1Human ICAT AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7001-1Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7001-7Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7800-1Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7200-1Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7200-7Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7201-1Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7201-8Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI1701-1Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7301-1Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI7301-7Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI1770-1Human Inhibitor of Growth Protein 1 (ING1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI1001-1Human Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI1001-7Human Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI3030-1Human Interferon alpha-2b AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI1023-1Human Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI2200-1Human Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI2200-7Human Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI2301-1Human Interleukin-1-alpha (IL-1-alpha) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI3010-1Human Interleukin-10 (IL-10) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI3015-1Human Interleukin-15 (IL-15) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI3033-1Human Interleukin-33 (IL-33) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI1006-1Human Interleukin-6 (IL-6) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEI1008-1Human Interleukin-8 (IL-8) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEK1110-1Human Kallikrein-11 (KLK11) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEK1001-1Human Kininogen (HMW) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEK1001-7Human Kininogen (HMW) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEK1021-1Human Kininogen (LMW) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEK2802-1Human KRAB-associated Protein 1 (KAP-1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL2255-1Human L-Lactate Dehydrogenase B Chain (LDHB) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL1011-1Human Lactoferrin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL2011-1Human Lactoferrin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL1011-7Human Lactoferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL2011-7Human Lactoferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL7011-1Human Lactoferrin Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET3103-1Human LAP TGF-beta1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL2001-1Human Leptin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL2001-7Human Leptin AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL2301-1Human Leucine-rich alpha-2-Glycoprotein (LRG1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL2301-7Human Leucine-rich alpha-2-Glycoprotein (LRG1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3502-1Human Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3510-1Human Lipocalin-2 (NGAL) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL7510-1Human Lipocalin-2 (NGAL) Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3001-1Human Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3001-7Human Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3205-1Human Livin (BIRC7) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3010-1Human Lysozyme AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3020-1Human Lysozyme AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3010-7Human Lysozyme AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEL3020-7Human Lysozyme AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2530-1Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (MCSF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2511-1Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2720-1Human Mannose-binding Lectin 2 (MBL2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM3725-1Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2715-1Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2010-1Human Melanoregulin (MREG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2735-1Human Metalloreductase STEAP4 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2520-1Human MGMT AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2328-1Human MSRB2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM2215-1Human Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM6501-1Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM6501-7Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEM7501-1Human Myeloperoxidase Autoantibody (p-ANCA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEN2550-1Human NEDD4 Family-Interacting Protein 1 (NDFIP1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEN2010-1Human Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase D (NDPKD) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3201-1Human p21-Activated Kinase 4 (PAK-4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1105-1Human PAI-1/tPA AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP5211-1Human Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2877-1Human Pentraxin 3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2775-1Human Perilipin 2 (PLIN2, ADFP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3577-1Human Peroxiredoxin-4 (PRDX4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2205-1Human Peroxiredoxin-5 (PRDX5) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2535-1Human Peroxiredoxin-6 (PRDX6) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2530-1Human Phosphoserine Phosphatase (PSP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1505-1Human PIP AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1807-1Human Plasmin-Alpha-2-Antiplasmin (PAP) Complex AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1200-1Human Plasminogen (PLG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1200-8Human Plasminogen (PLG) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1100-1Human Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1100-7Human Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3910-1Human PLUNC AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3010-1Human Prealbumin (Transthyretin, TTR) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3010-7Human Prealbumin (Transthyretin, TTR) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEK2111-1Human Prekallikrein (PK) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEK2111-8Human Prekallikrein (PK) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1311-1Human Protein C AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2312-1Human Protein C AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1311-8Human Protein C AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2312-7Human Protein C AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2527-1Human Protein Phosphatase 1F (PPM1F) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1331-1Human Protein S (Total) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP1331-8Human Protein S (Total) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP7758-1Human Protein S-C4BP Complexe AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3333-1Human Protein Z AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3333-7Human Protein Z AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2331-1Human Proteinase 3 (PR3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP2331-7Human Proteinase 3 (PR3) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP7331-1Human Proteinase 3 Autoantibody (cANCA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3023-1Human Prothrombin (Factor II) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP3023-7Human Prothrombin (Factor II) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEP4201-1Human PSMD9 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEQ2210-1Human QPRT AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER5010-1Human Recoverin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER1001-1Human Resistin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER1001-7Human Resistin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER1005-1Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER2005-1Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER1005-7Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER2005-7Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER3005-1Human Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER3005-7Human Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER5201-1Human Ro52 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitER7501-1Human Ro52 Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES2301-1Human S100A16 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES3711-1Human SAMD13 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES5108-1Human Sentan (SNTN) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8001-1Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8001-8Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8201-1Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEA8201-8Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES3880-1Human SH3GL3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES2475-1Human Sialic Acid Synthase (SAS) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES3821-1Human SNAP-alpha AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES3731-1Human Stanniocalcin-2 (STC-2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES3211-1Human Stathmin-4 (RB3, STMN4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitES1001-1Human Stem Cell Factor (SCF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEC3502-1Human T-Cell Antigen CD7 (CD7) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET3301-1Human TDP1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET3102-1Human TGF-beta-1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET4010-1Human Thrombin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET7501-1Human Thrombin Autoantibody AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1020-1Human Thrombin-Antithrombin Complex (TAT) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1020-7Human Thrombin-Antithrombin Complex (TAT) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1002-1Human Tissue Factor (TF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1002-7Human Tissue Factor (TF) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1005-1Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1005-7Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1001-1Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET1001-8Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET2001-1Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA)(Total tPA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET2001-7Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA)(Total tPA) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET2010-1Human TNF-alpha AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET2010-7Human TNF-alpha AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET2105-1Human Transferrin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET3105-1Human Transferrin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET2105-7Human Transferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Competitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET3105-7Human Transferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit (Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET5111-1Human Transglutaminase 6 (TGM6) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET5122-1Human Transglutaminase 7 (TGM7) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET2515-1Human Transmembrane Glycoprotein NMB (GPNMB) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitET3025-1Human Triosephosphate Isomerase (TIM) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEU1001-1Human Urokinase (uPA) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEV3005-1Human Vaspin (Serpin A12) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEV2030-1Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEV2030-8Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive and Low Controls Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEV2030-7Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) AssayMax ELISA Kit (WHO Standard Calibrated Positive Control Included)Sandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEV3010-1Human VTA1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEX1500-1Human XRCC2 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEKA2201-1Monkey Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEKA3201-1Monkey Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEKC3201-1Monkey Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEKH2003-1Monkey Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEKI7100-1Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEKI7201-1Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMA2500-1Mouse Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMA2201-1Mouse Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMA3201-1Mouse Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMA3477-1Mouse alpha-2-Antiplasmin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMM1115-1Mouse alpha-2-Macroglobulin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMA3301-1Mouse Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMA5301-1Mouse Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo-A1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMC1001-1Mouse C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMC1101-1Mouse Complement C1q AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMC3201-1Mouse Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMF7701-1Mouse Complement Factor D AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMC2501-1Mouse Cystatin-C (CST3) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEME2011-1Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMF1040-1Mouse Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMF2040-1Mouse Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMF1045-1Mouse Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMG2758-1Mouse Glutathione S-Transferase A1 (GSTA1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMG7150-1Mouse GOT1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMH2001-1Mouse Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMI3001-1Mouse Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMI1001-1Mouse Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMI1023-1Mouse Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMI2200-1Mouse Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMI3010-1Mouse Interleukin-10 (IL-10) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMI1006-1Mouse Interleukin-6 (IL-6) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEML2001-1Mouse Leptin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEML3510-1Mouse Lipocalin-2 (NGAL) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMM2304-1Mouse MUP1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMM8001-1Mouse Myoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMP1200-1Mouse Plasminogen (PLG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMP2211-1Mouse Plasminogen (PLG) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMP3022-1Mouse Prothrombin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMR1001-1Mouse Resistin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMR3005-1Mouse Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMS2735-1Mouse S100A4 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMA8201-1Mouse Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMS1001-1Mouse Stem Cell Factor (SCF) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMT1020-1Mouse Thrombin-Antithrombin (TAT) Complex AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMT2010-1Mouse TNF-alpha AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMT2105-1Mouse Transferrin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEMV1801-1Mouse VCAM1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitETA2202-1Rabbit Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERA2500-1Rat Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERA3922-1Rat Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERA2201-1Rat Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERA3201-1Rat Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERM1115-1Rat alpha-2-Macroglobulin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERA7010-1Rat Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERB1201-1Rat Brain Natriuretic Peptide 32 (BNP-32) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERB1202-1Rat Brain Natriuretic Peptide 45 (BNP-45) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERC1001-1Rat C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERC4101-1Rat Ceruloplasmin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERC1101-1Rat Complement C1q AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERC3201-1Rat Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERC3331-1Rat Complement C3b AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERF7055-1Rat Complement Factor H AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERF1040-1Rat Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERF2040-1Rat Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERF1045-1Rat Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERH1003-1Rat Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERH2003-1Rat Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERH2001-1Rat Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERI3010-1Rat Interleukin-10 (IL-10) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERP1200-1Rat Plasminogen AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERA8201-1Rat Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERT2538-1Rat TIMP-1 AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERT2010-1Rat TNF-alpha AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERT2105-1Rat Transferrin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERT3105-1Rat Transferrin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitERT5030-1Rat Transglutaminase 2 (TGM2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEPA2201-1Swine Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitCompetitive ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEPA3201-1Swine Albumin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEPH2003-1Swine Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEPP3022-1Swine Prothrombin AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
AssayMax ELISA KitEST5030-1Swine Transglutaminase 2 (TGM2) AssayMax ELISA KitSandwich ELISA96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCF1007Human Factor VII (Factor 7) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay KitChromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCF2007Human Factor VIIa (Activated Factor 7) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay KitChromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCF1010Human Factor X (Factor 10) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay KitChromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCF2010Human Factor Xa (Activated Factor 10) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay KitChromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCP1100Human Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay KitChromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCT4010Human Thrombin Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay KitChromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCT1002bHuman Tissue Factor (TF) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay Kit (Two step, Lipo)Chromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCT1001Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay KitChromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCU1001aHuman Urokinase (uPA) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay Kit (Direct Assay)Chromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
ChromogenicCU1001bHuman Urokinase (uPA) Chromogenic AssaySense Activity Assay Kit (Indirect Assay)Chromogenic Activity Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEA2201Human Albumin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEG5001Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEA5001Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEM2115Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEA6501Human Amylase AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitSandwich Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEA3303Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEC4001Human Ceruloplasmin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEC2101Human Complement C3 AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEC2102Human Complement C4 AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEF1040Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEF1045Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEG3801Human Gc-Globulin (Vitamin D-binding Protein, DBP) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEH1003Human Haptoglobin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEH1001Human Hemopexin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEI7001Human IgA AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEI7200Human IgG AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEI7301Human IgM AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEL1011Human Lactoferrin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEP2010Human Prealbumin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFER1005Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFET2105Human Transferrin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEKA2201Monkey Albumin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEKI7100Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEMA2201Mouse Albumin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFERA2201Rat Albumin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFEPA2201Swine Albumin AssayLite Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFA320111M2Human Albumin and Rat Albumin AssayLite Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay KitSandwich & Competitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFA500112M2Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin and Haptoglobin AssayLite Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFA500111M2Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin and Prealbumin AssayLite Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFAA3B2GP1Human beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies, IgA, IgG and IgM AssayLite Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay KitSandwich Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFH100311M2Human Ceruloplasmin and Haptoglobin AssayLite Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFC320161M2Human Complement C3 and Complement C4 AssayLite Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
AssayLiteFH100361M2Human Fibrinogen (FBG) and Haptoglobin (HP) AssayLite Multiplex Fluorescent Immunoassay KitCompetitive Fluorescent Assay96 Well Plate
FACS KitsFACS33059MHuman ACAD8 AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33003RHuman ACAT2 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33518MHuman Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS16951MHuman ADAMTS13 AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS35692FHuman Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS35692MHuman Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32180RHuman Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30030MHuman Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32028RHuman Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33145MHuman ADK AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32900MHuman ADPRH AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32922MHuman AHA1 AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32569FHuman AKT1 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32007MHuman Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32746MHuman Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32088MHuman Aldolase C AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS12061FHuman Alpha-Synuclein AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32171MHuman Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33118MHuman Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30112MHuman Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS35690MHuman Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32855MHuman ARA9 AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32618FHuman ATOX1 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32116FHuman ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33128AHuman BRD1 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS13551FHuman C1QBP AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30256MHuman Calcium and Integrin-binding 1 (CIB1) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33189RHuman Calpain small subunit 1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS35681MHuman Casein Kinase 1 alpha (CK1 alpha) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33276MHuman Centromere Protein B (CENP-B) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33200AHuman COPS8 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33199RHuman CSK AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32053RHuman CtBP1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS35613MHuman Cystathionase AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32991MHuman Diazepam Binding Inhibitor AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32610AHuman Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR) AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32014MHuman Enolase 1 AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32798AHuman FBP2 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS11321RHuman Ferritin (Liver) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30005RHuman Galectin-1 (Gal-1) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33370AHuman Glutathione Reductase AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33158FHuman GMF beta AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33171MHuman HB-EGF AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32265AHuman HBG2 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33107AHuman HspBP1 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS24133MHuman Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fab) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS24132MHuman Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fc) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS34105MHuman Immunoglobulin G1-Fc (IgG1-Fc) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS24107MHuman Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS34107MHuman Immunoglobulin G3-Fc (IgG3-Fc) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS24108MHuman Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS34108MHuman Immunoglobulin G4-Fc (IgG4-Fc) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30165MHuman Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30014MHuman Interferon Regulatory Factor 2 (IRF-2) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS31238MHuman Krueppel-like Factor 3 (KLF3) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32547AHuman LAP3 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS31398AHuman LPS-induced TNF-alpha Factor (LITAF) AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33106AHuman MDH1 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33123AHuman MTCP1 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32188AHuman Mucin-1 (MUC-1, CA 15-3) AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32189AHuman Mucin-16 (MUC-16, CA-125) AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS11552MHuman Myoglobin (Mb) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33084AHuman PCBD1 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33091AHuman PDAP1 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32551MHuman PEBP1 AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32626FHuman Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX2) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32706FHuman PPM1G AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32057FHuman Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33100AHuman PRTFDC1 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS36157AHuman PTEN-Like Phosphatase (PTPMT1) AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33089AHuman Rab4 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32550RHuman RAC1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitKitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33134AHuman RAD6 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32667AHuman RBBP9 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33109AHuman Shwachman Bodian-Diamond Syndrome AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30261FHuman Sialylated Lewis A Antigen (CA 19-9) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32611MHuman SOD2 AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33144AHuman SQSTM1 / p62 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32670FHuman TGFBR2 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS32251AHuman Thioredoxin / TRX AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS13016MHuman Thioredoxin-1 (TRX1) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33232FHuman Troponin C AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33428AHuman UBE2J2 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33328RHuman UBL4A AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33403AHuman ULBP4 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33439AHuman USP14 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS33253AHuman WDR68 AssayLite APC-Conjugated Antibody Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
