
产品名称 Seraseq® Compromised FFPE WT (DNA/RNA) RM (SeraCare)
目录号 0710-1710
别名 N/A
外观 N/A
分子量 N/A
溶解度 N/A
存储条件 N/A
保存时间 N/A
备注1 N/A
备注2 N/A
目录号 规格 价格 库存状态  
0710-1710 1 x 10 µm 咨询客服 咨询客服

品名:Seraseq® Compromised FFPE WT (DNA/RNA) RM



Product Specifications -  Seraseq Compromised FFPE WT (DNA/RNA) RM 

# of variants N/A 

Size 10 µm 

DNA yield* 205 ng 

RNA yield** 1,1165 ng 

Number of vials 1 Matrix FFPE 

*QIAamp FFPE DNA Tissue Kit 

**Agencourt Formapure RNA Kit 


Molecular assays that profile tumor mutations in solid tissue biopsies require an efficient and precise 

evaluation of the pre-analytic portion of their workflow prior to downstream analysis by NGS or other 

methods. Contrived reference material or cell line-based standard can provide a critical input in the 

optimization of nucleic acid extraction from very challenging FFPE tissue materials without wasting 

precious mutation-positive tissue samples. 

We have designed this FFPE cell line-based reference sample as a negative control to support the 

determination of assay specificity at wildtype base positions, as well as specificity at positions affected by 

mutations included in all of the Seraseq RNA and DNA (Mutation Mix and Reference Material) products. 

Cell line-based negative sample control (WT) 

Complementary assay control for all Seraseq DNA and RNA tumor reference materials 

Offered as light and moderate formalin-damaged FFPE for full process NGS assay workflow optimization 

Well-characterized GM24385 wild-type material 

Manufactured in GMP-compliant and ISO 13485-certified facility.



维百奥(北京)生物科技有限公司,自2018年与SeraCare(现隶属于LGC Clinical Diagnostics)合作以来,长期为中国客户





1)Next Generation Sequencing

2)Sanger Sequencing

3)Real-time PCR and digital PCR (dPCR)




1)Ready-to-use reference materials covering clinically-relevant variants and all variant types - SNVs, INDELS, CNVs, 

and RNA fusions

2)Highly multiplexed - provide significantly more data per NGS run, saving sequencing costs

3)Available in multiple formats to suite different workflow needs - purified DNA & RNA, ctDNA, encapsulated ctDNA 

in plasma, and FFPE

4)Manufactured in cGMP-compliant, ISO 13485-certified facilities

5)Stringent product release testing - all variants qualified by dPCR for allele frequencies or copy numbers
