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产品名称 Quantidex Pan Cancer Kit (Diametra, CAT#49560)
货号: 49560 规格: 96T or more
品牌: Diametra 价格: ¥请咨询
产品分类: ELISA试剂盒 研究领域: Molecular Diagnostics, Human Genetics, Life Sciences
CAS编号: N/A 分子量: N/A
分子式: N/A 别名: Quantidex Pan Cancer Kit
储存条件: 4℃ 运输条件: 4℃
货期: 3-4周 应用: 科研
说明书: 请跟客服人员索取 备注:
The QuantideX? Pan Cancer Kit* is a next-generation sequencing (NGS) based workflow that incorporates both a multiplexed, gene specific PCR panel as well as supporting workflow elements, including the analytical and reporting features within one comprehensive kit. The kit, interrogates 46 gene regions (amplicons) within 21 genes, deemed to be of high clinical significance and potentially actionable* content in various human cancers. The scope of variants reported by the panel include >1,600 known COSMIC variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions-deletions (indels), and structural rearrangements targeted by the panel. A comprehensive NGS workflow, the kit includes all necessary reagents for pre-analytical DNA QC/quantification, gene specific PCR, library purification and quantification for sequencing with the Illumina chemistry. The modular kit design, comprising all necessary library preparation reagents and an easy-to-use push button analysis and reporting tool provide an “NGS-in-a-box” solution, tailored to researchers wishing to adopt an NGS-based test with minimal startup costs and without prior experience.
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