FACS KitsFACS30022MPyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDH Complex) AssayLite Multi-Color Conjugated Antibodies Flow Cytometry KitFlow Cytometry KitKit
ICC KitsICC33059RHuman ACAD8 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33003RHuman ACAT2 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33518RHuman Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33392RHuman Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC16951FHuman ADAMTS13 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC35692FHuman Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC35692RHuman Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32180RHuman Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC30030RHuman Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33145FHuman ADK AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32900FHuman ADPRH AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32922FHuman AHA1 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32569RHuman AKT1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32007RHuman Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32746RHuman Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32088RHuman Aldolase C AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC30112RHuman Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC35690RHuman Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32855RHuman ARA9 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32618FHuman ATOX1 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32116FHuman ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC13551FHuman C1QBP AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33189RHuman Calpain small subunit 1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33063FHuman CAMK2N2 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33199RHuman CSK AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32053RHuman CtBP1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC35613RHuman Cystathionase AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32991RHuman Diazepam Binding Inhibitor AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32014RHuman Enolase 1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC11321RHuman Ferritin (Liver) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC30005RHuman Galectin-1 (Gal-1) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33158FHuman GMF beta AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33171RHuman HB-EGF AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC30014FHuman Interferon Regulatory Factor 2 (IRF-2) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC11552RHuman Myoglobin (Mb) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32626FHuman Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX2) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32706FHuman PPM1G AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32057FHuman Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32550RHuman RAC1 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33134RHuman RAD6 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32611RHuman SOD2 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33144RHuman SQSTM1 / p62 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC32670FHuman TGFBR2 AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC13016FHuman Thioredoxin-1 (TRX1) AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33232FHuman Troponin C AssayLite FITC-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33328RHuman UBL4A AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC33253RHuman WDR68 AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
ICC KitsICC30022RPyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDH Complex) AssayLite RPE-Conjugated Antibody ICC KitImmunocytochemistry (ICC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) KitKit
Negative ControlCEA25002Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEG50012Human Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA50012Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA51012Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA33012Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA33032Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA80122Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA88212Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC10012Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC11012Human Complement C1q AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC20012Human Complement C2 AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC21012Human Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC33012Human Complement C3b AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC21022Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC32022Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC51012Human Complement C5 AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC81012Human Complement C8 AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEC91012Human Complement C9 AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF70012Human Complement Factor B AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF77012Human Complement Factor D AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF70552Human Complement Factor H AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10092Human Factor IX AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10052Human Factor V AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10072Human Factor VII AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF20072Human Factor VII AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10102Human Factor X AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10112Human Factor XI AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10122Human Factor XII AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10132Human Factor XIII AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF20032Human Ferritin AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF10452Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEF20452Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEG38012Human Gc-Globulin AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEI72012Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEP12002Human Plasminogen (PLG) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low ControlControlVial
Negative ControlSEP3010-1Human Prealbumin (Transthyretin, TTR) AssayMax ELISA Kit StandardStandardVial
Negative ControlCEK21112Human Prekallikrein (PK) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEP13112Human Protein C AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEP13312Human Protein S AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA80012Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEA82012Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCET10012Human tPA AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Negative ControlCEV20302Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA25501Human ADAMTS13 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA25001Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA22011Human Albumin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA32011Human Albumin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG51012Human Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein AssayMax ELISA Kit Low (Negative) Reference ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG50011Human Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG51011Human Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA55011Human Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA50011Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEA51011Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEM51101Human Alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEM11151Human Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEM21151Human Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF60111Human Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA58011Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA36121Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA36511Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA36031Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA36011Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA33031Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA33011Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlSEA3301Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayMax ELISA Kit StandardStandardVial
Positive ControlCEA52011Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA53011Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA52221Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA53331Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA70011Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA801121Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA80121Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA81331Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA80031Human Apolipoprotein E (Apo E) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA88211Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA81211Human Azurocidin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEM50011Human Beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control Calibrated against WHO StandardControlVial
Positive ControlCEC10011Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEC31031Human Calprotectin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC32371Human Cathepsin G AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC42011Human Ceruloplasmin (CP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC11111Human Complement C1 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC11011Human Complement C1q AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC11021Human Complement C1r AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC20011Human Complement C2 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC21011Human Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC32011Human Complement C3 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC33011Human Complement C3b AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC33311Human Complement C3d AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC21021Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC32021Human Complement C4 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC22021Human Complement C4-Binding Protein (C4BP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC51011Human Complement C5 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC61011Human Complement C6 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC71011Human Complement C7 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC81011Human Complement C8 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC81201Human Complement C8 Gamma (C8G) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC91011Human Complement C9 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF70011Human Complement Factor B AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF77011Human Complement Factor D AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF70551Human Complement Factor H AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF80051Human Complement Factor I AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF80111Human Complement Factor P AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC23011Human Cystatin-B (CSTB) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC25021Human Cystatin-C (CST3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC24211Human Cystatin-D (CST5) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEC24421Human Cystatin-S (CST4) AssayMax ELISA Kit AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEE10011Human Elastase (Neutrophil ELA2) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEE22311Human Eosinophil Peroxidase (EPO) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10091Human Factor IX AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10051Human Factor V AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10071Human Factor VII AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF20071Human Factor VII AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10081Human Factor VIII AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10101Human Factor X AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF101021Human Factor X AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10111Human Factor XI AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10121Human Factor XII AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10131Human Factor XIII AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF27021Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 (FABP4) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF27051Human Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 5 (FABP5) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF20031Human Ferritin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEG35011Human Fetuin-A (Alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF20401Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF104021Human Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEF30211Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF-21) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF10451Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEF20451Human Fibronectin (FN) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG38011Human Gc-Globulin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG37801Human Ghrelin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG10011Human Glucokinase (Hexokinase-4) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG51331Human Glycyl-tRNA Synthetase (GARS) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA76521Human GOT2 AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEG10601Human GPIIbIIIa AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEH10031Human Haptoglobin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEH10011Human Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEH20011Human Hemopexin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEI70011Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control Calibrated against WHO StandardControlVial
Positive ControlCEI72001Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayMax ELISA Kit WHO Calibrated Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEI72011Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEI73011Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayMax ELISA Kit WHO Calibrated Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEI10011Human Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEI22001Human Interleukin-1 beta AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEI10061Human Interleukin-6 (IL-6) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEK10011Human Kininogen (HMW) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEL10111Human Lactoferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEL20111Human Lactoferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEL20011Human Leptin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEL23011Human Leucine-rich alpha-2-Glycoprotein (LRG1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEL30011Human Lipoprotein a [Lp(a)] AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEL30101Human Lysozyme AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEL30201Human Lysozyme AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEM65011Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA65011Human Pancreatic Amylase AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP12001Human Plasminogen (PLG) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP11001Human Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP30101Human Prealbumin (Transthyretin, TTR) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEK21111Human Prekallikrein (PK) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP13111Human Protein C AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP23121Human Protein C AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP13311Human Protein S AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEP33331Human Protein Z AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP23311Human Proteinase 3 (PR3, cANCA) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEP30231Human Prothrombin (Factor II) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCER10011Human Resistin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCER10051Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCER20051Human Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCER30051Human Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEA80011Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCEA82011Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCET10201Human Thrombin-Antithrombin Complex (TAT) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCET10021Human Tissue Factor (TF) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCET10051Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCET20101Human TNF-alpha AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCET10011Human tPA AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCET20011Human tPA AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Positive ControlCET21051Human Transferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCET31051Human Transferrin AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma ControlControlVial
Positive ControlCEV20301Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) AssayMax ELISA Kit Positive Reference Plasma Control (Calibrated against WHO Standard)ControlVial
Monoclonal Primary Abs65361-05111Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65361-05121Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65361-05141Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60111-05111Human alpha-Thrombin Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60111-05121Human alpha-Thrombin Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60111-05141Human alpha-Thrombin Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61772-05111Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65008-05111Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61772-05121Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65008-05121Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61772-05141Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65008-05141Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs63581-05111Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs63581-05121Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs63581-05141Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs78006-05141Human CD14 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70078-05141Human CD209 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70098-05141Human CD28 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70025-05141Human CD3 epsilon AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70029-05141Human CD314 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs78002-05141Human CD4 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs78010-05141Human CD71 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60231-05111Human Complement C3 Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60231-05121Human Complement C3 Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60231-05141Human Complement C3 Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60481-05111Human Complement C4 Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60481-05121Human Complement C4 Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60481-05141Human Complement C4 Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65020-05111Human Complement C4-Binding Protein (C4BP) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65020-05121Human Complement C4-Binding Protein (C4BP) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65020-05141Human Complement C4-Binding Protein (C4BP) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61180-05111Human Complement C5 Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61180-05121Human Complement C5 Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61180-05141Human Complement C5 Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61482-05111Human Complement C6 Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61482-05121Human Complement C6 Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61482-05141Human Complement C6 Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70028-05141Human CXCL12 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70018-05141Human CXCR2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70034-05141Human CXCR3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60284-05111Human Factor IX (Factor 9) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60284-05121Human Factor IX (Factor 9) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60284-05141Human Factor IX (Factor 9) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65001-05111Human Factor V (Factor 5) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65001-05121Human Factor V (Factor 5) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65001-05141Human Factor V (Factor 5) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65002-05111Human Factor VIIa (Factor 7a) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65002-05121Human Factor VIIa (Factor 7a) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65002-05141Human Factor VIIa (Factor 7a) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65003-05111Human Factor VIII (Factor 8) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65003-05121Human Factor VIII (Factor 8) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65003-05141Human Factor VIII (Factor 8) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65004-05111Human Factor X (Factor 10) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65005-05111Human Factor X (Factor 10) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65004-05121Human Factor X (Factor 10) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65005-05121Human Factor X (Factor 10) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65004-05141Human Factor X (Factor 10) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65005-05141Human Factor X (Factor 10) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60788-05111Human Factor XIa (Factor 11a) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60788-05121Human Factor XIa (Factor 11a) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60788-05141Human Factor XIa (Factor 11a) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65006-05111Human Factor XII (Factor 12) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65006-05121Human Factor XII (Factor 12) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65006-05141Human Factor XII (Factor 12) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60398-05111Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60398-05121Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60398-05141Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65007-05111Human Factor XIIIb (Factor 13b) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65007-05121Human Factor XIIIb (Factor 13b) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65007-05141Human Factor XIIIb (Factor 13b) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65033-05111Human Fibrinogen (FBG) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65033-05121Human Fibrinogen (FBG) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65033-05141Human Fibrinogen (FBG) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs78013-05141Human HLA-B7 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70128-05141Human IFN-gamma AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70039-05141Human IL-1 beta AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70228-05141Human IL-2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70011-05141Human IL-6 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70021-05141Human IL-8 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61011-05111Human Kininogen (LMW) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61011-05121Human Kininogen (LMW) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs61011-05141Human Kininogen (LMW) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65015-05111Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65040-05111Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65041-05111Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65042-05111Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65015-05121Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65040-05121Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65041-05121Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65042-05121Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65015-05141Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65040-05141Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65041-05141Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65042-05141Human Plasminogen (PLG) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65010-05111Human Protein C Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65010-05121Human Protein C Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65010-05141Human Protein C Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65009-05111Human Prothrombin (Factor II) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65009-05121Human Prothrombin (Factor II) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65009-05141Human Prothrombin (Factor II) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60180-05111Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60180-05121Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60180-05141Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65011-05111Human Tissue Factor (TF) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65011-05121Human Tissue Factor (TF) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65011-05141Human Tissue Factor (TF) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65101-05111Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65101-05121Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65101-05141Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70032-05141Human VEGF AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65017-05111Human Vitronectin (VTN) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65017-05121Human Vitronectin (VTN) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65017-05141Human Vitronectin (VTN) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65012-05111Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65012-05121Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs65012-05141Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70027-05141Mouse CXCL1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70058-05141Mouse G-CSF AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary AbsMAPCCONMouse IgG Isotype Control APC ConjugateFluorescent Label0.15 mg
