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2019-03-30 文章来源: 浏览量:4798 分享到:

BD Biosciences.png



BD Biosciences provides flow cytometers, reagents, tools, and a wide range of services to support the work of researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.


(1)BD Biosciences的主要产品包括:

Fluorescence-activated cell sorters and analyzers

Monoclonal antibodies and kits for cell analysis

Reagent systems for life science research

Cell imaging systems

Laboratory products for tissue culture and fluid handling

Cell culture media supplements for biopharmaceutical manufacturing


(2)BD Medical的主要产品包括:

Needles and syringes

Intravenous catheters

Safety-engineered and auto-disable devices

Prefillable drug delivery systems

Prefilled IV flush syringes

Insulin syringes and pen needles

Regional anesthesia needles and trays

Sharps disposal containers


(3)BD Diagnostics的主要产品包括:

Integrated systems for specimen collection

Safety-engineered blood collection products and systems

Automated blood culturing systems

Molecular testing systems for sexually transmitted diseases and HAIs

Microorganism identification and drug susceptibility systems

Liquid-based cytology systems for cervical cancer screening

Rapid diagnostic assays

Plated media