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产品名称 AlumVax Hydroxide 货号AH0050 AH0250
货号: AH0050 AH0250 规格:
品牌: 热销产品 价格:
产品分类: 热销产品 研究领域:
CAS编号: 分子量:
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储存条件: 运输条件:
货期: 应用:
说明书: 备注:


AlumVax Hydroxide 

货号:AH0050 AH0250


AlumVax Hydroxide is wet gel (colloidal) of aluminum hydroxide 2%, provided as a ready-to-use suspension.

Aluminum hydroxide is the most common adjuvant used in approved prophylactic vaccines because of its excellent safety profile and ability to enhance protective humoral immune response. Since more than 80 years, it has been observed that aluminium compounds act by a depot effect and also by direct activation of the immune cells. Adsorption or entrapment of antigens in aggregates through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions favors a high local antigen concentration and improved uptake by antigen presentating cells (APC).

AlumVax hydroxide is a crystalline aluminum oxyhydroxide that is positively charged at physiological pH (pI=11), suitable for adsorption of negatively charged, acidic proteins (such as albumin).


50 mL

250 mL

Storage:Room Temperature

Shipping conditions: Room Temperature



50 mL



250 mL


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