Monoclonal Primary AbsMFITCCONMouse IgG Isotype Control FITC ConjugateFluorescent Label0.15 mg
Monoclonal Primary AbsMPERCPCONMouse IgG Isotype Control PerCP ConjugateFluorescent Label0.15 mg
Monoclonal Primary AbsMRPECONMouse IgG Isotype Control RPE ConjugateFluorescent Label0.15 mg
Monoclonal Primary Abs70068-05141Mouse IL-10 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70023-05141Mouse IL-17 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs70017-05141Mouse IL-6 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60150-05111Rabbit Albumin Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60150-05121Rabbit Albumin Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Primary Abs60150-05141Rabbit Albumin Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Secondary Abs60146-05111Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1-Fc) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Secondary Abs60146-05121Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1-Fc) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Secondary Abs60146-05141Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1-Fc) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Monoclonal Secondary Abs60145-05111Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) Monoclonal AntibodyIgG100 ug
Monoclonal Secondary Abs60145-05121Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate100 ug
Monoclonal Secondary Abs60145-05141Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) Monoclonal AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 50 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32011-05111Human GNPDA 1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32011-05121Human GNPDA 1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32011-05161Human GNPDA 1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32011-05141Human GNPDA 1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32011-05171Human GNPDA 1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32011-05151Human GNPDA 1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10282-050111-Dehydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10283-050111-Dehydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10981-050111-Dehydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10982-050111-Dehydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33051-0511111 alpha-Hydroxyandrostenedione AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10311-0501111 alpha-Hydroxytestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10321-0501111-Ketotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36842-0511111-Ketotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10351-0501117 alpha, 20 beta-DIHYDROXYPROGESTERONE AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10294-0511117 alpha-Methyltestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10295-0511117 alpha-Methyltestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10261-0501117-Hydroxyprogesterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36843-0511117-Hydroxyprogesterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10331-0501119-Nortestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10271-0501120-alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11691-050113-Keto-5 alpha,16-Androstene (Androstenone) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10051-050114-Androsten-17 alpha-OL-3-One (Epitestosterone) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10791-050115 beta-Dihydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10792-050115 beta-Dihydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10071-050115-Androsten-3 beta-OL-7, 17-Dione (DHEA) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10251-050116 beta-Hydroxyprogesterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10292-051116 Dehydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10293-051116 Dehydrotestosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10181-050116-Keto-17 alpha-Estradiol AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10191-050116-Keto-17 beta- Estradiol AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10201-050116-Ketoestriol AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10221-050116-Ketoestrone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10241-050117 alpha-Progesterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10381-05011Adrenorphin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10381-05021Adrenorphin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10011-05011Aldosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10021-05011Aldosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10022-05011Aldosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41011-05011Aldosterone AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10031-05011Aldosterone Diacetate AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10391-05011Allatostatin 1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10391-05021Allatostatin 1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10401-05011Allatostatin 2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10401-05021Allatostatin 2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10411-05011Allatostatin 3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10411-05021Allatostatin 3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10421-05011Allatostatin 4 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10421-05021Allatostatin 4 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10041-05011Allopregnanolone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36844-05111Allopregnanolone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36845-05111Allopregnanolone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36846-05111Allopregnanolone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36847-05111Allopregnanolone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10741-05011alpha-Endorphin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10741-05021alpha-Endorphin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33052-05111Androstenedione AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11112-05011Arginine Vasopressin ([Arg8] Vasopressin) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11112-05021Arginine Vasopressin ([Arg8] Vasopressin) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10491-05011Atriopeptin II AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10491-05021Atriopeptin II Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10481-05011Atriopeptin III AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10481-05021Atriopeptin III Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12005-05011Bovine Albumin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12005-05021Bovine Albumin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12005-05061Bovine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12005-05041Bovine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12005-05071Bovine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12005-05051Bovine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22111-05011Bovine Antithrombin III (AT III) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22111-05021Bovine Antithrombin III (AT III) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10611-05011Bovine beta-Casomorphin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10611-05021Bovine beta-Casomorphin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33492-05111Bovine Calmodulin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33492-05121Bovine Calmodulin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33492-05161Bovine Calmodulin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33492-05141Bovine Calmodulin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33492-05171Bovine Calmodulin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33492-05151Bovine Calmodulin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22266-05011Bovine Factor X AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22266-05021Bovine Factor X Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22266-05061Bovine Factor X AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22266-05041Bovine Factor X AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22266-05071Bovine Factor X AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22266-05051Bovine Factor X AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22262-05011Bovine Factor XIa AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22262-05021Bovine Factor XIa Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21255-05011Bovine Fibrinogen (FBG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21255-05021Bovine Fibrinogen (FBG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21255-05061Bovine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21255-05041Bovine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21255-05071Bovine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21255-05051Bovine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11361-05011Bovine Folate Binding Protein (FBP, FR-alpha) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11361-05021Bovine Folate Binding Protein (FBP, FR-alpha) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11361-05041Bovine Folate Binding Protein (FBP, FR-alpha) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs15751-05011Bovine Haptoglobin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs15751-05021Bovine Haptoglobin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs15751-05041Bovine Haptoglobin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36848-05111Bovine Myoglobin (Mb) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36848-05121Bovine Myoglobin (Mb) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11495-05011Bovine Plasminogen (PLG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11495-05021Bovine Plasminogen (PLG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11495-05061Bovine Plasminogen (PLG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11495-05041Bovine Plasminogen (PLG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11495-05071Bovine Plasminogen (PLG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11495-05051Bovine Plasminogen (PLG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22545-05011Bovine Protein C AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22545-05021Bovine Protein C Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22545-05041Bovine Protein C AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33250-05111Bovine SNRP70 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33250-05121Bovine SNRP70 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33250-05161Bovine SNRP70 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33250-05141Bovine SNRP70 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33250-05171Bovine SNRP70 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33250-05151Bovine SNRP70 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10561-05011Bradykinin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10561-05021Bradykinin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32878-05111C. elegans SNAP25 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32878-05121C. elegans SNAP25 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32878-05161C. elegans SNAP25 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32878-05141C. elegans SNAP25 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32878-05171C. elegans SNAP25 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32878-05151C. elegans SNAP25 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33344-05161Canine Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33344-05151Canine Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12105-05011Canine Albumin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12105-05021Canine Albumin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12105-05061Canine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12105-05041Canine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12105-05071Canine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12105-05051Canine Albumin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14078-05011Canine Apotransferrin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14078-05021Canine Apotransferrin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11922-05011Canine C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11922-05021Canine C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11922-05061Canine C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11922-05041Canine C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11922-05071Canine C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11922-05051Canine C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21251-05011Canine Fibrinogen (FBG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21251-05021Canine Fibrinogen (FBG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21251-05061Canine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21251-05041Canine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21251-05071Canine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs21251-05051Canine Fibrinogen (FBG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs15551-05011Canine Haptoglobin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs15551-05021Canine Haptoglobin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs15551-05041Canine Haptoglobin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33344-05111Canine Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33344-05121Canine Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33344-05141Canine Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33344-05171Canine Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14082-05011Canine Myoglobin (Mb) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14082-05021Canine Myoglobin (Mb) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14082-05041Canine Myoglobin (Mb) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13133-05011Canine Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13133-05021Canine Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13133-05061Canine Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13133-05041Canine Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13133-05071Canine Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13133-05051Canine Retinol-Binding Protein 4 (RBP4) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10591-05011Cardiodilatin (1-16) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10591-05021Cardiodilatin (1-16) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33113-05111Collagen alpha-3(IV) Chain (GBM) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33113-05121Collagen alpha-3(IV) Chain (GBM) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33113-05161Collagen alpha-3(IV) Chain (GBM) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33113-05141Collagen alpha-3(IV) Chain (GBM) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33113-05171Collagen alpha-3(IV) Chain (GBM) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33113-05151Collagen alpha-3(IV) Chain (GBM) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10061-05011Cortexolone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36840-05111Cortexolone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs40061-05011Cortexolone AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10091-05011Corticosterone 21-Acetate AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10101-05011Corticosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10102-05011Corticosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10103-05011Corticosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10104-05011Corticosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10121-05011Corticosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs40101-05011Corticosterone AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10141-05011Cortisol AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs40141-05011Cortisol AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10151-05011Cortisone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10651-05011Cortistatin 14 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10671-05011Cortistatin 29 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10671-05021Cortistatin 29 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32273-05111Dengue Virus 2 Envelope Protein (DENV) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32273-05121Dengue Virus 2 Envelope Protein (DENV) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32273-05161Dengue Virus 2 Envelope Protein (DENV) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32273-05141Dengue Virus 2 Envelope Protein (DENV) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32273-05171Dengue Virus 2 Envelope Protein (DENV) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32273-05151Dengue Virus 2 Envelope Protein (DENV) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10131-05011Deoxycorticosterone AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10291-05011Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10301-05011Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30267-05111DNA Topoisomerase I (TOP1, Scl-70) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30267-05121DNA Topoisomerase I (TOP1, Scl-70) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30267-05161DNA Topoisomerase I (TOP1, Scl-70) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30267-05141DNA Topoisomerase I (TOP1, Scl-70) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30267-05171DNA Topoisomerase I (TOP1, Scl-70) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30267-05151DNA Topoisomerase I (TOP1, Scl-70) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10701-05011Dynorphin A (1-17) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10701-05021Dynorphin A (1-17) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10711-05011Dynorphin B (1-9) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10711-05021Dynorphin B (1-9) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30109-05111E. coli Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30109-05121E. coli Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30109-05161E. coli Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30109-05141E. coli Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30109-05171E. coli Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30109-05151E. coli Carbonic Anhydrase 2 (CA2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30281-05111E. coli CysH AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30281-05121E. coli CysH Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30281-05161E. coli CysH AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30281-05141E. coli CysH AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30281-05171E. coli CysH AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30281-05151E. coli CysH AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32936-05111E. coli deoC AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32936-05121E. coli deoC Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32936-05161E. coli deoC AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32936-05141E. coli deoC AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32936-05171E. coli deoC AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32936-05151E. coli deoC AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32022-05111E. coli DnaJ AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32022-05121E. coli DnaJ Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32022-05161E. coli DnaJ AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32022-05141E. coli DnaJ AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32022-05171E. coli DnaJ AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32022-05151E. coli DnaJ AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32857-05111E. coli DnaK (1-384 aa) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32857-05121E. coli DnaK (1-384 aa) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32857-05161E. coli DnaK (1-384 aa) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32857-05141E. coli DnaK (1-384 aa) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32857-05171E. coli DnaK (1-384 aa) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32857-05151E. coli DnaK (1-384 aa) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32859-05111E. coli DnaK (385-638 aa) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32859-05121E. coli DnaK (385-638 aa) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32859-05161E. coli DnaK (385-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32859-05141E. coli DnaK (385-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32859-05171E. coli DnaK (385-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32859-05151E. coli DnaK (385-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32984-05111E. Coli DnaK (508-638 aa) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32984-05121E. Coli DnaK (508-638 aa) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32984-05161E. Coli DnaK (508-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32984-05141E. Coli DnaK (508-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32984-05171E. Coli DnaK (508-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32984-05151E. Coli DnaK (508-638 aa) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36830-05111E. coli DSBC AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36830-05121E. coli DSBC Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36830-05161E. coli DSBC AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36830-05141E. coli DSBC AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36830-05171E. coli DSBC AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36830-05151E. coli DSBC AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32864-05111E. coli GLK AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32864-05121E. coli GLK Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32864-05161E. coli GLK AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32864-05141E. coli GLK AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32864-05171E. coli GLK AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32864-05151E. coli GLK AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32699-05111E. coli Glycerol Kinase AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32699-05121E. coli Glycerol Kinase Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32699-05161E. coli Glycerol Kinase AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32699-05141E. coli Glycerol Kinase AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32699-05171E. coli Glycerol Kinase AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32699-05151E. coli Glycerol Kinase AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32540-05111E. coli GOR AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32540-05121E. coli GOR Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32540-05161E. coli GOR AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32540-05141E. coli GOR AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32540-05171E. coli GOR AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32540-05151E. coli GOR AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20012-05011E. coli GroEL AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20012-05021E. coli GroEL Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20012-05061E. coli GroEL AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20012-05041E. coli GroEL AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20012-05071E. coli GroEL AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20012-05051E. coli GroEL AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32898-05111E. Coli lDHA AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32898-05121E. Coli lDHA Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32898-05161E. Coli lDHA AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32898-05141E. Coli lDHA AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32898-05171E. Coli lDHA AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32898-05151E. Coli lDHA AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35738-05111E. coli Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35738-05121E. coli Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35738-05161E. coli Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35738-05141E. coli Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35738-05171E. coli Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35738-05151E. coli Maltose Binding Protein (MBP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30283-05111E. coli Methionine Aminopeptidase (MAP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30283-05121E. coli Methionine Aminopeptidase (MAP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30283-05161E. coli Methionine Aminopeptidase (MAP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30283-05141E. coli Methionine Aminopeptidase (MAP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30283-05171E. coli Methionine Aminopeptidase (MAP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30283-05151E. coli Methionine Aminopeptidase (MAP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33092-05111E. coli nanA AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33092-05121E. coli nanA Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33092-05161E. coli nanA AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33092-05141E. coli nanA AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33092-05171E. coli nanA AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33092-05151E. coli nanA AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32662-05111E. coli NDK AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32662-05121E. coli