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产品名称 Svar Lifescience现货试剂盒
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维百奥现货销售Svar Lifescience现货试剂盒

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品名:Svar Lifescience现货试剂盒


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1WIESLAB® Complement Alternative Pathway (RUO)


90a23711ecb3ede150f98a4114476b1.pngThe Wieslab® Complement System Alternative Pathway kit is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of functional alternative complement pathway and determination of complement deficiencies in human serum. Non-human primate and swine samples can also be assayed with Wieslab® Complement System Alternative pathway.

The Wieslab Complement assay combines tthe specific activation of the pathway with the use of labeled antibodies specific for a neoepitope of the terminal complement complex, C5b-9, produced as the result of complement activation. The amount of C5b-9 generated is proportional to the functional activity of the complement system. The convenient ELISA technology has several advantages compared to the traditional hemolytic assays.

2)WIESLAB® Complement MBL Pathway (RUO)


微信截图_20250206170928.pngThe Wieslab® Complement System MBL pathway kit is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of MBL complement pathway and determination of complement deficiencies in human serum. Non-human primate and swine samples can also be assayed with Wieslab Complement System MBL Pathway.

The assay combines the specific activation of each pathway with the use of labeled antibodies specific for a neoepitope of the terminal complement complex, C5b-9, produced as a result of complement activation. The amount of C5b-9 generated is proportional to  the functional activity of complement pathways.

3)WIESLAB® Complement Classical Pathway (RUO)


The Wieslab® Complement System Classical Pathway is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative and/or semi-quantitative determination of functional classical complement pathway and determination of complement deficiencies in human serum. Non-human primate and swine samples can also be assayed with Wieslab® Complement System Classical Pathway.


The Wieslab Complement System Classical Pathway assay combines the specific activation of the pathway with the use of labeled antibodies specific for a neoepitope of the terminal complement complex, C5b-9, produced as the result of complement activation. The amount of complement activation can be expressed either in a qualitative way relative the value of a positive control or in a semi-quantitative way using a calibrator curve derived from a separate lyophilized activity control. 

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