NDK Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32662-05161E. coli NDK Antibody AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32662-05141E. coli NDK Antibody AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32662-05171E. coli NDK Antibody AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32662-05151E. coli NDK Antibody AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32678-05111E. coli PPA AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32678-05121E. coli PPA Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32678-05161E. coli PPA AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32678-05141E. coli PPA AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32678-05171E. coli PPA AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32678-05151E. coli PPA AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32163-05111E. coli PYKF AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32163-05121E. coli PYKF Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32163-05161E. coli PYKF AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32163-05141E. coli PYKF AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32163-05171E. coli PYKF AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32163-05151E. coli PYKF AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32971-05111E. coli SKP AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32971-05121E. coli SKP Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32971-05161E. coli SKP AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32971-05141E. coli SKP AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32971-05171E. coli SKP AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32971-05151E. coli SKP AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30291-05111E. coli Superoxide Dismutase (SodA, MnSOD) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30291-05121E. coli Superoxide Dismutase (SodA, MnSOD) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30291-05161E. coli Superoxide Dismutase (SodA, MnSOD) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30291-05141E. coli Superoxide Dismutase (SodA, MnSOD) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30291-05171E. coli Superoxide Dismutase (SodA, MnSOD) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30291-05151E. coli Superoxide Dismutase (SodA, MnSOD) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30258-05111E. coli Thiol Peroxidase (TPX) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30258-05121E. coli Thiol Peroxidase (TPX) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30258-05161E. coli Thiol Peroxidase (TPX) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30258-05141E. coli Thiol Peroxidase (TPX) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30258-05171E. coli Thiol Peroxidase (TPX) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30258-05151E. coli Thiol Peroxidase (TPX) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32023-05111E. coli Thioredoxin Reductase (TRXB) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32023-05121E. coli Thioredoxin Reductase (TRXB) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32023-05161E. coli Thioredoxin Reductase (TRXR) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32023-05141E. coli Thioredoxin Reductase (TRXR) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32023-05171E. coli Thioredoxin Reductase (TRXR) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32023-05151E. coli Thioredoxin Reductase (TRXR) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33517-05111E. coli Tryptophanase (Tnase) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33517-05121E. coli Tryptophanase (Tnase) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33517-05161E. coli Tryptophanase (Tnase) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33517-05141E. coli Tryptophanase (Tnase) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33517-05171E. coli Tryptophanase (Tnase) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33517-05151E. coli Tryptophanase (Tnase) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30338-05111E. coli Uridine Phosphorylase (UPase) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30338-05121E. coli Uridine Phosphorylase (UPase) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30338-05161E. coli Uridine Phosphorylase (UPase) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30338-05141E. coli Uridine Phosphorylase (UPase) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30338-05171E. coli Uridine Phosphorylase (UPase) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30338-05151E. coli Uridine Phosphorylase (UPase) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33115-05111E.coli Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33115-05121E.coli Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33115-05161E.coli Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33115-05141E.coli Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33115-05171E.coli Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33115-05151E.coli Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31386-05111E.coli Glutaminase 1 (glsA1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31386-05121E.coli Glutaminase 1 (glsA1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31386-05161E.coli Glutaminase 1 (glsA1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31386-05141E.coli Glutaminase 1 (glsA1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31386-05171E.coli Glutaminase 1 (glsA1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31386-05151E.coli Glutaminase 1 (glsA1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35145-05111E.coli Glycerol Dehydrogenase (GLDA) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35145-05121E.coli Glycerol Dehydrogenase (GLDA) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35145-05161E.coli Glycerol Dehydrogenase (GLDA) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35145-05141E.coli Glycerol Dehydrogenase (GLDA) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35145-05171E.coli Glycerol Dehydrogenase (GLDA) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35145-05151E.coli Glycerol Dehydrogenase (GLDA) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33116-05111E.coli IDNK AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33116-05121E.coli IDNK Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33116-05161E.coli IDNK AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33116-05141E.coli IDNK AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33116-05171E.coli IDNK AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33116-05151E.coli IDNK AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10721-05011Endomorphin-1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10721-05021Endomorphin-1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10731-05011Endomorphin-2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10731-05021Endomorphin-2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10211-05011Ethynylestradiol AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10831-05011Exendin-3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10831-05021Exendin-3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10841-05011Exendin-4 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10841-05021Exendin-4 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10891-05011Galantide AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10891-05021Galantide Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10751-05011gamma-Endorphin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10751-05021gamma-Endorphin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33487-05111Genome Polyprotein (HCV-Core) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33487-05121Genome Polyprotein (HCV-Core) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33487-05161Genome Polyprotein (HCV-Core) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33487-05141Genome Polyprotein (HCV-Core) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33487-05171Genome Polyprotein (HCV-Core) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33487-05151Genome Polyprotein (HCV-Core) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs34007-05111Gliadin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs34007-05121Gliadin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11091-05011Goby Urotensin-2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11091-05021Goby Urotensin-2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32050-05111Hepatitis C Virus E2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32050-05121Hepatitis C Virus E2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32050-05161Hepatitis C Virus E2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32050-05141Hepatitis C Virus E2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32050-05171Hepatitis C Virus E2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32050-05151Hepatitis C Virus E2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33152-05111Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 NS3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33152-05121Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 NS3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33152-05161Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 NS3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33152-05141Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 NS3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33152-05171Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 NS3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33152-05151Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 NS3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30049-05111Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase (HARS) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30049-05121Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase (HARS) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30049-05161Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase (HARS) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30049-05141Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase (HARS) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30049-05171Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase (HARS) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30049-05151Histidyl-tRNA Synthetase (HARS) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30200-05111Histone Complex (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30200-05121Histone Complex (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30200-05161Histone Complex (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30200-05141Histone Complex (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30200-05171Histone Complex (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30200-05151Histone Complex (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30198-05111Histone Core Complex (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30198-05121Histone Core Complex (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30198-05161Histone Core Complex (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30198-05141Histone Core Complex (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30198-05171Histone Core Complex (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30198-05151Histone Core Complex (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32823-05111Human 14-3-3 sigma AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32823-05121Human 14-3-3 sigma Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32823-05161Human 14-3-3 sigma AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32823-05141Human 14-3-3 sigma AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32823-05171Human 14-3-3 sigma AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32823-05151Human 14-3-3 sigma AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36158-05111Human 26S Proteasome Subunit S5B (PSMD5) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36158-05121Human 26S Proteasome Subunit S5B (PSMD5) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36158-05161Human 26S Proteasome Subunit S5B (PSMD5) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36158-05141Human 26S Proteasome Subunit S5B (PSMD5) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36158-05171Human 26S Proteasome Subunit S5B (PSMD5) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36158-05151Human 26S Proteasome Subunit S5B (PSMD5) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35722-05111Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35722-05121Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35722-05161Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35722-05141Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35722-05171Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35722-05151Human 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2 (HSD17B10) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35734-05111Human 3-Ketodihydrosphingosine Reductase (KDSR) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35734-05121Human 3-Ketodihydrosphingosine Reductase (KDSR) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35734-05161Human 3-Ketodihydrosphingosine Reductase (KDSR) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35734-05141Human 3-Ketodihydrosphingosine Reductase (KDSR) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35734-05171Human 3-Ketodihydrosphingosine Reductase (KDSR) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35734-05151Human 3-Ketodihydrosphingosine Reductase (KDSR) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32660-05111Human 4-1BB Ligand AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32660-05121Human 4-1BB Ligand Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32660-05161Human 4-1BB Ligand AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32660-05141Human 4-1BB Ligand AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32660-05171Human 4-1BB Ligand AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32660-05151Human 4-1BB Ligand AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32822-05111Human 4E-BP1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32822-05121Human 4E-BP1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32822-05161Human 4E-BP1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32822-05141Human 4E-BP1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32822-05171Human 4E-BP1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32822-05151Human 4E-BP1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33077-05111Human ACAA1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33077-05121Human ACAA1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33077-05161Human ACAA1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33077-05141Human ACAA1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33077-05171Human ACAA1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33077-05151Human ACAA1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33059-05111Human ACAD8 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33059-05121Human ACAD8 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33059-05161Human ACAD8 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33059-05141Human ACAD8 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33059-05171Human ACAD8 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33059-05151Human ACAD8 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33451-05111Human ACAT1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33451-05121Human ACAT1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33451-05161Human ACAT1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33451-05141Human ACAT1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33451-05171Human ACAT1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33451-05151Human ACAT1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33003-05111Human ACAT2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33003-05121Human ACAT2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33003-05161Human ACAT2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33003-05141Human ACAT2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33003-05171Human ACAT2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33003-05151Human ACAT2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30131-05111Human Acid Phosphatase 1 (ACP1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30131-05121Human Acid Phosphatase 1 (ACP1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30131-05161Human Acid Phosphatase 1 (ACP1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30131-05141Human Acid Phosphatase 1 (ACP1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30131-05171Human Acid Phosphatase 1 (ACP1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30131-05151Human Acid Phosphatase 1 (ACP1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32602-05111Human ACP2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32602-05121Human ACP2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32602-05161Human ACP2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32602-05141Human ACP2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32602-05171Human ACP2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32602-05151Human ACP2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32665-05111Human ACP6 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32665-05121Human ACP6 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32665-05161Human ACP6 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32665-05141Human ACP6 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32665-05171Human ACP6 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32665-05151Human ACP6 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33518-05111Human Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33518-05121Human Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33518-05161Human Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33518-05141Human Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33518-05171Human Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33518-05151Human Acyl-CoA Synthetase Family Member 2 (ACSF2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35694-05111Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 11 (ACOT11) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35694-05121Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 11 (ACOT11) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35694-05161Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 11 (ACOT11) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35694-05141Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 11 (ACOT11) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35694-05171Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 11 (ACOT11) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35694-05151Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 11 (ACOT11) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36518-05111Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 7 (ACOT7) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36518-05121Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 7 (ACOT7) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36518-05161Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 7 (ACOT7) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36518-05141Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 7 (ACOT7) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36518-05171Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 7 (ACOT7) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36518-05151Human Acyl-CoA Thioesterase 7 (ACOT7) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33392-05111Human Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33392-05121Human Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33392-05161Human Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33392-05141Human Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33392-05171Human Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33392-05151Human Acyl-coenzyme A Thioesterase 8 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32206-05111Human Acylphosphatase-1 (ACYP1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32206-05121Human Acylphosphatase-1 (ACYP1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32206-05161Human Acylphosphatase-1 (ACYP1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32206-05141Human Acylphosphatase-1 (ACYP1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32206-05171Human Acylphosphatase-1 (ACYP1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32206-05151Human Acylphosphatase-1 (ACYP1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32776-05111Human ADAL AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32776-05121Human ADAL Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32776-05161Human ADAL AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32776-05141Human ADAL AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32776-05171Human ADAL AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32776-05151Human ADAL AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16951-05111Human ADAMTS13 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16951-05121Human ADAMTS13 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16951-05161Human ADAMTS13 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16951-05141Human ADAMTS13 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16951-05171Human ADAMTS13 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16951-05151Human ADAMTS13 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35692-05111Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35692-05121Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35692-05161Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35692-05141Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35692-05171Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35692-05151Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35689-05111Human Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35689-05121Human Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35689-05161Human Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35689-05141Human Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35689-05171Human Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35689-05151Human Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32180-05111Human Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32180-05121Human Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32180-05161Human Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32180-05141Human Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32180-05171Human Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32180-05151Human Adenylate Kinase 2 (AK 2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30030-05111Human Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30030-05121Human Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30030-05161Human Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30030-05141Human Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30030-05171Human Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30030-05151Human Adenylate Kinase 3 (AK 3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33097-05111Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33097-05121Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33097-05161Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK4) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33097-05141Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK4) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33097-05171Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK4) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33097-05151Human Adenylate Kinase 4 (AK4) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32028-05111Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32028-05121Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32028-05161Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32028-05141Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32028-05171Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32028-05151Human Adenylate Kinase Isoenzyme 1 (AK 1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32287-05111Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase (ADSL) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32287-05121Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase (ADSL) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32287-05161Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase (ADSL) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32287-05141Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase (ADSL) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32287-05171Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase (ADSL) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32287-05151Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase (ADSL) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32732-05111Human ADI1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32732-05121Human ADI1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32732-05161Human ADI1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32732-05141Human ADI1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32732-05171Human ADI1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32732-05151Human ADI1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10361-05011Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11741-05011Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11742-05011Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11743-05011Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32105-05111Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10361-05021Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11741-05021Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11742-05021Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11743-05021Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32105-05121Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10361-05061Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32105-05161Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10361-05041Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32105-05141Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10361-05071Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32105-05171Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10361-05051Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32105-05151Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33145-05111Human ADK AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33145-05121Human ADK Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33145-05161Human ADK AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33145-05141Human ADK AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33145-05171Human ADK AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33145-05151Human ADK AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30248-05111Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30248-05121Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30248-05161Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30248-05141Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30248-05171Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30248-05151Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32272-05111Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 3 (ARF3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32272-05121Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 3 (ARF3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32272-05161Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 3 (ARF3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32272-05141Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 3 (ARF3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32272-05171Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 3 (ARF3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32272-05151Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 3 (ARF3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33016-05111Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33016-05121Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33016-05161Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33016-05141Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33016-05171Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33016-05151Human ADP-ribosylation Factor 6 (ARF6) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30173-05111Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 1 (ARL1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30173-05121Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 1 (ARL1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30173-05161Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 1 (ARL1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30173-05141Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 1 (ARL1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30173-05171Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 1 (ARL1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30173-05151Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 1 (ARL1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32115-05111Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (ARL2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32115-05121Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (ARL2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32115-05161Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (ARL2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32115-05141Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (ARL2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32115-05171Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (ARL2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32115-05151Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (ARL2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30177-05111Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2-Binding Protein (ARL2BP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30177-05121Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2-Binding Protein (ARL2BP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30177-05161Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2-Binding Protein (ARL2BP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30177-05141Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2-Binding Protein (ARL2BP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30177-05171Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2-Binding Protein (ARL2BP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30177-05151Human ADP-ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2-Binding Protein (ARL2BP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32900-05111Human ADPRH AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32900-05121Human ADPRH Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32900-05161Human ADPRH AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32900-05141Human ADPRH AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32900-05171Human ADPRH AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32900-05151Human ADPRH AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10371-05011Human Adrenomedullin (AM) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10371-05021Human Adrenomedullin (AM) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33087-05111Human AGR3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33087-05121Human AGR3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33087-05161Human AGR3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33087-05141Human AGR3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33087-05171Human AGR3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33087-05151Human AGR3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32922-05111Human AHA1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32922-05121Human AHA1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32922-05161Human AHA1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32922-05141Human AHA1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32922-05171Human AHA1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32922-05151Human AHA1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32607-05111Human AHSP AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32607-05121Human AHSP Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32607-05161Human AHSP AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32607-05141Human AHSP AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32607-05171Human AHSP AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32607-05151Human AHSP AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33042-05111Human AIMP3/p18 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33042-05121Human AIMP3/p18 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33042-05161Human AIMP3/p18 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33042-05141Human AIMP3/p18 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33042-05171Human AIMP3/p18 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33042-05151Human AIMP3/p18 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32633-05111Human AKR1B10 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32633-05121Human AKR1B10 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32633-05161Human AKR1B10 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32633-05141Human AKR1B10 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32633-05171Human AKR1B10 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32633-05151Human AKR1B10 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33162-05111Human AKR1C1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33162-05121Human AKR1C1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33162-05161Human AKR1C1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33162-05141Human AKR1C1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33162-05171Human AKR1C1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33162-05151Human AKR1C1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32625-05111Human AKR1C3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32625-05121Human AKR1C3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32625-05161Human AKR1C3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32625-05141Human AKR1C3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32625-05171Human AKR1C3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32625-05151Human AKR1C3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33210-05111Human AKR1C4 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33210-05121Human AKR1C4 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33210-05161Human AKR1C4 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33210-05141Human AKR1C4 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33210-05171Human AKR1C4 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33210-05151Human AKR1C4 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32569-05111Human AKT1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32569-05121Human AKT1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32569-05161Human AKT1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32569-05141Human AKT1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32569-05171Human AKT1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32569-05151Human AKT1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32925-05111Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32941-05111Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32925-05121Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32941-05121Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32925-05161Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32941-05161Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32925-05141Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32941-05141Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32925-05171Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32941-05171Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32925-05151Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32941-05151Human Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, GPT) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12001-05011Human Albumin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12001-05021Human Albumin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12001-05061Human Albumin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12001-05041Human Albumin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12001-05071Human Albumin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12001-05051Human Albumin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32007-05111Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32007-05121Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32007-05161Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32007-05141Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32007-05171Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32007-05151Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase (AKR1A1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32753-05111Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1A (ADH1A) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32753-05121Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1A (ADH1A) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32753-05161Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1A (ADH1A) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32753-05141Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1A (ADH1A) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32753-05171Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1A (ADH1A) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32753-05151Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1A (ADH1A) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32746-05111Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32746-05121Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32746-05161Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32746-05141Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32746-05171Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32746-05151Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32262-05111Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32262-05121Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32262-05161Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32262-05141Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32262-05171Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32262-05151Human Alcohol Dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32005-05111Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32005-05121Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32005-05161Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32005-05141Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32005-05171Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32005-05151Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32705-05111Human ALDH2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32705-05121Human ALDH2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32705-05161Human ALDH2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32705-05141Human ALDH2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32705-05171Human ALDH2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32705-05151Human ALDH2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32564-05111Human Aldolase A AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32564-05121Human Aldolase A Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32564-05161Human Aldolase A AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32564-05141Human Aldolase A AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32564-05171Human Aldolase A AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32564-05151Human Aldolase A AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33331-05111Human Aldolase B AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33331-05121Human Aldolase B Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33331-05161Human Aldolase B AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33331-05141Human Aldolase B AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33331-05171Human Aldolase B AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33331-05151Human Aldolase B AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32088-05111Human Aldolase C AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32088-05121Human Aldolase C Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32088-05161Human Aldolase C AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32088-05141Human Aldolase C AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32088-05171Human Aldolase C AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32088-05151Human Aldolase C AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31289-05111Human Aldose Reductase (AR) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31289-05121Human Aldose Reductase (AR) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31289-05161Human Aldose Reductase (AR) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31289-05141Human Aldose Reductase (AR) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31289-05171Human Aldose Reductase (AR) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31289-05151Human Aldose Reductase (AR) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33012-05111Human ALIX AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33012-05121Human ALIX Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33012-05161Human ALIX AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33012-05141Human ALIX AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33012-05171Human ALIX AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33012-05151Human ALIX AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32918-05111Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32928-05111Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32918-05121Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32928-05121Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32918-05161Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32928-05161Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32918-05141Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32928-05141Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32918-05171Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32928-05171Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32918-05151Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32928-05151Human Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33202-05111Human ALKBH2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33202-05121Human ALKBH2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33202-05161Human ALKBH2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33202-05141Human ALKBH2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33202-05171Human ALKBH2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33202-05151Human ALKBH2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32860-05111Human alpha A Crystallin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32860-05121Human alpha A Crystallin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32860-05161Human alpha A Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32860-05141Human alpha A Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32860-05171Human alpha A Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32860-05151Human alpha A Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16931-05011Human alpha Amylase AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16931-05021Human alpha Amylase Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16931-05061Human alpha Amylase AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16931-05041Human alpha Amylase AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16931-05071Human alpha Amylase AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs16931-05051Human alpha Amylase AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32856-05111Human alpha B Crystallin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32856-05121Human alpha B Crystallin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32856-05161Human alpha B Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32856-05141Human alpha B Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32856-05171Human alpha B Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32856-05151Human alpha B Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32109-05111Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein 2 (ORM2, AGP2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32109-05121Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein 2 (ORM2, AGP2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32109-05161Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein 2 (ORM2, AGP2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32109-05141Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein 2 (ORM2, AGP2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32109-05171Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein 2 (ORM2, AGP2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32109-05151Human alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein 2 (ORM2, AGP2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12011-05011Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32220-05111Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12011-05021Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32220-05121Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12011-05061Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32220-05161Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12011-05041Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32220-05141Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12011-05071Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32220-05171Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12011-05051Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32220-05151Human alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid, AGP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11131-05011Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31101-05111Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11131-05021Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31101-05121Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11131-05061Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31101-05161Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11131-05041Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31101-05141Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11131-05071Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31101-05171Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11131-05051Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31101-05151Human alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (AACT) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11141-05011Human alpha-1-Antitripsin (A1AT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11141-05021Human alpha-1-Antitripsin (A1AT) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11141-05061Human alpha-1-Antitripsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11141-05041Human alpha-1-Antitripsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11141-05071Human alpha-1-Antitripsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11141-05051Human alpha-1-Antitripsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32603-05111Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32603-05121Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32603-05161Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32603-05141Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32603-05171Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32603-05151Human alpha-1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12051-05011Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12051-05021Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12051-05061Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12051-05041Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12051-05071Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12051-05051Human alpha-1-Microglobulin (A1M) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13081-05011Human alpha-2-Antiplasmin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13081-05021Human alpha-2-Antiplasmin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13081-05061Human alpha-2-Antiplasmin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13081-05041Human alpha-2-Antiplasmin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13081-05071Human alpha-2-Antiplasmin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs13081-05051Human alpha-2-Antiplasmin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11441-05011Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11441-05021Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11441-05061Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11441-05041Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11441-05071Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11441-05051Human alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33334-05111Human Alpha-2-macroglobulin Receptor-associated Protein AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33334-05121Human Alpha-2-macroglobulin Receptor-associated Protein Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33334-05161Human Alpha-2-macroglobulin Receptor-associated Protein AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33334-05141Human Alpha-2-macroglobulin Receptor-associated Protein AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33334-05171Human Alpha-2-macroglobulin Receptor-associated Protein AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33334-05151Human Alpha-2-macroglobulin Receptor-associated Protein AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33287-05111Human alpha-Actinin-1 (ACTN1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33287-05121Human alpha-Actinin-1 (ACTN1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33287-05161Human alpha-Actinin-1 (ACTN1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33287-05141Human alpha-Actinin-1 (ACTN1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33287-05171Human alpha-Actinin-1 (ACTN1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33287-05151Human alpha-Actinin-1 (ACTN1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32015-05111Human alpha-Endosulfine (ENSA) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32015-05121Human alpha-Endosulfine (ENSA) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32015-05161Human alpha-Endosulfine (ENSA) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32015-05141Human alpha-Endosulfine (ENSA) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32015-05171Human alpha-Endosulfine (ENSA) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32015-05151Human alpha-Endosulfine (ENSA) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12021-05011Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32221-05111Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12021-05021Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32221-05121Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12021-05061Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32221-05161Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12021-05041Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32221-05141Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12021-05071Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32221-05171Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12021-05051Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32221-05151Human alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30130-05111Human alpha-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenase alkB Homolog 3 (ALKBH3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30130-05121Human alpha-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenase alkB Homolog 3 (ALKBH3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30130-05161Human alpha-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenase alkB Homolog 3 (ALKBH3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30130-05141Human alpha-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenase alkB Homolog 3 (ALKBH3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30130-05171Human alpha-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenase alkB Homolog 3 (ALKBH3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30130-05151Human alpha-Ketoglutarate-dependent Dioxygenase alkB Homolog 3 (ALKBH3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12061-05011Human alpha-Synuclein AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32879-05111Human alpha-Synuclein antibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32911-05111Human alpha-Synuclein AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32933-05111Human alpha-Synuclein AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12061-05021Human alpha-Synuclein Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32879-05121Human alpha-Synuclein antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32911-05121Human alpha-Synuclein Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32933-05121Human alpha-Synuclein Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12061-05061Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32879-05161Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32911-05161Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32933-05161Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12061-05041Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32879-05141Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32911-05141Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32933-05141Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12061-05071Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32879-05171Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32911-05171Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32933-05171Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12061-05051Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32879-05151Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32911-05151Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32933-05151Human alpha-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11571-05011Human alpha-Thrombin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41571-05111Human alpha-Thrombin AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11571-05021Human alpha-Thrombin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41571-05121Human alpha-Thrombin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgY-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11571-05061Human alpha-Thrombin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11571-05041Human alpha-Thrombin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41571-05141Human alpha-Thrombin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgY-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11571-05071Human alpha-Thrombin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11571-05051Human alpha-Thrombin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32907-05111Human Amelotin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32907-05121Human Amelotin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32907-05161Human Amelotin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32907-05141Human Amelotin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32907-05171Human Amelotin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32907-05151Human Amelotin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35627-05111Human Amisyn AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35627-05121Human Amisyn Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35627-05161Human Amisyn AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35627-05141Human Amisyn AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35627-05171Human Amisyn AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35627-05151Human Amisyn AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11661-05011Human Amminoterminal Fragment Urokinase [ATF-Urokinase (uPA)] AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11661-05021Human Amminoterminal Fragment Urokinase [ATF-Urokinase (uPA)] Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33435-05111Human AMPK beta 2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33435-05121Human AMPK beta 2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33435-05161Human AMPK beta 2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33435-05141Human AMPK beta 2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33435-05171Human AMPK beta 2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33435-05151Human AMPK beta 2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32535-05111Human AMT AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32535-05121Human AMT Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32535-05161Human AMT AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32535-05141Human AMT AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32535-05171Human AMT AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32535-05151Human AMT AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33302-05111Human AMY-1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33302-05121Human AMY-1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33302-05161Human AMY-1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33302-05141Human AMY-1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33302-05171Human AMY-1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33302-05151Human AMY-1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11751-05011Human Amylin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11751-05021Human Amylin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33124-05111Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33124-05121Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33124-05161Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33124-05141Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33124-05171Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33124-05151Human Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31388-05111Human Angiogenin (ANG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31388-05121Human Angiogenin (ANG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31388-05161Human Angiogenin (ANG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31388-05141Human Angiogenin (ANG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31388-05171Human Angiogenin (ANG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31388-05151Human Angiogenin (ANG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32215-05111Human Angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32215-05121Human Angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32215-05161Human Angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32215-05141Human Angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32215-05171Human Angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32215-05151Human Angiopoietin-1 (ANG-1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33505-05111Human Angiostatin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33505-05121Human Angiostatin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33505-05161Human Angiostatin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33505-05141Human Angiostatin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33505-05171Human Angiostatin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33505-05151Human Angiostatin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10441-05011Human Angiotensin I AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10441-05021Human Angiotensin I Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10461-05011Human Angiotensin III AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10461-05021Human Angiotensin III Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11013-05011Human Angiotensinogen AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36822-05111Human Angiotensinogen AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11013-05021Human Angiotensinogen Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36822-05121Human Angiotensinogen Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36822-05161Human Angiotensinogen Antibody AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36822-05141Human Angiotensinogen Antibody AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36822-05171Human Angiotensinogen Antibody AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36822-05151Human Angiotensinogen Antibody AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32171-05111Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32171-05121Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32171-05161Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32171-05141Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32171-05171Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32171-05151Human Annexin A1 (ANXA1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33151-05111Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33151-05121Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33151-05161Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33151-05141Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33151-05171Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33151-05151Human Annexin A10 (ANXA10) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32036-05111Human Annexin A11 (ANXA11) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32036-05121Human Annexin A11 (ANXA11) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32036-05161Human Annexin A11 (ANXA11) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32036-05141Human Annexin A11 (ANXA11) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32036-05171Human Annexin A11 (ANXA11) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32036-05151Human Annexin A11 (ANXA11) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30219-05111Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30219-05121Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30219-05161Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30219-05141Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30219-05171Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30219-05151Human Annexin A13 (ANXA13) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33118-05111Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33118-05121Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33118-05161Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33118-05141Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33118-05171Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33118-05151Human Annexin A3 (ANXA3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30112-05111Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30112-05121Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30112-05161Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30112-05141Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30112-05171Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30112-05151Human Annexin A4 (ANXA4) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30241-05111Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30241-05121Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30241-05161Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30241-05141Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30241-05171Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30241-05151Human Annexin A5 (ANXA5) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32060-05111Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32060-05121Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32060-05161Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32060-05141Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32060-05171Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32060-05151Human Annexin A7 (ANXA7) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32024-05111Human Annexin A8 (ANXA8) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32024-05121Human Annexin A8 (ANXA8) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32024-05161Human Annexin A8 (ANXA8) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32024-05141Human Annexin A8 (ANXA8) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32024-05171Human Annexin A8 (ANXA8) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32024-05151Human Annexin A8 (ANXA8) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32924-05111Human Antistreptolysin O (ASO) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32924-05121Human Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32924-05161Human Antistreptolysin O (ASO) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32924-05141Human Antistreptolysin O (ASO) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32924-05171Human Antistreptolysin O (ASO) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32924-05151Human Antistreptolysin O (ASO) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12161-05011Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32063-05111Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41351-05111Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12161-05021Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32063-05121Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41351-05121Human Antithrombin III (AT3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgY-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12161-05061Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32063-05161Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12161-05041Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32063-05141Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41351-05141Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgY-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12161-05071Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32063-05171Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12161-05051Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32063-05151Human Antithrombin III (AT3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33434-05111Human AP3S1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33434-05121Human AP3S1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33434-05161Human AP3S1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33434-05141Human AP3S1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33434-05171Human AP3S1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33434-05151Human AP3S1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32597-05111Human APMAP AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32597-05121Human APMAP Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32597-05141Human APMAP AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32597-05161Human APMAP AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32597-05171Human APMAP AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32597-05151Human APMAP AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14080-05011Human Apolactoferrin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14080-05021Human Apolactoferrin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14080-05061Human Apolactoferrin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14080-05041Human Apolactoferrin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14080-05071Human Apolactoferrin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs14080-05051Human Apolactoferrin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11151-05011Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32615-05111Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41151-05011Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11151-05021Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32615-05121Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41151-05021Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgY-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11151-05061Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32615-05161Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11151-05041Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32615-05141Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41151-05041Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgY-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11151-05071Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32615-05171Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11151-05051Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32615-05151Human Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11161-05011Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41161-05011Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AntibodyIgY150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11161-05021Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41161-05021Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgY-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11161-05061Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11161-05041Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs41161-05041Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgY-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11161-05071Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11161-05051Human Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22011-05011Human Apolipoprotein A-IV (Apo A4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22011-05021Human Apolipoprotein A-IV (Apo A4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32139-05111Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32139-05121Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32139-05161Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32139-05141Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32139-05171Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32139-05151Human Apolipoprotein A-V (Apo A5) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20521-05011Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20521-05021Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20521-05061Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20521-05041Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20521-05071Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20521-05051Human Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20501-05011Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32041-05111Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20501-05021Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32041-05121Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20501-05061Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32041-05161Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20501-05041Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32041-05141Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20501-05071Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32041-05171Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20501-05051Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32041-05151Human Apolipoprotein C-I (Apo C1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20502-05011Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20502-05021Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20502-05061Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20502-05041Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20502-05071Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20502-05051Human Apolipoprotein C-II (Apo C2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20503-05011Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20503-05021Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20503-05061Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20503-05041Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20503-05071Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs20503-05051Human Apolipoprotein C-III (Apo C3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22210-05011Human Apolipoprotein E2 (Apo E2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22210-05021Human Apolipoprotein E2 (Apo E2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22210-05061Human Apolipoprotein E2 (Apo E2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22210-05041Human Apolipoprotein E2 (Apo E2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22210-05071Human Apolipoprotein E2 (Apo E2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22210-05051Human Apolipoprotein E2 (Apo E2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22211-05011Human Apolipoprotein E3 (Apo E3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22211-05021Human Apolipoprotein E3 (Apo E3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22211-05061Human Apolipoprotein E3 (Apo E3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22211-05041Human Apolipoprotein E3 (Apo E3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22211-05071Human Apolipoprotein E3 (Apo E3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22211-05051Human Apolipoprotein E3 (Apo E3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22212-05011Human Apolipoprotein E4 (Apo E4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22212-05021Human Apolipoprotein E4 (Apo E4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22212-05061Human Apolipoprotein E4 (Apo E4) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22212-05041Human Apolipoprotein E4 (Apo E4) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22212-05071Human Apolipoprotein E4 (Apo E4) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22212-05051Human Apolipoprotein E4 (Apo E4) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22222-05011Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32222-05111Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22222-05021Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32222-05121Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22222-05061Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32222-05161Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22222-05041Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32222-05141Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22222-05071Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32222-05171Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22222-05051Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32222-05151Human Apolipoprotein H (Apo H, B2GP1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32067-05111Human Apolipoprotein J AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32067-05121Human Apolipoprotein J Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32067-05161Human Apolipoprotein J AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32067-05141Human Apolipoprotein J AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32067-05171Human Apolipoprotein J AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32067-05151Human Apolipoprotein J AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22525-05011Human Apolipoprotein M (Apo M) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs22525-05021Human Apolipoprotein M (Apo M) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33440-05111Human Apoptosis Repressor with CARD AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33440-05121Human Apoptosis Repressor with CARD Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33440-05161Human Apoptosis Repressor with CARD AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33440-05141Human Apoptosis Repressor with CARD AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33440-05171Human Apoptosis Repressor with CARD AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33440-05151Human Apoptosis Repressor with CARD AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35690-05111Human Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35690-05121Human Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35690-05161Human Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35690-05141Human Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35690-05171Human Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35690-05151Human Apoptosis-Inducing Factor 1 (AIF) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12091-05011Human Apotransferrin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12091-05021Human Apotransferrin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12091-05061Human Apotransferrin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12091-05041Human Apotransferrin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12091-05071Human Apotransferrin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12091-05051Human Apotransferrin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32048-05111Human APRIL AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32048-05121Human APRIL Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32048-05161Human APRIL AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32048-05141Human APRIL AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32048-05171Human APRIL AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32048-05151Human APRIL AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32855-05111Human ARA9 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32855-05121Human ARA9 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32855-05161Human ARA9 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32855-05141Human ARA9 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32855-05171Human ARA9 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32855-05151Human ARA9 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33243-05111Human ARF4L AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33243-05121Human ARF4L Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33243-05161Human ARF4L AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33243-05141Human ARF4L AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33243-05171Human ARF4L AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33243-05151Human ARF4L AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33208-05111Human ARF5 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33208-05121Human ARF5 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33208-05161Human ARF5 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33208-05141Human ARF5 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33208-05171Human ARF5 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33208-05151Human ARF5 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32289-05111Human Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32289-05121Human Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32289-05161Human Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32289-05141Human Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32289-05171Human Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32289-05151Human Argininosuccinate Lyase (ASL) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33462-05111Human ARH3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33462-05121Human ARH3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33462-05161Human ARH3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33462-05141Human ARH3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33462-05171Human ARH3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33462-05151Human ARH3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32885-05111Human ARL11 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32885-05121Human ARL11 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32885-05161Human ARL11 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32885-05141Human ARL11 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32885-05171Human ARL11 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32885-05151Human ARL11 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32739-05111Human ARL14 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32739-05121Human ARL14 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32739-05161Human ARL14 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32739-05141Human ARL14 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32739-05171Human ARL14 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32739-05151Human ARL14 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33004-05111Human ARL3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33004-05121Human ARL3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33004-05161Human ARL3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33004-05141Human ARL3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33004-05171Human ARL3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33004-05151Human ARL3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32906-05111Human ARL5B AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32906-05121Human ARL5B Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32906-05161Human ARL5B AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32906-05141Human ARL5B AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32906-05171Human ARL5B AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32906-05151Human ARL5B AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33323-05111Human ARMET AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33323-05121Human ARMET Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33323-05161Human ARMET AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33323-05141Human ARMET AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33323-05171Human ARMET AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33323-05151Human ARMET AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33791-05111Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33791-05121Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33791-05161Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33791-05141Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33791-05171Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33791-05151Human Arylsulfatase A (ASA) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32248-05111Human Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32248-05121Human Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32248-05161Human Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32248-05141Human Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32248-05171Human Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32248-05151Human Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32069-05111Human ASAM AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32069-05121Human ASAM Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32069-05161Human ASAM AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32069-05141Human ASAM AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32069-05171Human ASAM AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32069-05151Human ASAM AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33449-05111Human ASGR2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33449-05121Human ASGR2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33449-05161Human ASGR2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33449-05141Human ASGR2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33449-05171Human ASGR2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33449-05151Human ASGR2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31335-05111Human Aspartate Aminotransferase -Mitochondrial (GOT2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31335-05121Human Aspartate Aminotransferase -Mitochondrial (GOT2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31335-05161Human Aspartate Aminotransferase -Mitochondrial (GOT2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31335-05141Human Aspartate Aminotransferase -Mitochondrial (GOT2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31335-05171Human Aspartate Aminotransferase -Mitochondrial (GOT2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31335-05151Human Aspartate Aminotransferase -Mitochondrial (GOT2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33034-05111Human Aspartate Aminotransferase, Cytoplasmic (cAspAT, GOT1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33034-05121Human Aspartate Aminotransferase, Cytoplasmic (cAspAT, GOT1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33034-05161Human Aspartate Aminotransferase, Cytoplasmic (cAspAT, GOT1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33034-05141Human Aspartate Aminotransferase, Cytoplasmic (cAspAT, GOT1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33034-05171Human Aspartate Aminotransferase, Cytoplasmic (cAspAT, GOT1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33034-05151Human Aspartate Aminotransferase, Cytoplasmic (cAspAT, GOT1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32663-05111Human Aspartoacylase (ASPA) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32663-05121Human Aspartoacylase (ASPA) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32663-05161Human Aspartoacylase (ASPA) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32663-05141Human Aspartoacylase (ASPA) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32663-05171Human Aspartoacylase (ASPA) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32663-05151Human Aspartoacylase (ASPA) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31337-05111Human Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase (AspRS, DARS) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31337-05121Human Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase (AspRS, DARS) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31337-05161Human Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase (AspRS, DARS) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31337-05141Human Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase (AspRS, DARS) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31337-05171Human Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase (AspRS, DARS) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31337-05151Human Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase (AspRS, DARS) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32729-05111Human ASPRV1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32729-05121Human ASPRV1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32729-05161Human ASPRV1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32729-05141Human ASPRV1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32729-05171Human ASPRV1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32729-05151Human ASPRV1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32853-05111Human ATF3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32853-05121Human ATF3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32853-05161Human ATF3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32853-05141Human ATF3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32853-05171Human ATF3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32853-05151Human ATF3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32244-05111Human ATG10 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32244-05121Human ATG10 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32244-05161Human ATG10 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32244-05141Human ATG10 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32244-05171Human ATG10 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32244-05151Human ATG10 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32747-05111Human ATG4B AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32747-05121Human ATG4B Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32747-05161Human ATG4B AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32747-05141Human ATG4B AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32747-05171Human ATG4B AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32747-05151Human ATG4B AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32618-05111Human ATOX1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32618-05121Human ATOX1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32618-05161Human ATOX1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32618-05141Human ATOX1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32618-05171Human ATOX1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32618-05151Human ATOX1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32116-05111Human ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32116-05121Human ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32116-05161Human ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32116-05141Human ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32116-05171Human ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32116-05151Human ATP Synthase Subunit O, Mitochondrial (ATP5O) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32504-05111Human ATP6V1F AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32504-05121Human ATP6V1F Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32504-05161Human ATP6V1F AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32504-05141Human ATP6V1F AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32504-05171Human ATP6V1F AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32504-05151Human ATP6V1F AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33404-05111Human ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1/IF1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33404-05121Human ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1/IF1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33404-05161Human ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1/IF1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33404-05141Human ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1/IF1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33404-05171Human ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1/IF1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33404-05151Human ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1/IF1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10471-05011Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10471-05021Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32656-05111Human Aurora A AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32656-05121Human Aurora A Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32656-05161Human Aurora A AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32656-05141Human Aurora A AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32656-05171Human Aurora A AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32656-05151Human Aurora A AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35693-05111Human Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35693-05121Human Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35693-05161Human Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35693-05141Human Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35693-05171Human Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs35693-05151Human Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32503-05111Human AZGP1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32503-05121Human AZGP1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32503-05161Human AZGP1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32503-05141Human AZGP1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32503-05171Human AZGP1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32503-05151Human AZGP1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12100-05011Human Azurocidin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12100-05021Human Azurocidin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12100-05051Human Azurocidin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12100-05061Human Azurocidin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12100-05041Human Azurocidin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12100-05071Human Azurocidin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33044-05111Human BAALC AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33044-05121Human BAALC Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33044-05161Human BAALC AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33044-05141Human BAALC AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33044-05171Human BAALC AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33044-05151Human BAALC AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32834-05111Human BAFF AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32834-05121Human BAFF Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32834-05161Human BAFF AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32834-05141Human BAFF AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32834-05171Human BAFF AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32834-05151Human BAFF AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33167-05111Human BAG1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33167-05121Human BAG1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33167-05161Human BAG1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33167-05141Human BAG1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33167-05171Human BAG1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33167-05151Human BAG1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32647-05111Human BAIAP2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32647-05121Human BAIAP2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32647-05161Human BAIAP2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32647-05141Human BAIAP2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32647-05171Human BAIAP2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32647-05151Human BAIAP2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32089-05111Human BATF AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32089-05121Human BATF Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32089-05161Human BATF AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32089-05141Human BATF AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32089-05171Human BATF AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32089-05151Human BATF AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32201-05111Human Bcl-2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32201-05121Human Bcl-2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32201-05161Human Bcl-2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32201-05141Human Bcl-2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32201-05171Human Bcl-2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32201-05151Human Bcl-2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32113-05111Human Bcl-2-like Protein 2 (BCL2L2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32113-05121Human Bcl-2-like Protein 2 (BCL2L2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32113-05161Human Bcl-2-like Protein 2 (BCL2L2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32113-05141Human Bcl-2-like Protein 2 (BCL2L2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32113-05171Human Bcl-2-like Protein 2 (BCL2L2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32113-05151Human Bcl-2-like Protein 2 (BCL2L2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32225-05111Human BCL2L10 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32225-05121Human BCL2L10 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32225-05161Human BCL2L10 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32225-05141Human BCL2L10 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32225-05171Human BCL2L10 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32225-05151Human BCL2L10 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33402-05111Human BCMA AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33402-05121Human BCMA Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33402-05161Human BCMA AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33402-05141Human BCMA AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33402-05171Human BCMA AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33402-05151Human BCMA AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32038-05111Human BDH2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32038-05121Human BDH2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32038-05161Human BDH2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32038-05141Human BDH2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32038-05171Human BDH2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32038-05151Human BDH2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32507-05111Human BDNF AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32507-05121Human BDNF Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32507-05161Human BDNF AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32507-05141Human BDNF AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32507-05171Human BDNF AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32507-05151Human BDNF AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33007-05111Human beta B1 Crystallin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33007-05121Human beta B1 Crystallin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33007-05161Human beta B1 Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33007-05141Human beta B1 Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33007-05171Human beta B1 Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33007-05151Human beta B1 Crystallin AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32619-05111Human beta IG-H3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32619-05121Human beta IG-H3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32619-05161Human beta IG-H3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32619-05141Human beta IG-H3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32619-05171Human beta IG-H3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32619-05151Human beta IG-H3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32177-05111Human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (GlcAT-I, B3GAT3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32177-05121Human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (GlcAT-I, B3GAT3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32177-05161Human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (GlcAT-I, B3GAT3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32177-05141Human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (GlcAT-I, B3GAT3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32177-05171Human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (GlcAT-I, B3GAT3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32177-05151Human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (GlcAT-I, B3GAT3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11451-05011Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11451-05021Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11451-05061Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11451-05041Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11451-05071Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs11451-05051Human beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10601-05011Human beta-Casomorphin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10601-05021Human beta-Casomorphin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32756-05111Human beta-Sarcoglycan (SGCB) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32756-05121Human beta-Sarcoglycan (SGCB) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32756-05161Human beta-Sarcoglycan (SGCB) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32756-05141Human beta-Sarcoglycan (SGCB) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32756-05171Human beta-Sarcoglycan (SGCB) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32756-05151Human beta-Sarcoglycan (SGCB) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12071-05011Human beta-Synuclein AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12071-05021Human beta-Synuclein Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12071-05061Human beta-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12071-05041Human beta-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12071-05071Human beta-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs12071-05051Human beta-Synuclein AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32870-05111Human BHMT AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32870-05121Human BHMT Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32870-05161Human BHMT AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32870-05141Human BHMT AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32870-05171Human BHMT AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32870-05151Human BHMT AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33452-05111Human BIF-1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33452-05121Human BIF-1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33452-05161Human BIF-1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33452-05141Human BIF-1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33452-05171Human BIF-1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33452-05151Human BIF-1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10911-05011Human Big Gastrin AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10911-05021Human Big Gastrin Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31230-05111Human Biliverdin Reductase A (BLVR A) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31230-05121Human Biliverdin Reductase A (BLVR A) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31230-05161Human Biliverdin Reductase A (BLVR A) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31230-05141Human Biliverdin Reductase A (BLVR A) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31230-05171Human Biliverdin Reductase A (BLVR A) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs31230-05151Human Biliverdin Reductase A (BLVR A) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32704-05111Human BLVRB AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32704-05121Human BLVRB Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32704-05161Human BLVRB AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32704-05141Human BLVRB AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32704-05171Human BLVRB AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32704-05151Human BLVRB AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32558-05111Human BMP-2 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32558-05121Human BMP-2 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32558-05161Human BMP-2 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32558-05141Human BMP-2 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32558-05171Human BMP-2 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32558-05151Human BMP-2 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32759-05111Human BMP-4 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32759-05121Human BMP-4 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32759-05161Human BMP-4 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32759-05141Human BMP-4 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32759-05171Human BMP-4 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32759-05151Human BMP-4 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32204-05111Human BMP-5 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32204-05121Human BMP-5 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32204-05161Human BMP-5 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32204-05141Human BMP-5 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32204-05171Human BMP-5 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32204-05151Human BMP-5 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32701-05111Human BMP-7 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32701-05121Human BMP-7 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32701-05161Human BMP-7 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32701-05141Human BMP-7 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32701-05171Human BMP-7 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32701-05151Human BMP-7 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32576-05111Human BNIP1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32576-05121Human BNIP1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32576-05161Human BNIP1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32576-05141Human BNIP1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32576-05171Human BNIP1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32576-05151Human BNIP1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30384-05111Human BolA-like Protein 1 (BOLA1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30384-05121Human BolA-like Protein 1 (hBolA) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30384-05161Human BolA-like Protein 1 (hBolA) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30384-05141Human BolA-like Protein 1 (hBolA) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30384-05171Human BolA-like Protein 1 (hBolA) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs30384-05151Human BolA-like Protein 1 (hBolA) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32521-05111Human BOLA3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32521-05121Human BOLA3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32521-05161Human BOLA3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32521-05141Human BOLA3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32521-05171Human BOLA3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32521-05151Human BOLA3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33147-05111Human BPGM AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33147-05121Human BPGM Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33147-05161Human BPGM AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33147-05141Human BPGM AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33147-05171Human BPGM AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33147-05151Human BPGM AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32217-05111Human BPHL AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32217-05121Human BPHL Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32217-05161Human BPHL AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32217-05141Human BPHL AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32217-05171Human BPHL AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32217-05151Human BPHL AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33446-05111Human BPI AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33446-05121Human BPI Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33446-05161Human BPI AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33446-05141Human BPI AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33446-05171Human BPI AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33446-05151Human BPI AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10531-05011Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10531-05021Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33128-05111Human BRD1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33128-05121Human BRD1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33128-05161Human BRD1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33128-05141Human BRD1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33128-05171Human BRD1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33128-05151Human BRD1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32575-05111Human BRD3 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32575-05121Human BRD3 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32575-05161Human BRD3 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32575-05141Human BRD3 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32575-05171Human BRD3 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32575-05151Human BRD3 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33338-05111Human BRDG 1 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33338-05121Human BRDG 1 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33338-05161Human BRDG 1 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33338-05141Human BRDG 1 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33338-05171Human BRDG 1 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33338-05151Human BRDG 1 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36818-05111Human Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36818-05121Human Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36818-05161Human Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36818-05141Human Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36818-05171Human Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36818-05151Human Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32318-05111Human C-C Motif Chemokine 22 (MDC) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32318-05121Human C-C Motif Chemokine 22 (MDC) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32318-05161Human C-C Motif Chemokine 22 (MDC) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32318-05141Human C-C Motif Chemokine 22 (MDC) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32318-05171Human C-C Motif Chemokine 22 (MDC) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32318-05151Human C-C Motif Chemokine 22 (MDC) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs18101-05071Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32990-05171Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs18101-05011Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32990-05111Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs18101-05021Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32990-05121Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs18101-05061Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32990-05161Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs18101-05041Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32990-05141Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs18101-05051Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32990-05151Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10621-05011Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32226-05111Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs10621-05021Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32226-05121Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32226-05161Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32226-05141Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32226-05171Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs32226-05151Human C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-05111Human C1 esterase inhibitor AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-06111Human C1 esterase inhibitor AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-05121Human C1 esterase inhibitor Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-06121Human C1 esterase inhibitor Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-05151Human C1 esterase inhibitor Antibody AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-05161Human C1 esterase inhibitor AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-05141Human C1 esterase inhibitor AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs36819-05171Human C1 esterase inhibitor AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33471-05111Human C11ORF79 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33471-05121Human C11ORF79 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33471-05161Human C11ORF79 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33471-05141Human C11ORF79 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33471-05171Human C11ORF79 AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33471-05151Human C11ORF79 AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33025-05111Human C1ORF41 AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33025-05121Human C1ORF41 Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33025-05161Human C1ORF41 AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Primary Abs33025-05141Human C1ORF41 AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40013-05011Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40013-05021Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40013-05061Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40013-05041Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40013-05071Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40013-05051Bovine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs32286-05111Canine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs32286-05121Canine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs32286-05161Canine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs32286-05141Canine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs32286-05171Canine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs32286-05151Canine Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs45010-05011Chicken Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs45010-05021Chicken Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsDARBI01Donkey anti-Rat IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsDARBI02Donkey anti-Rat IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsDARFITC01Donkey anti-Rat IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAGPBI01Goat anti-Guinea Pig IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAGPBI02Goat anti-Guinea Pig IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAGPFITC01Goat anti-Guinea Pig IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAHGBI01Goat anti-Human IgG-Fc Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAHGBI02Goat anti-Human IgG-Fc Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAHGFITC01Goat anti-Human IgG-Fc Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAMGBI01Goat anti-Mouse IgG-Fc Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAMGBI02Goat anti-Mouse IgG-Fc Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGAMGFITC01Goat anti-Mouse IgG-Fc Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGARBBI01Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGARBBI02Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGARBFITC01Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGARBI01Goat anti-Rat IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGARBI02Goat anti-Rat IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsGARFITC01Goat anti-Rat IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24101-05011Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24101-05021Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24101-05061Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24101-05041Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24101-05071Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24101-05051Human Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24102-05011Human Immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24102-05021Human Immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24102-05061Human Immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24102-05041Human Immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24102-05071Human Immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24102-05051Human Immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24103-05011Human Immunoglobulin A2 (IgA2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24103-05021Human Immunoglobulin A2 (IgA2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24103-05061Human Immunoglobulin A2 (IgA2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24103-05041Human Immunoglobulin A2 (IgA2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24103-05071Human Immunoglobulin A2 (IgA2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24103-05051Human Immunoglobulin A2 (IgA2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24111-05011Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24111-05021Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24111-05061Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24111-05041Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24111-05071Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24111-05051Human Immunoglobulin D (IgD) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24159-05011Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24159-05021Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24159-05061Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24159-05041Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24159-05071Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24159-05051Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24133-05011Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fab) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24133-05021Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fab) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24133-05061Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fab) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24133-05041Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fab) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24133-05071Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fab) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24133-05051Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fab) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24132-05011Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fc) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24132-05021Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fc) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24132-05061Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24132-05041Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24132-05071Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24132-05051Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24104-05011Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24104-05021Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24104-05061Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24104-05041Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24104-05071Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24104-05051Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24105-05011Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24105-05021Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24105-05061Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24105-05041Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24105-05071Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24105-05051Human Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34105-05111Human Immunoglobulin G1-Fc (IgG1-Fc) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34105-05121Human Immunoglobulin G1-Fc (IgG1-Fc) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34105-05161Human Immunoglobulin G1-Fc (IgG1-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34105-05141Human Immunoglobulin G1-Fc (IgG1-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34105-05171Human Immunoglobulin G1-Fc (IgG1-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34105-05151Human Immunoglobulin G1-Fc (IgG1-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24106-05011Human Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24106-05021Human Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24106-05061Human Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24106-05041Human Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24106-05071Human Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24106-05051Human Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34106-05111Human Immunoglobulin G2-Fc (IgG2-Fc) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34106-05121Human Immunoglobulin G2-Fc (IgG2-Fc) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34106-05161Human Immunoglobulin G2-Fc (IgG2-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34106-05141Human Immunoglobulin G2-Fc (IgG2-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34106-05171Human Immunoglobulin G2-Fc (IgG2-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34106-05151Human Immunoglobulin G2-Fc (IgG2-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24107-05011Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24107-05021Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24107-05061Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24107-05041Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24107-05071Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24107-05051Human Immunoglobulin G3 (IgG3) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34107-05111Human Immunoglobulin G3-Fc (IgG3-Fc) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34107-05121Human Immunoglobulin G3-Fc (IgG3-Fc) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34107-05161Human Immunoglobulin G3-Fc (IgG3-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34107-05141Human Immunoglobulin G3-Fc (IgG3-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34107-05171Human Immunoglobulin G3-Fc (IgG3-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34107-05151Human Immunoglobulin G3-Fc (IgG3-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24108-05011Human Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24108-05021Human Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24108-05061Human Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24108-05041Human Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24108-05071Human Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24108-05051Human Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34108-05111Human Immunoglobulin G4-Fc (IgG4-Fc) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34108-05121Human Immunoglobulin G4-Fc (IgG4-Fc) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34108-05161Human Immunoglobulin G4-Fc (IgG4-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34108-05141Human Immunoglobulin G4-Fc (IgG4-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34108-05171Human Immunoglobulin G4-Fc (IgG4-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs34108-05151Human Immunoglobulin G4-Fc (IgG4-Fc) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs30165-05111Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs30165-05121Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs30165-05161Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs30165-05141Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs30165-05171Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs30165-05151Human Immunoglobulin J Chain (IGJ) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24109-05011Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs44181-05011Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24109-05021Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs44181-05021Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24109-05061Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24109-05041Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs44181-05041Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24109-05071Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24109-05051Human Immunoglobulin M (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24112-05011Human Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24112-05021Human Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24112-05061Human Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24112-05041Human Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24112-05071Human Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs24112-05051Human Secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs36813-05111Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs36813-05121Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs36813-05161Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs36813-05141Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs36813-05171Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs36813-05151Monkey Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40011-05011Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Fc) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40011-05021Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Fc) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40012-05011Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40012-05021Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40012-05041Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40012-05071Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40012-05051Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40012-05061Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20511-05011Mouse Immunoglobulin M Kappa (IgM) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20511-05021Mouse Immunoglobulin M Kappa (IgM) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20511-05061Mouse Immunoglobulin M Kappa (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20511-05041Mouse Immunoglobulin M Kappa (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20511-05071Mouse Immunoglobulin M Kappa (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20511-05051Mouse Immunoglobulin M Kappa (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20512-05011Mouse Immunoglobulin M Lambda (IgM) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20512-05021Mouse Immunoglobulin M Lambda (IgM) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20512-05061Mouse Immunoglobulin M Lambda (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20512-05041Mouse Immunoglobulin M Lambda (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20512-05071Mouse Immunoglobulin M Lambda (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs20512-05051Mouse Immunoglobulin M Lambda (IgM) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRAGBI01Rabbit anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRAGBI02Rabbit anti-Goat IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRAGAPC01Rabbit anti-Goat IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRAGFITC01Rabbit anti-Goat IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRAGPER01Rabbit anti-Goat IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRAGRPE01Rabbit anti-Goat IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRASBI01Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRASBI02Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG Secondary Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate400 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRASAPC01Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRASFITC01Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRASPER01Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary AbsRASRPE01Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG Secondary AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40532-05011Rabbit Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40532-05021Rabbit Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40532-05041Rabbit Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40113-05011Sheep Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AntibodyIgG150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40113-05021Sheep Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (Biotin Conjugate)IgG-Biotin Conjugate150 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40113-05061Sheep Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (APC Conjugate)IgG-APC Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40113-05041Sheep Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (FITC Conjugate)IgG-FITC Conjugate2 x 75 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40113-05071Sheep Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (PerCP Conjugate)IgG-PerCP Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Polyclonal Secondary Abs40113-05051Sheep Immunoglobulin G (IgG) AssayLite Antibody (RPE Conjugate)IgG-RPE Conjugate5 x 30 ug
Deficient ProductsD250004Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD250007Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD250001Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD250010Human Adiponectin (ACRP30) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD500104Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD500107Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD500101Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD500110Human Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD265014Human Amylase Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD265017Human Amylase Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD265011Human Amylase Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD265010Human Amylase Deficient Plasma Deficient SerumPlasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD330104Human Antithrombin III Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD330107Human Antithrombin III Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD330101Human Antithrombin III Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD330110Human Antithrombin III Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100104Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100107Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100101Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100110Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD710104Human Complement C1q Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD710107Human Complement C1q Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD710101Human Complement C1q Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD710110Human Complement C1q Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsDD7101210Human Complement C1q/C4 Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210104Human Complement C3 Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210107Human Complement C3 Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210101Human Complement C3 Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210110Human Complement C3 Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210204Human Complement C4 Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210207Human Complement C4 Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210201Human Complement C4 Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD210210Human Complement C4 Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD510104Human Complement C5 Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD510107Human Complement C5 Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD510101Human Complement C5 Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD510110Human Complement C5 Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700104Human Complement Factor B Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700107Human Complement Factor B Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700101Human Complement Factor B Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700110Human Complement Factor B Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD770104Human Complement Factor D Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD770107Human Complement Factor D Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD770101Human Complement Factor D Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD770110Human Complement Factor D Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700504Human Complement Factor H Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700507Human Complement Factor H Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700501Human Complement Factor H Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD700510Human Complement Factor H Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100904Human Factor IX (Factor 9) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100907Human Factor IX (Factor 9) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100901Human Factor IX (Factor 9) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100910Human Factor IX (Factor 9) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100504Human Factor V (Factor 5) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100507Human Factor V (Factor 5) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100501Human Factor V (Factor 5) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100510Human Factor V (Factor 5) Deficient SerumPlasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100704Human Factor VII (Factor 7) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100707Human Factor VII (Factor 7) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100701Human Factor VII (Factor 7) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD100710Human Factor VII (Factor 7) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101004Human Factor X (Factor 10) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101007Human Factor X (Factor 10) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101001Human Factor X (Factor 10) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101010Human Factor X (Factor 10) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101104Human Factor XI (Factor 11) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101107Human Factor XI (Factor 11) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101101Human Factor XI (Factor 11) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101110Human Factor XI (Factor 11) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101204Human Factor XII (Factor 12) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101207Human Factor XII (Factor 12) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101201Human Factor XII (Factor 12) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101210Human Factor XII (Factor 12) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101304Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101307Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101301Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD101310Human Factor XIII (Factor 13) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD502514Human Ferritin Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD502517Human Ferritin Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD502501Human Ferritin Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD502510Human Ferritin Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD131104Human Kininogen (HMW) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD131107Human Kininogen (HMW) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD131101Human Kininogen (HMW) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD131110Human Kininogen (HMW) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD650104Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD650107Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD650101Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD650110Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Deficient SerumPlasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsHPNPEHuman Normal Pooled Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsHPNPHHuman Normal Pooled Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsHPNPCHuman Normal Pooled Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsHPNSHuman Normal Pooled SerumPlasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD120004Human Plasminogen Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD120007Human Plasminogen Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD120001Human Plasminogen Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD120010Human Plasminogen Deficient SerumPlasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133304Human Protein C Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133307Human Protein C Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133301Human Protein C Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133310Human Protein C Deficient SerumPlasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133104Human Protein S Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133107Human Protein S Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133101Human Protein S Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD133110Human Protein S Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD800104Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD800107Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD800101Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD800110Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD820104Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD820107Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD820101Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD820110Human Serum Amyloid P Component (SAP) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml
Deficient ProductsD110107Human tPA Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD110104Human tPA Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD110101Human tPA Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
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Deficient ProductsD203004Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Deficient Plasma (EDTA)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD203007Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Deficient Plasma (Heparin)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD203001Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Deficient Plasma (Sodium Citrate)Plasma1 ml
Deficient ProductsD203010Human Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) Deficient SerumSerum1 ml